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Redemption prayer and poison?


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If you've been poisoned and run out of anti-poison and food, I take it that switching on redemption will extend your life a bit longer? Does the prayer have to be active before your hp drops below 10%? What happens if you're hp is below 10% and you turn on the prayer? Does redemption kick in immediately, or do you need to take more damage? What if you have 100 hp, are super-poisoned (6), have only 4 hp left and turn on redemption? Do you immediately pop up to 19 upon praying? Do you die once the next poison tick hits? Or do you jump to 15 or 13 hp once the next poison tick hits? I know your prayer points drop to zero once you're redeemed, so it's only a 1-time bump. Do we know whether the 15% bump in hp is rounded up or down?





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when you are below 10%, you switch it on , and the next hit (from poison here..) hasn't killed you, you heal.




you need to be hit first before it heals.


I don't know your other question..




EDIT: use help and advice forum next time.

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


Goals: | Fletching lvl: 97/[b:05c6bf8

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in wildy the prayer drain could cost not your life only but your whip...

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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Actually this is how it works. If you're below 10% HP and use the redemption prayer it will heal you by 1/4 of your natural prayer lvl and wipe out your prayer. This happens after the time of 1 normal round of combat, but you don't have to be in combat for it to happen. Ex. You're at edge with 3 HP with a natural 80 prayer, and use redemption. You will be healed to 23 HP in about 3-6 seconds and will be out of prayer points.

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Cabinpoet, that's good news indeed! I say this because my main (only) character is on the verge of dying by super-poison. I was unable to tele (blocked) but successfully ran away from my assailant, exhausted my energy just as I got out of the wildy, and logged out. I probably have 10 or so hp left (of 73 max hp), am losing 6 every few seconds, and have plenty of prayer left (of 62 max prayer).




Question 1: How frequently does super-poison hit you? Do all varieties of poison hit with the same frequency?




Question 2: Even though I took a poison hit a second before logging out, my experience has been that as soon as I log in, I'll take another hit. Is that what you've found too?




Question 3: When does the game "go live" for the character? When you click on the red "Play the Game" panel in the lower right? Or some timem earlier, since you glimpse your inventory before then?




My plan is to log in, and as fast as humanly possible (praying for no game lag or dropped connection :cry: ) do in order:




Est. elapsed time in seconds from login / Action




0.5 click on the minimap to walk (since I'm getting near Edgeville and have no run energy left, and may still be teleblocked)


0.8 click prayer tab


1.5 click redemption icon


2.0 click body(?) tab


2.5 click glory ammy (it has charges left)


3.0 click inventory tab


3.5 Find glory ammy in inventory


4.0 R-click glory, choose rub


5.0 Select Edgeville (time elapses while teleporting)


6.5 click minimap inside bank


7.0 click (run) tab


7.5 click Run icon


8.0 R-click bank window, choose Bank Quickly


9.0 click a green d hide in inventory (I think glory will have made inv full. I already have g dhides in bank, so they'll stack)


9.5 click anti-poison in bank (I keep it on top row for these occasions :) )


10.0 click close bank window


10.5 click on anti-poison





The left-hand column is just an estimate of clock time since login. I could be wildy off on my estimate, and haven't included any time for mis-clicks, fumbling, panic, etc. In the worst case, I would get hit with poison as soon as I logged in, down to 4 hp, redemption brings me up to what 16(?) sometime before the next poison hit. But I could take 2 more poison hits before quaffing antip and still survive. Assuming poison acts every 6 seconds, I'd have a total of 18 seconds, worst case, to get to food or antip. This actually might work!




Question 4: What do you think of my plan? Are my estimates realistic? Did I forget a step, or would you do something different? Would you take anti-poison out of bank or strong food (I have swordies in opening screen of bank)?




If I died, I'll lose my kitty (close to turning into 100 deaths) so saving prayer for protecting 4th object would only buy me a red vamp or mage short. I'd rather try for the all-save.




Question 5: If I died, who gets to see my stuff and how soon? Presumably the guy (long gone) who pk'd me would be the only one who could see my drop for what, 30 seconds or so before everyone else sees it? If so, at least I could glory back to Edgeville and pick it all up (except for kitty :( ) before anyone else knows it's there. Does it make any difference if I died in the wildy?




