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Hello, I'm the Doctor! Back and ready to be a noob again!

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I don't remember the last time a trip I was on ended up being dry

Was it the time we went to Arma with Ambler by any chance?

... Though you did get buckler right before we arrived.

I didn't get the buckler though, pretty sure that was ambler.





People in glass houses should shower in the basement.


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I don't remember the last time a trip I was on ended up being dry

Was it the time we went to Arma with Ambler by any chance?

... Though you did get buckler right before we arrived.

I didn't get the buckler though, pretty sure that was ambler.

Oh yeah
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What's all this nonsense about bucklers? They bring up bad memories of my last "drop" at arma.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Went to KK today with Ambler, Octarine and several others and got 3 drygore drops (mh longsword, oh longsword, and oh rapier) which split for ~40 mil total. All in all a good day, I screenied the rapier because I was the one that got the drop :)




Bought my offhand drygore mace because I have a feeling that the EEE is going to get nerfed eventually/soon and it's a safe bet that the drygore weapons aren't going to start sucking any time soon. Also managed to get 89 defense today at glakkers which I plan on doing for a DIY arma battlestaff.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Got arma hilt earlier. Was most impressed to see they are worth [bleep] all. So I feel a little better about your multihilt day


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Another good thing about using an OH drygore is you don't have to go get EEE every time you die :P


Or you can just save your eee everytime you die, then loot all the other stuff that doesn't have bogus *goes poof with magic and disappears on death* mechanic. :thumbup:


Got arma hilt earlier. Was most impressed to see they are worth [bleep] all. So I feel a little better about your multihilt day


How much did your sell for? All of mine went for ~5.5 so it was still a 22 mil profit day for me.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Any chance I can learn to KK with you guys? I added you.


I dont put together the teams ( ambler and octarine normally do) but I don't see why not as long as you dont mind dying and at least have a chaotic maul.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Awesome :) Dying is fine, and I have drygore rapiers, superior tetsu plate ( almost legs, and seasinger helm), and the rest lvl 70 gwd gear.


Use that for the first few kills till you get used to it then switch to void. Its not hard to survive in void and it is far superior for damage out put.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Rawr. Working on thieving tonight after work. Expect 86 thieving and nothing else from me tonight besides ports.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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Got 7 mil in splits from a drygore oh mace today. Also I'm about to rage quit. I've gotten about 30 prismatic pendants and I didn't realize that i could use them on the same skill if I just destroy it once it's finished so I have one for every skill now and I only wanted them for thieving, runecrafting, crafting, smithing, fishing, and slayer... [beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep][beep]


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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[bleep] off back to Australia


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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[bleep] off back to Australia









From my chair on the roof, in australia


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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You don't really have anyone to blame but yourself for that one.


Im already over it. Besides I made 10 mil yesterday.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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I got lucky like you.

I'm almost as cool as THE Tieszen.


Lucky how. Sued for copyright infringement!


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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I got lucky like you.

I'm almost as cool as THE Tieszen.


Lucky how. Sued for copyright infringement!






Sold my BCP and Tassets so I'm back up to a 73 mil cash pile.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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