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Firefox: worth it?


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If you're using Safari then you're already using an awesome browser. Anything is a million times better than IE. Regarding Firefox, you've not got anything to lose, so just install it and try it out if you want. I've never used Safari so I don't know what I'm comparing to here, but some of Firefox's great features include the ability to skin/theme it and being able to extend it with a huge number of extensions - check your webmail automatically, get weather updates, make tabs behave differently, mouse gestures, and a million other things. Basically, if there's something you want your browser to do, the chances are that somebody has thought about it before and has written an extension for it. Want close buttons on every tab? Sure thing. Want your tab bar at the bottom of your screen instead of the top? No worries.








I suggest you try Firefox. If you've got any questions about it, feel free to contact me or post back ehre :)

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there is a build of firefox (sorry can't find the website) that is uber fast on the max so i might recomend it


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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If you're using Safari then you're already using an awesome browser. Anything is a million times better than IE. Regarding Firefox, you've not got anything to lose, so just install it and try it out if you want. I've never used Safari so I don't know what I'm comparing to here, but some of Firefox's great features include the ability to skin/theme it and being able to extend it with a huge number of extensions - check your webmail automatically, get weather updates, make tabs behave differently, mouse gestures, and a million other things. Basically, if there's something you want your browser to do, the chances are that somebody has thought about it before and has written an extension for it. Want close buttons on every tab? Sure thing. Want your tab bar at the bottom of your screen instead of the top? No worries.








I suggest you try Firefox. If you've got any questions about it, feel free to contact me or post back ehre :)








Yeah, I have a little complex about downloading things. I feel like the less my computer has to remember, the smoother she runs (she's a she because spending this much time with a dude would be wierd). Well I think I'm gonna try firefox out. I know there are people that swear by it.

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Yeah, I have a little complex about downloading things. I feel like the less my computer has to remember, the smoother she runs
Yeah that's in general pretty true. Firefox is only the size of a standard mp3 though and installation and uninstall is easy as :)








Oh and I think Mementh is referring to the Firefox extension - Fasterfox :)

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Oh and I think Mementh is referring to the Firefox extension - Fasterfox :)








I think he's probably talking about the fact that FF 1.5 is known not to run too well on Mac, while there are several custom builds that run better (FF also has a bunch of fixes for Mac). (here 'well' and 'better' concern speed only, and some people report no trouble at all)

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Oh and I think Mementh is referring to the Firefox extension - Fasterfox :)
I think he's probably talking about the fact that FF 1.5 is known not to run too well on Mac, while there are several custom builds that run better (FF also has a bunch of fixes for Mac). (here 'well' and 'better' concern speed only, and some people report no trouble at all)
*shrug* Could always try Camino for fun.
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Oh and I think Mementh is referring to the Firefox extension - Fasterfox :)








Yes, I use that extension. It makes all of the links download while you are reading the page so that when you deciede to move on the next page is already there, you just have to open it up. It doesn't really help for posting however.










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Oh and I think Mementh is referring to the Firefox extension - Fasterfox :)








Yes, I use that extension. It makes all of the links download while you are reading the page so that when you deciede to move on the next page is already there, you just have to open it up. It doesn't really help for posting however.
















Thats cus it doesnt cache dynamic pages. Otherwise it would cache the logout link and youd have to log in everytime you loaded a page








p.s is that a moomin in your sig?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Gues wut, all of u? I have IE7!!!! Go meatcar!!!!




Its out in beta on the microsoft website.




I think IE kiks ur fiery booties sinse its made by the company that made the OS 4 ur fiery Booties. :twisted:




Go IE!!!






PS: IE7 has tabbed browsing too, and a less-clustered interface.

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Gues wut, all of u? I have IE7!!!! Go meatcar!!!!




Its out in beta on the microsoft website.




I think IE kiks ur fiery booties sinse its made by the company that made the OS 4 ur fiery Booties. :twisted:




Go IE!!!






PS: IE7 has tabbed browsing too, and a less-clustered interface.


IE7 is beta, full of errors...


For now IE Beta ftl...




And Mozilla will launch a new one, that in Alpha testing, but we cant donload it, I think (have to confirm) but will be like Firefox 2


Yay FTW!





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Gues wut, all of u? I have IE7!!!! Go meatcar!!!!


Its out in beta on the microsoft website.


I think IE kiks ur fiery booties sinse its made by the company that made the OS 4 ur fiery Booties. :twisted:


Go IE!!!


PS: IE7 has tabbed browsing too, and a less-clustered interface.

IE7 doesn't work on Macs, fool!




Windows is not the only OS in existance.

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