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Farming Guild: The Orchard [with pics]


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Why? Why not?








Ive added a slight map to clarify things...








Theres 2 ways into the guild; north, and south via the Cooks guild...








The usual patches you see (Fruit Tree, Tree, Hops), as well as 4 compost bins, and 2 bucket spawns next to the well... Theres also a Farm shop where you can buy your plant cure, because as opposed to normal farm patches:
















I've added a Brewing vat in the cook's basement (which shouldve been done a long time ago, really), and a patch of grain which you can access through the farming guild...












Some patches and people you recognize, others you dont, i'll clarify the latter:








Expert Farmers: In every way the same as Master Farmers, but you have also a chance to get red and white grape seeds, and flowerbed seeds








Flowerbed: Makes pretty flowers as seen in "Garden of Tranquility", and can be picked too for wielding (like those you get from Mithril seeds)








Grapevine: Works exactly like bushes do (once checked for health, its like a grape spawn), and together with the brewing vat in the cooks guild (yeah, its time to re-do the making of wines) you can make red, rose and white whine because you can get red-grape seeds and white-grape seeds from the expert farmer...








4 red grapes makes 8 red wine




4 white grapes makes 4 white wine




2 red and 2 white makes rose wine








Why? Why not?








Theres also some Cows (dairy and otherwise), Chickens and Pigs added for esthetics (toss in a few stacks of hay, and straw-bale too) and easier cream/butter/cheese making, and perhaps ham and porkchops and spare-ribs in the future








speaking of that map? where is it?













Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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i agree with every thing except one, dont take the grape out of the cook guild, unless you replace it with a respawn of both others (red and white) because some ppl (like me) have good cooking skills, but bad farming (lvl 2) and it isnt fair to take a part of cooking away to satisfy another guild

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i agree with every thing except one, dont take the grape out of the cook guild, unless you replace it with a respawn of both others (red and white) because some ppl (like me) have good cooking skills, but bad farming (lvl 2) and it isnt fair to take a part of cooking away to satisfy another guild








then whats the point of grapevines... your suggestion would work if they both spawn slower then they would on the vine

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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esthetics :)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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then allow there to be 4 types of wine - regular, red, white, and rose, and allow the drop in the cooking guild to stay at the regular!

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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All wine - red, rose or white - is made from red grapes. With white wine the skins are taken out after the grapes are pulped, in red wine the skins are left in for the fermentation process.








Sultanas are made from white grapes.

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All wine - red, rose or white - is made from red grapes. With white wine the skins are taken out after the grapes are pulped, in red wine the skins are left in for the fermentation process.








Sultanas are made from white grapes.








shush, you're spoiling it ;)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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to many patches at 1 place...








you forget that 9 of these patches can only be used by rarer-then-normal seeds








fruit tree, tree, and flowerbed








flowerbed doesnt allow the limpwurt or marigold or nasurtiums to be grown, only those that are similar to mithril seeds (read 1st post)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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It is a nice plan, but i cant see it happening. It has way to many things in one place, the wine industry would go loopy(and f2p would lose there wine, meaning that a ton of p2p would start selling it at a stupid price, liek gloves). The expert farmer would mean that ,once a set of bushes or something had been setup, you could stay there forever leveling for ever in a simkple manner.








Pick potatoes




Cook with butter and cheese from a cow




Steal seeds while eating food




Plant crops




Make compost from excess




Pick potatoes












What else could you do there, you could also fill the tool leperacarn with buckets of super-compost then go to fally and bank them, then sell them to people unable to get into the guild.








The guild itself would need a lvl 40 minimum, if not then training would as easy as it is now hard. If the guild was ever introduce it would damage farming even worse than it already is (I like it the way it is, the only way they could make it better is with a chess board or something of the same sort of thing to pass the time.)








I can't see the point of lots of different colour wines, introducing them would cause a mad rush which would die down and they would become as useless as the bones to bananas spell is now (who carrys nature runes with them while hunting?).








With a few changes to the idea then maybe it would work(if this was real life then I would support you 100% but it would make the game to easy)












Get rid of the farmers, the tool leprechaun* and the cows.








In there palce add a tool box, a still(for mature beer), a chess set or more board games and a herb garden(where you can get cooking herbs** instead of potion herbs)












*the farming shop really solves that problem, but if it was really important you could have a tool crate or something with the same stuff without the buckets and compost








**dill, mint, thyme, etc.












Its a good idea but needs to still make life hard, otherwise it just becomes to easy

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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anyone else got any thoughts?

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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