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Holy lord how am I going to finish this?


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Hope you find something to fill those empty spaces on the left ground, or else no need to make a pic so big as your small artwork always turns out good. Good luck, just take it one small area at a time, seeing as you got unlimited time.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Hope you find something to fill those empty spaces on the left ground, or else no need to make a pic so big as your small artwork always turns out good. Good luck, just take it one small area at a time, seeing as you got unlimited time.




not quite, i would say he has 70-80 years :wink: anyway, looks like u gonna have fun, good luck and god speed :D

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amazing! :shock:


it will take a while tho, lol, y dont u c if any1 will help u with it?




Because no-one on this forum has his style. They are good pixellers, but his style sets him apart.






Looking good GS, it's much bigger than your normal pieces though. Think of all the colours!


Curse you Nomad!

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I mean for gods sake.




Early sketch:






And some basic shading and fine tuning on the main characters:






Wish me luck.




Amazing. Usually your works are quit small, and you put great detail into them, this is big and it's gonna take you like 10 times as long so goood luck and I can't wait to see the finished product!! 9/10 so far.


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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