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New random event ! Grave digging. screenshots inside


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Here are some screenshots of the new random event where you have to dig trough graves and check whats inside and then place the rights parts inside the right tomb.








edit: followed audee's advice and made screenshots of what grave goes into what tomb, to save forum space i placed them at this http://www.muntrue.nl/gravedigger/grave.html








here are some screenshots :








When i first got warped in there.












This indicated that this is like shade and zombie a prayer random :












digged the graves and examined one












This shows what is inside the grave, this grave was of a miner ( pickaxe )












This is what you see when you check a tombstone ( this is a cooks tomb the bread is upside-down )












When you completed the thing :












Reward i got boots and shirt, both examined first shirt then boots.












Also there is a bank deposid there so if your invetory is full you can store items, you will not get these back when you are done with the task.








Hope this helps anyone.

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i make screenshots by pressing Alt+ctrl+shift+print screen button








then paste it into mspaint








You don't need ot press Alt+ctrl+shift. It's just the "print screen" button to the left of the F12 button on your keyboard. Here's a sticky (from the Help and Advice board) that will help:




















Great guide, Muntrue. :wink:

OoC Overseer


137jq9.gif Eet mor kabbig! 137jq9.gif

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i make screenshots by pressing Alt+ctrl+shift+print screen button








then paste it into mspaint








Or you just save yourself the hassle and press the print screen button, then open pain (or other art program) and press ctrl+v :)

Proud founder of the Myriad

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Getting back on topic:
















I got three randoms in an hour=full zombie








Then 1 hour after that i got the event two more times=both zombie emotes emotes
















The dance looks abit like the dance in MJ's "Thriller" video clip.









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Hmm haven't seen that random event yet, but then I haven't been burying any bones.. Great guide, thanks for making it.








Also what is that in your inventory that the random event gave you??

117 Combat


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Do it NOW if you want it - seems to be over 50% of bone burying randoms, but you can still get shades and zombies. New events are always easier to get, and you can bet this will cool down with the next update. I got 3 of them, plus a shade and a zombie, from burying normal (chicken massacre) bones.








Of course, this event is NOT open to anyone that does not want to train prayer level.








If the headstone symbol is shown spinning edge on to you, just close the view and try again... I've already listed the match-ups in the guide updates.

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Getting back on topic:








I got three randoms in an hour=full zombie




Then 1 hour after that i got the event two more times=both zombie emotes emotes








The dance looks abit like the dance in MJ's "Thriller" video clip.








Full zombie is going to be the next full mime!!! Every 1 is going to want it :D

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Well I just wanted to say that I got the boots and the zombie shirt like 2 hours ago. The boot looks funny because its curved invard towards you. The first time i got it I bragged to everybody. I was so excited. :D By the way where were you guys when you got the event?

Currently:whacking noobs with rubber chicken

F2p and 52 prayer :-P

^^^^ Awesome Video ^^^^

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Well I just wanted to say that I got the boots and the zombie shirt like 2 hours ago. The boot looks funny because its curved invard towards you. The first time i got it I bragged to everybody. I was so excited. :D By the way where were you guys when you got the event?




I was training on mossies and burying the big bones, just for the purpose of getting the event.

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