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If this is true, In a few years/months the US goverment will prohibit playing games, in the Gender RPG, MMORPG, because, I have seen, read, and listened histories of people who killed itself just because lost an Item or was Scammed, I people continue doing this... No more RPG games for the world... How selfish this person can be? Can't them see that killing theirselfs just for a game is ridicullous, and at the age of 14! :shock:








Where the world is coming to?
















You do not understand that was the final straw not the main reason that was the thing that pushed him over the edge not the only reason it was one reason among many R.I.P

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Maybe I don't exactly have the right tone for this thread, but this is pathetic. Anyone who takes their own life deserves no sympathy.








I truly hope one day you may feel the pain of a depression yourself.




If it's true what Maarten did then it can never be because of something as silly as a RS scam, even though it may have been everything he had in RS. He most likely was depressed already, had severe problems in his real life, perhaps family problems as well, and now that his 'best' friend scammed him it must've become too much for him. But one fact can never lead to suicide, it's always a combination of multiple factors, the disease we know as depression often being the most important one.




Why can't people see that depression is just a disease inside some1's brain? Damn them, I wish they'd be confronted with it some day so that they can stop treating those people as mentally weak idiots.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Maybe I don't exactly have the right tone for this thread, but this is pathetic. Anyone who takes their own life deserves no sympathy.








I truly hope one day you may feel the pain of a depression yourself.




If it's true what Maarten did then it can never be because of something as silly as a RS scam, even though it may have been everything he had in RS. He most likely was depressed already, had severe problems in his real life, perhaps family problems as well, and now that his 'best' friend scammed him it must've become too much for him. But one fact can never lead to suicide, it's always a combination of multiple factors, the disease we know as depression often being the most important one.




Why can't people see that depression is just a disease inside some1's brain? Damn them, I wish they'd be confronted with it some day so that they can stop treating those people as mentally weak idiots.








There are generally two things which I feel are evil in this world: Killing and lying. (Though lying is a bifferent issue which I will not get into now.) Killing someone is almost never justified (there are exceptions... If the only way to stop a murderer is to kill him, then I would have to accept that he must be killed... But only as a final option), and killing yourself is NEVER justified.








It's just something that I feel very strongly about. No matter how cliche it sounds, people should treasure their lives. I believe that everyone has a purpose in their life and you shouldn't be quick to dismiss your life as unnecessary.

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What a party pooper.




Not funny, have some respect. :x








their not the only one in this topic with no respect. All you people saying how selfish it was the he killed himself are sick. Yes it may be selfish but he killed himself and is no longer here. He obviously had a rough life and didnt feel he can handle it anymore. I feel bad for his family because im sure the researched the game that was a factor in his death and i really hope the dont see some of the things people have said about him on here. very sad.....

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What a party pooper.




Not funny, have some respect. :x








their not the only one in this topic with no respect. All you people saying how selfish it was the he killed himself are sick. Yes it may be selfish but he killed himself and is no longer here. He obviously had a rough life and didnt feel he can handle it anymore. I feel bad for his family because im sure the researched the game that was a factor in his death and i really hope the dont see some of the things people have said about him on here. very sad.....








I do feel bad for his family too. It's a shame that they have to lose a loved one because he couldn't cope with life anymore. I don't feel sorry for him though.

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I believe that everyone has a purpose in their life and you shouldn't be quick to dismiss your life as unnecessary.








Yeah well, so do I. And yet you've got to understand depressed people; they don't just 'kill themselves'. They always carefully plan what they're going to do, how and when. And it often takes months, years even before they actually take their first and possibly final attempt to kill themselves.




It's not without a reason that people take a decission as big as that you know.




Imagine you're so down, so incredibly sick of everything you do, the same things happening over and over again, same misery in the entire world, but worse, the same misery in your own life, that you think it'd be better for the few people you care about that you're not there anymore? That they'd be better off without you at all? And you don't want to carry on the stupid life you were leading, you'd rather put an end to all of your suffering.








Then what would you do?








I'd most likely talk about it, eventually just think: "yeah, thats life, I'll just have to make the best of it and have as much fun as possible". But there are heaps of people who can't talk about it, just because they're too shy, too modest r whatever the reason may be. Combine this growing frustration of life with a disease inside your brain that slowly smutters your feelings about all that is good and you have yourself a depressed person. Those people shouldn't be called weak or whatever you want to call them, they're sick and need treatment, treatment from their environment or treatment from a psychiater.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Maybe I don't exactly have the right tone for this thread, but this is pathetic. Anyone who takes their own life deserves no sympathy.
I believe suicide is the most selfish thing in the world you can do. As long as there is one person in the world who might care about you, you are causing tremendous grief to that person(s). Despite this, I do feel sorry for this young man - at that age no one deserves to have their life cut short, even if it's through their own doing. I really feel for his parents, friends, and HoF. Suicide is one thing that is just so sad, and has no reason to ever occur.








people that commit suicide are losers.

