prof_fleb Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 right i'm sick of seeing people get scammed so i'm putting this guide together with some luck it'll stop some people getting scamed if you have something to add just post and i'll add it to the guide oh and if theirs allready a post about this sorry for this rule1: NEVER under any circumstances give out your password A common scam is people saying "look jagex blocks your pass! ****** see?" these people are trying to get you to say your pass (which jagex doesn't block at all, unless its a rude word in which case its not allowed anyway) rule2: beware the noobs no really, most people who scam use another account to do the acual scamming, that way they are safe from a ban on a high lvl account. a lvl 3 player who seems to be giving a good deal is probebly some kind of scammer, or a pure (i have been corrected on this matter, jagex can ban a high lvl accout who is using a noob account for this purpose, but if the scammer doesn't know this he probebly will do this) rule3: free armour trimming / gem cutting armour trimming is my most hated scam, it involves the scammer saying "free armour trimming" and hoping some1 gives him their amour to be trimmed, which he just takes and walks off (trimmed armour is a reward in tresure trails, it cannot be made), same with free gem cutting, if you see some1 doing this they might just take the gems and run off, if you want to trust some1 with your gems try to get them to give you some money as insurance 1st rule4: rune to mith swapping imagine a rune long sword, now imagine a mith long sword, they look alike dont they? some people may try trading you a rune item, then switch it to a mith item and before you know it you've just bought a mith scimmy for 32k. allways check the final trade screen before you make any trade rule5: staff impersonation a scammer may say hes staff and threaten you to give him your password, remember all staff members have a gold crown beside thier names and will never ask for your password, some people may say that thier father/mother/dog is a staff member and that they need your pass to do something DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASS! not even to your pet goldfish!(ok thats a bit over the top but you get the point i'm trying to make) rule6:acount trading/ sharing if some1 wants to account trade with you, report them immedetly! they will usally be high lvl players (prehaps a accout they got out of the 1st scam) and will just give you a fake password and then change yours. Accout sharing is the same, but its usally a lower lvl player who says "can i have a go on your accout?" again, never give out your pass, dont type it, dont say it, dont even think it! rule7: "follow me for tresure!" this one is mean, the scammer will single out a player with expensive items and ask him if he wants to join him in the wildy to get some tresure, then once they are in lvl 30 wildy (so the unsuppesting victum cant tele to safety) a gang of pkers ambush and kill the victum, they wont touch the scammer, as he is part of the gang, then when the victum respawns the scammer teles to lumby and says "sorry that happened" the runs to the wildy to get his share of the loot rule8: beware the wild if your parinoid like me you probebly dont go into the wild that often but if you do, be very careful, a number of scammers work here as show in the post made by lunareklipse rule9: item duplication there is no such thing as this in runescape, only a hacker will acheve the result of cloning an item any1 who says that there is a way is either a scammer or a hacker, in either case just report, ignore, move on i hope these rules keep peoples items safe and stops scammers from scamming people, if theres a scam i haven't listed please post and tell me notes: allways check the 2nd trade screen carefully, allways! remeber at all times origanal:Grim_Jokes If something is too good to be true, it probably is. ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mooncheese06 Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 good advice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim_Jokes Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 To sum everything up into a few short, but well said, words. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Proud founder of the Myriad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prof_fleb Posted March 10, 2006 Author Share Posted March 10, 2006 i'll add that to the guide, thanks ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Striker6 Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 ummmmm i already knew all that stuff, you'd have to be stupid give your password out :? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prof_fleb Posted March 10, 2006 Author Share Posted March 10, 2006 well to be honest, its aimed at new players, not the higher lvl ones, and never overestimate the intelligence(sp?) of your avarage noob, they can surprise you with new levels of stupidity (no offence, but i've meet some pretty stupid noobs) ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jwrm22 Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 running away with uncut gems is so low... peeps wont give 10+ uncut diamonds... :lol: and i did free cutting on my lvl 3 skill pure... ^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OWNaruto Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 Nice thread! I'm sure this will help all the newbs out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prof_fleb Posted March 10, 2006 Author Share Posted March 10, 2006 running away with uncut gems is so low... peeps wont give 10+ uncut diamonds... :lol: and i did free cutting on my lvl 3 skill pure... there are some nice people who do this for exp, but there are far more who do it for free gems ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sijan Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 This is probably pretty juvenile on my part, but armor trimmers are my personal pet peeve. I will stop whatever I'm doing to shut down a 'trimmer' and make his life as miserable as possible, especially when he's trying to scam some poor noob out of his steel platebody. My 2nd favorite are the 'alt+f4' scammers. I like to mess with them almost as much as the trimmers, but I'm generally not as mean to them (don't ask me why.) "Duty, then, is the sublimest word in the English language. If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself." ~ Robert E. Lee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos_Reborn Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 running away with uncut gems is so low... peeps wont give 10+ uncut diamonds... :lol: and i did free cutting on my lvl 3 skill pure... there are some nice people who do this for exp, but there are far more who do it for free gems yeah, ive taken screenies of a mate admitting that he did that and also saying that he got banned on my website lol. It shows that Jagex does ban people. PS. he got banned for 10 days for scamming about 100 gems. Visit my Runescape comedy website, based on in-game screenshots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blakdragon39 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 Not everybody takes the gems... cutting gems is decent crafting exp. I do it sometimes, just for the benefit of people, and so that I can get some free crafting exp :D No scamming there... