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Primal Weapon Choices in EoC?


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Sorry, I see there are tons of topics on EoC-DG but none really had what I wanted.


I'm wondering, are 1H weapons in DG balanced to be as strong as same-tier 2H weapons without the additional power added by off-hands?

Say on the surface, 1H + OH = 2H. In DG, however, since there are no off-hands, do 1H = 2H?


Regardless of the above, what 1H weapon(s) are best? I assume it's all about speed since battleaxes are equal to warhammers and rapiers to longswords... Perhaps even meaning dagger is best.

Similarly, does it really matter whether I get a spear, 2H, or maul?

I'd really like to get a spear since it's been terrible for so long but looks so awesome. So really I suppose my question is are all Primal weapons practically equal now other than cosmetic differences?

I'd like to know so I can get some hunting done before EoC. Speaking of, where should I go to find other people to hunt for T11 drops? Is there a chat dedicated to this?


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I think in dg the focus will be more on sacrificing some of your offense for defense at the moment. With the addition of more binds you could potentially bind a shield. And to further answer your question during a live stream I believe mod mark mentioned that duel wielding would eventually come to dg, but not until later.

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My choices are much like the ones posted in Sell Dung:

Melee: 1.2h 2.Plate 3.Blood Necklace 4.Legs 10.Maul

Ranged: 5.Hex 6.Sag body 7.Sag legs Ammo1.Sag arrows +blood neck

Magic: 8.Celestial body 9.Celestial staff +blood neck

I haven't played beta much, but I've heard the staff counts as every type of elemental rune so...


The past few days it's been easy (takes ~30 seconds to a minute) to set up teams in w114 for hunts.


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Alright, so 1H DG weapons are not balanced to be equal to 2H ones, and people hunt on W114? Thanks guys :)

I am going to get a kite though. What 1H weapon should I use with the kite? I'm curious as to whether even Primal Dagger will be good in EoC, due to the supposed balancing.


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My choices are much like the ones posted in Sell Dung:

Melee: 1.2h 2.Plate 3.Blood Necklace 4.Legs 10.Maul

Ranged: 5.Hex 6.Sag body 7.Sag legs Ammo1.Sag arrows +blood neck

Magic: 8.Celestial body 9.Celestial staff +blood neck

I haven't played beta much, but I've heard the staff counts as every type of elemental rune so...


The past few days it's been easy (takes ~30 seconds to a minute) to set up teams in w114 for hunts.


will defense really be that much more important in EOC? What is the viability of using gaunts over prim legs?


Not being snarky, since I have actually not tried beta at all yet :P

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Up to you to be honest, personally, I chose spear, mostly because a good chunk of dung npcs are weak to stab (for example, soulgazers and any stalker boss). In eoc, all 2h weapons have the same speed and damage, but they are sub-type bound. Meaning, 2h = slash, maul = crush, spear = stab (a lot like sara sword = crush, zamorak spear = stab, godswords = slash outside of dung). If a monster is weak to melee, you will have the advantage regardless of sub-type, as opposed to now, where you can, say, slash a ranger in leather and hit him a lot, but with crush you miss a lot; in eoc, you won't miss a lot with crush on a ranger, due to rangers being weak to melee, but slash still works best as they have a sub-type weakness towards slash (which isn't much really, but it's still best option).


So in eoc, it basically goes like this: subtype > class/type > class/npc that type is strong against


Or if we were to apply examples: Slash > Melee > Ranger


Or if we were to apply an example for certain monsters/gear: Crush > Melee > Skeletons / Stab > Melee > Stalkers / Slash > Melee > Zombies / and so on...


Source: lots of time testing dung and subtypes in eoc.


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will defense really be that much more important in EOC? What is the viability of using gaunts over prim legs?


Not being snarky, since I have actually not tried beta at all yet :P

Because armour pieces only provide LP and armour boosts, boots and gauntlets are far inferior (and almost pointless) compared to bigger items like Primal Legs/Helm.


@Berenice, I thought spear was fast speed (as opposed to maul/2h average speed), which means that it'd suffer from less overkill loss? Veil Cypher mentioned that it'd be a better bind than maul or 2h in EoC, and maul would be better than 2h due to the greater number of crush weak monsters compared to slash weak monsters.


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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will defense really be that much more important in EOC? What is the viability of using gaunts over prim legs?


Not being snarky, since I have actually not tried beta at all yet :P

Because armour pieces only provide LP and armour boosts, boots and gauntlets are far inferior (and almost pointless) compared to bigger items like Primal Legs/Helm.


@Berenice, I thought spear was fast speed (as opposed to maul/2h average speed), which means that it'd suffer from less overkill loss? Veil Cypher mentioned that it'd be a better bind than maul or 2h in EoC, and maul would be better than 2h due to the greater number of crush weak monsters compared to slash weak monsters.

Afaik, that's how it's going to be in live eoc. Let's just wait and see, because if spear turns out being faster as it is now (highly doubt with that dmg thing), then it's definitely the best bind, by far.


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I thought it was fast but had damage scaled down anyway (to match DPS at tier 99), but simply by virtue of having less damage it'd suffer from less overkill loss and be a better DPS bind :P


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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