Thanks once again for helping me in my time of need. I'll post the results of my actions later on when I log back in.




P.S. Apologies for putting this topic in the wrong forum. I really did think I was posting in the Help & Advice Forum. I a mod would like to move it I would have no objections. I'll even do whatever pennance the Mods would care to impose. :)

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I recomend putting everything in bank just incase cause you can get hit while drinking an antipoison pot

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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I recomend putting everything in bank just incase cause you can get hit while drinking an antipoison pot




Yeah, that happened to me once, i was doin a clue and a noob attacked me.... i banked all my stuff, grabed an anti, but got hit with a 4 and died :lol:

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Well, the deed is done. I logged in, turned on redemption, teleported to Edgeville (I was still in level 1 wildy), but thanks to Mordendravid, I didn't waste time walking. I did notice a PK'er (or Abyss RC'er as they're hard to tell apart :)) pause just as I logged in, but I ran into the Edgeville bank, took out my anti-poison and quaffed it. Then I took out 2 swordies and ate them for good measure and promptly logged out as my nerves were shot! :shock: Fortunately, my browser didn't hang and if anything, it took less time than the 11 seconds I estimated above.




I checked after the swordies and had 36 hp, which gave me 8 prior to the meal. So I either had 14 when logged out and missed a poison hit, or was at 8hp the whole time. I didn't notice any poison hit, and when I logged out, the blue hearted Redemption icon was still glowing over my character's head. My temporary conclusion is that either 1) I didn't take long enough for either a prayer cycle or poison cycle to tick by or 2) 8 hp is greater than 10% of my 73 max, so was un-Redeemable, as it were. I think I'll bank everything and run some experiments with poison and Redemption, now that the crisis is over.




Can anyone suggest a good way to get poisoned without getting killed right away? Since Redemption is rumored to drop prayer to zero, when you die do you get your prayer points back? Anyway, I'll report back my findings. Thanks for all the great advice. My kitty especially thanks you! :D

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a. Redemption does drain all of your prayer and when you die you get it all back.


b. I'm pretty sure that if your below 10% then you turn it on it dosen't activate till your hit damage and will not save you from dying.




And thats pretty quick clicking to have been able to do all that that soon like that glad you didn't lose your kitty :)

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you need to be hit with it on for it to work, so yeah you're right


I confirmed this with a controlled experiment today in the Agility Arena. I dropped to 6 hp out of 73 and turned on Redemption. Kept it on for a good 15-20 seconds, nothing happened. Then I got hit once for 2 damage and went from 6 hp to 19, all prayer points lost. The 15 points I got (6-2+15 = 19) was 25% of my 62 prayer, yes? Next step I suppose is to check whether you pass through the zero hp on your way to redemption. IOW, if I had had only 2 hp when I got hit for 2 damage, would I have died or jumped to 15 hp?

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you need to be hit with it on for it to work, so yeah you're right


I confirmed this with a controlled experiment today in the Agility Arena. I dropped to 6 hp out of 73 and turned on Redemption. Kept it on for a good 15-20 seconds, nothing happened. Then I got hit once for 2 damage and went from 6 hp to 19, all prayer points lost. The 15 points I got (6-2+15 = 19) was 25% of my 62 prayer, yes? Next step I suppose is to check whether you pass through the zero hp on your way to redemption. IOW, if I had had only 2 hp when I got hit for 2 damage, would I have died or jumped to 15 hp?




you would be dead, I did this in the deul arena and my friend 1 hitted me ( i had like 7 health) and I died instead of healing.

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It doesnt activate when you get hit by poison. Some 111 ran out of the wilderness against me the other night and I hit him a 37 as he ran out and he turned on redemption since he knew he was poisoned, it hit him a 5 almost instantly and he was redlined but didnt heal.




He logged and probably had a friend give him food or pick up his stuff on another server, but the point is it doesnt work against poison. You have to be hit by a monster or a person.




But yes, it needs to be active before you get under 10%. You could turn it on at 5 HP and have the person hit a 0 and it will work, though.

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I wish they would change it so that it healed BEFORE u got hit.




I was using redemption at abyssals with dharoks, because it was more efficient than protection prayer. But then a while later I realized it healed after the hit heh.

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