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prof_fleb Posted March 11, 2006 Author Share Posted March 11, 2006 as i said, there are some people who do it for crafting exp, but be careful about trusting people (they might be martians) ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lunareklipse Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 i got alot to add to your list, and some are pretty devious. first off If i cut gems for people for xp I would always have a bunch of my own cut gems and trade them a cut one for the uncuts, this way there is no way for anyone to get scammed. now, I've played alot of mmorpg's and none of them are completly overrun by scammers as much as RS, not even close. anarchy online is a great mmorpg, and they have live customer service that can teleport to your location and help you with any problem in the game including scammers, and this may make people think twice of doing it, or maybe its just an adult oriented game and people are there for fun, not to ruin others. I myself got scammed not even a week ago and I played the game about a year, started playing anarchy for about 8 months and i came back to RS recently. This was a new scam had not heard of and I think alot of people could fall for it, if your not careful. I was standing around in edge, a level 100 something, (his name is Agent xxl and I hope he gets banned). starting telling me that his friend bet him 3mil that he couldnt kill someone with a whip so he said he would give me half of it, If I let him kill me while he took some screens for proof. now i figured, I have one item, my whip .. if he tried gettin me to attack him, Ill just leave. so if I have no skull and he kills me the worst that could happen is he wont give me the money and ill move on with my day. so I go out there, he starts killing me, when i have one blow left he says here take this noob crap so it will look real when you die. and he gives me 4 mystic tops, i wasnt even thinking about what was going on, and accepted, he killed me and i was sitting in lumby with 4 mystic tops (i had protect item) no whip, I wanted to quit playing. I bought that whip over a year ago when they cost 10mil. the whip sells 40k in a shop, mystic top 46k which I come to find after the fact, I figured the whip would have to been more valueable than mystic tops. so please save the flames of, your dumb for doing that ect.. I think it could happen to anyone, I'm the one out a whip so I think i've gotten enough flames from myself. people also try changing the money value on you at the last second of trade alot. just yesterday i was out selling stuff and it happened to me 4 diff times. and since I have always had a habit of studying the trade screens very carefully I noticed everytime. but if they put up 400k and quickly switch to 40k it can go by unoticed. in fact there are programs that will switch these values for you at the last second, which makes thing even worse. I cant belive someone would waste knowledge of programming to make something that helps people scam others in a internet game, :shrugs: but, when the attempt to this, theres no real way to report them for item scamming, unless they acually manage to get the scam to work on you, so i think its pretty rough as well. someone mentioned the alt f4 scam, but what ppl do is tell you if you drop your rune pl8 for example and hit f4 you can duplicate it, but alt f4 makes you log out with you rune pl8 laying on the ground. although chances are you can log back in before the item shows up on the ground, you might not make it. I to want to educate any out there of the scams that people do, the more aware people are and the less the scammers can scam, hopefully they may start to appear less. The people trying to make a seperate account at level 3 to scam will also get their high level account banned, jagex can tell that they have 2 accounts and if one goes they will get the higher level one as well. one final note, I cant belive that this player agent xxl, is willing to put his level 100+(rank- 30,901 total level- 1415 xp- 22,759,465) character on the line in order to make 3mil while lying and cheating his way to it. at that level he should have skills that he can alot more money with, and the time it takes to get to that level is ridiculous, unlesss you only train, and never raise any other skills. I cant belive at that level you would really need to try scamming people to get yourself ahead, you already are ahead. RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed. BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nvw08 Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 Heres another way to summ up some item scamming tricks: ALWAYS check the second trade screen, ALWAYS!!! Droolman's item Guide | My RuneScape pictures | My barrows videos, with download link!Free Image Hosting! | Free File Hosting! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knightofrs Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 very welll said! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blast5226ball Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 Sometimes i really cut gems for free for the players. Not scamming, but true sometimes to up my crafting when only few more xp to go... I don't think so there's someone else who are really stupid until tell out there passwords. Why do you tell?Is that for fun? Why should tell to lost your stuff? STupid isn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prof_fleb Posted March 18, 2006 Author Share Posted March 18, 2006 again, there are people who do this for exp, then there are people who just want free gems, best thing is to check someone on the highscores to see if they have the lvl to cut gems ~hawt Knight of the Void~Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aquasquirrel Posted March 18, 2006 Share Posted March 18, 2006 One guy told me he could trim armor while i was in the guild mining coal. I was wearing full rune. He tells me he can trim it. i said, okay, ill go smith some bronze armor, and you can trim that for me... he wasnt expecting that..he replied, the lowest grade of armor you can smith is steel. So i said, well thats fine, ill make a steel kite, that would look cool trimmed. the funniest part of it was he followed me to go mine the iron, followed me to the smelting furnace, and followed me to dorics anvil to make the kite. then when i went to trade him, he said, o sorry got to go, and signed off. its funny going so out of your way to make some worthless scammer feel like such a moron. He was wanting my rune more than anything. i could only imagine his pathetic look when he was offered bronze then steel. does anyone else like to mess with these low-lifes? aquasquirrel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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