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Maybe I don't exactly have the right tone for this thread, but this is pathetic. Anyone who takes their own life deserves no sympathy.
I believe suicide is the most selfish thing in the world you can do. As long as there is one person in the world who might care about you, you are causing tremendous grief to that person(s). Despite this, I do feel sorry for this young man - at that age no one deserves to have their life cut short, even if it's through their own doing. I really feel for his parents, friends, and HoF. Suicide is one thing that is just so sad, and has no reason to ever occur.








people that commit suicide are losers.




Actually they're not, although i DON'T agree that suicide is OK by ANY MEANS, most of it is in thought, alot of people that commit suicide have mental stability issues, or are depressed. It's never respectful to tell someone they're a loser because they're problems outweigh they're wish to live. Go make a comment on a spam board or somewhere that it's ok to make comments like that.








I feel very sorry for this kid, suicidal thoughts have never crossed my mind, ever. Thats one thing i'm thankful for... may he R.I.P.










RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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people that commit suicide are losers.








No, sheep. Sweeping generalizations aren't good things...generally. :)








People that commit suicide are hopeless, from their own point of view.











I believe that everyone has a purpose in their life and you shouldn't be quick to dismiss your life as unnecessary.








Some would argue that there is no inherent purpose in life. Nihilists, for example. I could argue that my life is completely without meaning.











killing yourself is NEVER justified.








Gross generalization. War, disease, incapacitation, hopelessness, dire pain in living, regular beatings by your parents, saving someone else. Pick your justification.











Damn them, I wish they'd be confronted with it some day so that they can stop treating those people as mentally weak idiots.








Speaking from experience, you're words are true.











suicide is not chosen.








It IS chosen. That's the only reason it can be considered sinful (though I do not agree with that), because the person is accountable for the act of killing himself.











it's not how you enter this world, but how you leave it








Ah, the greatest gift one could ever receive...rememberance. Do you ever wonder why there are buildings or streets named after people? They wanted to be remembered after they die. Some people donate their entire life savings to have only a local community project dubbed in his/her name. I can name a few right now. A favorite quote of mine that I saw on a grave a long time ago was, "Love's last gift, rememberance".












If you guys will notice, the people who had the most sympathy for the kid were people who once thought about suicide themselves. I ask you to put yourself in the other person's shoes before you judge. It takes a lot of practice, and you can't always do it, but respect his decision as best you can.








However, it all boils down to how much hope a person has. People can live through amazingly difficult situations, provided they have hope, whether it is true or imaginary.. Without hope, some people die, some people kill themselves.








Personally, I live because I am still searching. I don't know for what, but I'm still looking for something...something to "complete" me, if you will.








I hope that he found his peace.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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If you guys will notice, the people who had the most sympathy for the kid were people who once thought about suicide themselves. I ask you to put yourself in the other person's shoes before you judge. It takes a lot of practice, and you can't always do it, but respect his decision as best you can.








My brother commited suicide 2 years ago. That's why I of course started thinking why he did it. He was much like me, I could tell what he was thinking just by the look on his face. And yet, now, 2 years later, I'm a happy 19 year old student, as was he when he did it.




That made me realise depression isn't just something people fake to get attention, I knew my brother had his down-periods like every person has but I would have never expected he was depressed, let alone that he would have suicidal thoughts. No one that knew Stefaan well knew anything about his depression, typically him, he didn't want to bother people with 'his' sickness, 'his' problems. He would solve it his way and no one would have to worry.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I understand that people have hard times in their lives. Everyone does. And to think that you're alone and that no one can understand what you're going through, no matter how difficult it is, is ridiculous. There are all kinds of options for people that are chronically and diagnosably depressed.








Most importantly you can seek counseling either from your doctor or phone lines that you can call. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. When people feel that they have hit rock bottom and that nothing is ever going to work out, you have to remember that things eventually WILL and HAVE to get better one way or the other.








Suicide, no offense to anyone who has suffered from a loved one who committed suicide, in my opinion, is an over-reaction to a situation that could be solved with some professional help. Although, like any human being, I have sympathy for the families of the victims, I think that suicide is detestable because it's such a senseless waste of life.












