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the effects of runescape


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not to say anything bad about runescape, i love it




however, i find that people who play runescape are very different irl








summer 2004 two years ago, i met some guy who was pretty new to the game, he seemed nice, we chatted








but now today, he doesnt seem as nice, he rarely talks and focuses his time on rs just playing the game.








also, having went from grade 8 to high school ive met a lot of new people. ive met people who play runescape!








but those people, arent very social, are quiet, have nothing to say in classroom discussions and when they do talk, talk about runescape








just what i have noticed...

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runescape sucks you in and steals your life away from you.....no offence JAGeX but it does. i advise that you do other things like play with your friends (if any) in a game of.....soccer or something else, not on a/through a computer. you have to socialise regularly to reduce the effects.


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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well, im out of RS for a while actually. i have more games....i just got worms 3D today, so ill be off runescape for....about.....1 month at most.




i will only cheat when i have the game finished...








and i play runescape and i dont stay silent, well, actually i do, but i only talk to insult somebody just after he insulted somebody else.


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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I think that is not neccessarily true.








It is all to do with self control








I have played rs pretty muhc since it began and intensively over the past 2 years. But I still have an extremely active social life and succesfully mantain a status of one of the most popular kids within my year group


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Guest AshKaYu

^^^What she said, except for popular. Popular people are horrible, except for roughly 5% of them. They are backstabbers, whiners and show-offs.








On-topic: I have a kid in my class like that. He's pale, slightly underweight and quiet. His grades used to be 85%+, but now never above 90. I feel so guilty!

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^^^What she said, except for popular. Popular people are horrible, except for roughly 5% of them. They are backstabbers, whiners and show-offs.












I agree








[on topic] it all has to do with self controll

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It doesn't have an affect on my life that much. Only effect it really has is I heard 2 kids on my buss talking about it lol. I think there like level 50's or something, so I decided I won't tell them that I play lol.

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yeah, the effects of the game are relative to self-control




btw there are no popular people in my school, people just stay together in groups, and off topic, there are no announcments in my school




but the thing is, one of the people i know who play the game actually rarely plays, but is pretty quiet and stuff at school...

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only advice is when u get people from ur school addicted to the game dont trust them. I hear more and more everday that their best friends, or friend in real life stole money, or a rare item from them, or their account.








- so if u get someone addicted dont trust him with ur account or items

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lol. yeh your also in 8th grade where you find out who you really are and join ur stupid clicks..








HEY! i got a frined in college who dropped out to play WOW! YEH! rs isnt as addicting as EQ and WOW. RS is like the third most played mmorpg?? where WOW and EQ are like 1 and two.

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^^^What she said, except for popular. Popular people are horrible, except for roughly 5% of them. They are backstabbers, whiners and show-offs.








On-topic: I have a kid in my class like that. He's pale, slightly underweight and quiet. His grades used to be 85%+, but now never above 90. I feel so guilty!








since I am the only one who said stuff about popular I will assume you were refering to what I postd in whihc case I am a he not a she.








And I agree totall most popular kids are horrible, but thankfully I am not granted I may hold that status but I do not fit that label. I mean to be perfectly blunt I could basically raise peoples perceptions of me by leaving my current friends to hang out with the other popular kids who like me, but they are all so fake its much nicer to say with my current friends even if many of them are classed as geeks








And on topic again yes self control is th key


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why it is best to quit now, but i USED to know people like that. I dont hang around with people like that :wink:

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