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Tips for making an evil stew


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I suggest you buy about 10 stews from the seers village bar.




Next get about 2 4/4 of each spice.




Now write on a paper














Lets see we start by putting 1/3 of yellow on a stew. If evil davi says that one spice is right but the others are wrong write




yellow: 1




Then do the same for the next one




if evil dave says that




non is right then do another 1 with 2/4 and see if it's right.




Try using this style for the miniquest and happy tip it times =).

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Here let me try and help.




Write on a piece of paper












1. Put a dash (one click) of yellow into the first stew.




2. If it was wrong, try two dashes. Keep repeating until correct.




3. Once he says that one is correct, write the number of dashes next to the color.




4. Repeat with the other colors.




5. When all colors are found out, put the number of dashes into the last bowl of stew with each color that you wrote down. It will be a perfect Evil bowl of stew.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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it isnt so hard that everyone needs to make hundreds of guides about it- i completed it with only 6 stews :wink:

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