...God bless the dead

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Most importantly you can seek counseling either from your doctor or phone lines that you can call








Yes but the thing is the person is already so down and out and would just rather be left alone. For most people that are thinking about suicide it is hard even for someone to approach them about it. Even though it's the right thing to do and they'd feel much better afterwards... sometimes it's like.. they don't want to feel better. They simply don't care.

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is an over-reaction to a situation that could be solved with some professional help.








Are you right in theory? Absolutely. In practice, however, things get much more complicated. Many people who are clinically depressed and suicidal will rely on no one, and trust no one. They are not attention seekers, on the contrary, they want no one to know.








My girlfriend who I've been dating for a year has battled self-mutilation, suicidal thoughts, and depression for the last three years. She has scars up and down her arms from times when she has cut herself just to feel something, anything. She didn't see anything wrong with it, it was just a way of coping with her pain. She flirted with the idea of suicide, but never tried anything serious other that a near-fatal instance of alcohol poisoning.








The point I'm trying to make is many of these people will not get professional help because 1) they dont feel they need it 2) they don't want to waste anyones time and 3) its possible that they are suffering from a mental illness that prevents them from thinking logically.








What I'm basically trying to say is people need to look at all sides of the story before they judge someone who does something they dont agree with. What are the circumstances, what was he/she going through that caused this to happen? Something like getting scammed might seem trivial to you, but could have a drastically different meaning to them. I've encountered a lot of people who look at depressed individuals and say, "Just get over it already!" It makes my blood boil, after seeing firsthand just what some of these illnesses can do to people, and I just encourage everyone to be a little more sympathetic to their situations.








*Steps off soapbox*









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but not everyone has the same threshold for mental pain








This is completely true as some people are born with a state of mental depression, and really no one is to judge anyone that commits suicide. Although I doubt this kid was born in a state of depression. Maybe somewhat, but really you can broaden your mind to rise above this if you just keep the happy times in your head. Maybe get out a little bit more if you don't, try to find something you really love doing. If you have something you love to actually do, it might be harder to let go of that...




And yes, suicide is always a choice. It's not like the mental anguish and pain automatically drives them to do what they do.

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no this isnt fake... ive heard it on the radio and i wanted to make a topic




about this, but jag was first :wink:








if he only talked to his parents about it...








he couldve done so much wih his life....




he couldve became the richest man in the world, who knows... :(



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Sometimes I want to kill myself because I sold all my rares when I quit back when RS2 was released but you just have to fight these feelings.... :?
no man, remember rs is just a silly game...




youll be sorry you killed yourself, and you harm ur parents, brother/sister




FOREVER... and talk to ur parents about it.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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You guys don't have any symphatie, when our beloved Anarith commited suicide we all were sad, now this poor guy commited suicide because he trusted his family and friends, which ended in a huge scam which made him so amd he wanted to end his life, now I hear you guys that he is an idiot for commiting suicide over a game.








You guys disgrace me..

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You guys don't have any symphatie, when our beloved Anarith commited suicide we all were sad, now this poor guy commited suicide because he trusted his family and friends, which ended in a huge scam which made him so amd he wanted to end his life, now I hear you guys that he is an idiot for commiting suicide over a game.








You guys disgrace me..








There's a difference between commiting suicide over a game and commiting suicide issues. You're talking like someone taking digital play money from him gives him reason to commit suicide, which is total bs.




Yes, he had problems outside RS like having no friends, but don't you think that the cause is that he was playing too much RS? Like DOH if you don't get outside, or have any social contact with people, you won't get any friends, even an idiot knows that. I just think it's stupid to commit suicide over RS. It's his life, but I think it's a bit selfish to let a computer game ruin your and your families life. I mean, just think about it, he quit over some digital money.








Besides that, if he just asked me, he could've gotten 14m. Besides that, you can just buy money on e-bay or from other people if losing 14m makes you want to quit life.








This disgusts me really, you shouldn't let a computer game control your life. Maarten isn't (wasn't) the only person which life was destroyed by RS, I see it everywhere around me. All I can say is: Please think about what RS does to you after hearing this.








R.I.P. Maarten, even though I don't support your decission, it's still YOUR decission.

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Alright lets get one thing straight first, thats pathetic, 6 years of living some life, he hates it, thats sad, I do not care whether you think I am right or wrong but that is sad. There is no way he was like that at age 8 and below, so for the few years he experianced that stuff, he decided it was not worth it? Come on, thats is so stupid, selfish, childish and an easy way out of something that is small and trivial.He is a moron for doing that. EVeryone who has posted in this damn thread has been depressed and down at one point in their life, but they haven't commited suicide. Their is no reason for that. IF you think suicide will solve your troubles, then you deserve to die. Someone needs to shoot you. I do not care what you think of me after this but that is rediculous. That is the COWARD way out, can't face a hardship in your life, i mean the dude is whining because he got scammed and his life sucked supposedly. Wow, i bet his life sucked more than anyone elses, probably like the girls in my sophmore class who say their life sucks and they wantr to commit suicide because they can't go out with someone due to their parents objections.I feel no pity for his pathetic [wagon], but I feel pity for the parents for having such a jackass as a child and pity for his friends for actually seeing something in him which made them want to be friends.Good day to you all.Once again criticize me all you want, it doesn't matter to me.

