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gender/age differences in RuneScape vs. AIM


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One of the things I've noticed is the large difference between social interactions between games like RuneScape and instant-messaging services like AIM.








A large number of people use AIM to chat with others. And as such, age difference seems to be a big deal in instant-messaging services. Many people, especially females, feel particularly uncomfortable when much older people of the opposite gender talk to them, for whatever reason.








Consider this hypothetical AIM conversation:








Bob127: hi




Alice641: who's this?




Bob127: just looking for someone to chat with




Alice641: asl?




Bob127: 18/m/ca




Alice641: eew ur too old! ur 18 and i'm 11




*Alice641 adds Bob127 to block list*








However, things seem very very different in RuneScape. Age difference doesn't seem that important in RuneScape. I guess that it's because the role-playing atmosphere of the game covers such barriers.








Consider this RuneScape conversation:








*Alice641 (level 85) and Bob127 (92) are training at lesser demons in Karamja*




Alice641: Whoa! Nice cb!




Bob127: Thx!




Bob127: You too! :)




Alice641: Member?




Bob127: Used to be, but it ran out a few days ago




Alice641: Same here!




Alice641: How many qp you got?




Bob127: 185




Alice641: That's a lot! I only have 95 :(




Alice642: Hey, wanna be friends?




Bob127: Sure!




*Alice641 and Bob127 add each other to their friends lists*




Alice641: Btw, how old r u?




Bob127: 18, U?




Alice641: 11 Lol




Bob127: Heck, I have a 8-year-old cousin who plays




*a few weeks later, when Alice641 and Bob127 both have members*




Alice641: Hey, have u started new quest yet?




Bob127: No, but wanna do it together?




Alice641: Sure!




Bob127: Ok, let's meet at start point, on world 112








This pretty much holds true. I've received quite a few IMs from younger girls who want to chat with me and suddenly decide not to because I'm "too old".








However, I've interacted with much more people on RuneScape, and not one who knows my age has complained about me being too old.








It's the same for immaturity. While there's still some very immature people on RuneScape, there's much less immaturity here than on AIM. I guess that the abuse-report button still does its job.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I agree with you. I never really find people to talk to on AIM, but I have noticed that. I guess on AIM the only thing you do is talk, so people are more uncomfortable if your much older then them. Where as on Runescape your not just talking your doing other things in the game so your age, sex, etc. isn't the main focus.








On Runescape I usually don't even bother asking peoples ages, I always ask their first name but thats it, ages I usually don't ask for a while, it's not too important. The people I know range from ages 12 to 54.








About the immaturity thing though. Heh sometimes I think Runescape has 10x more of it then AIM does. RSC wasn't bad with it, but RS2 and ever since 10x more people are playing now, a lot of immature people are all around. But oh well, you get use to it.

117 Combat


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Well I personally think there is a difference in it because runescape you no personal information shown about you.But on AIm/Msn you have things/objects that tell you about yourself. But most of all some girls feel insecure.

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Well you gotta understand that AIM is meant for friends who know each other, so these AIM situations shouldn't be even happening. The only way to meet someone on AIM that you don't know is going to those chats. Most of these chats are all porn bots and trojans.












I mean..its not like people pick up a phone, dial a random number and say, "asl?" :lol:

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Omg Omg is Alice single??? I'm adding her




oh, god please tell me you were joking when you said that because




1.)it's just a bit weird




2.)he probably just made him up for the purpose of this thread


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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One of the nicest and most polite person I ever met in RS is a 50+ yo guy. His character is very high level (around 120 combat), I met him while smelting cannonballs.








He told me that his wife plays RS too.








I have also met some extremely rude player whose first word is "I hope you will die" even though I did not do anything to him.








I cannot agree more that you meet people from all ages and all walks of life in RS.

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Hm I don't know how it is on AIM since I never used it :P, but I think it's generally true that people worry less about age difference in games then on messaging services..








Maybe because in the game you know that you both have a common interest (the game) while on messaging services people don't expect to have a common interest when the age difference is too large?

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Omg Omg is Alice single??? I'm adding her




oh, god please tell me you were joking when you said that because




1.)it's just a bit weird




2.)he probably just made him up for the purpose of this thread








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_and_Bob *whistles*





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Maybe because in the game you know that you both have a common interest (the game) while on messaging services people don't expect to have a common interest when the age difference is too large?








exactly, how could you not understand this ixf?

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