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Alright lets get one thing straight first, thats pathetic, 6 years of living some life, he hates it, thats sad, I do not care whether you think I am right or wrong but that is sad. There is no way he was like that at age 8 and below, so for the few years he experianced that stuff, he decided it was not worth it? Come on, thats is so stupid, selfish, childish and an easy way out of something that is small and trivial.He is a moron for doing that. EVeryone who has posted in this damn thread has been depressed and down at one point in their life, but they haven't commited suicide. Their is no reason for that. IF you think suicide will solve your troubles, then you deserve to die. Someone needs to shoot you. I do not care what you think of me after this but that is rediculous. That is the COWARD way out, can't face a hardship in your life, i mean the dude is whining because he got scammed and his life sucked supposedly. Wow, i bet his life sucked more than anyone elses, probably like the girls in my sophmore class who say their life sucks and they wantr to commit suicide because they can't go out with someone due to their parents objections.I feel no pity for his pathetic wagon, but I feel pity for the parents for having such a * as a child and pity for his friends for actually seeing something in him which made them want to be friends.Good day to you all.Once again criticize me all you want, it doesn't matter to me.








Either you are a cold cold human being, or a very ingnorant one. Rading post like you make me feel so much better about myslef knowing im not a complete idiot like you. The sad part is that your not the only one in this topic acting like that. There is something called depression, its uncontrolable unless medicated. This kid wasnt medicated and you see the effects a strong depression. Seriously, do a little research before you run your mouth thinking your so high up. as i posted before. i hope his family didnt research the game enough to find this site do to all the disrespect people have shown him on this site. I love tip.it but people like you make me wonder what the worlds coming to :?

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No people who commit suicide over prolems they have at the age of 14 is what is bringing this world down. Call me an idiot, but its my opinion and thats what i think, I am a cold person, I am ignorant, and I am arrogant, but so what? I know what depression is. We all do, everyone who has posted on this whole site, has gone through depression, but come on, an online friend that hacked you is what pushed you over the edge?That is rediculous. I could understand if he had no parents and and lived in a foster home with people who mistreated him, or a mom who killed herself and a dad who does drugs and drinks alcohol all the time, but over a dam game???!!?!?!? You should respect what I think, no matter what you think about me or it. But go ahead insult my intelligence again, tell me I lack it, tell me I am stupid, I really don't care.I ain't saying I am better than everyone, but I am better than others who are stupid enough to do what that child did.

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You guys don't have any symphatie, when our beloved Anarith commited suicide we all were sad, now this poor guy commited suicide because he trusted his family and friends, which ended in a huge scam which made him so amd he wanted to end his life, now I hear you guys that he is an idiot for commiting suicide over a game.








You guys disgrace me..








There's a difference between commiting suicide over a game and commiting suicide issues. You're talking like someone taking digital play money from him gives him reason to commit suicide, which is total bs.




Yes, he had problems outside RS like having no friends, but don't you think that the cause is that he was playing too much RS? Like DOH if you don't get outside, or have any social contact with people, you won't get any friends, even an idiot knows that. I just think it's stupid to commit suicide over RS. It's his life, but I think it's a bit selfish to let a computer game ruin your and your families life. I mean, just think about it, he quit over some digital money.








Besides that, if he just asked me, he could've gotten 14m. Besides that, you can just buy money on e-bay or from other people if losing 14m makes you want to quit life.








This disgusts me really, you shouldn't let a computer game control your life. Maarten isn't (wasn't) the only person which life was destroyed by RS, I see it everywhere around me. All I can say is: Please think about what RS does to you after hearing this.








R.I.P. Maarten, even though I don't support your decission, it's still YOUR decission.








If you would've readen the story, it would say that his FRIEND and pretty much ONLY friend scammed him, thats just a backstab if RuneScape is pretty most your all-day activitie, I also think he didn't really commit suicide over the money, more like he found out his social status was VERY, very bad.








Nonetheless.. my main point was that if people like Anarith commited suicide because of problems, and if somebody else commited suicide because his social status is bad, isn't really such a big diffrence.

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