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Reponsible gaming reminder - March 23, 06


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Alright, I was reading the new post on the Official RuneScape message board, and realized why they were posting it. I heard some people talking about a dutch boy (correct me if I'm wrong) who apparently killed himself after either being hacked or killed and losing a rare. I'm not sure if this is true, but I've seen multiple posts on this topic. Of course, Jagex was going to come across this eventually, and they had to defend themselves, and do something about it (which I believe they at least attempted). I was looking through the Knowledge Base at the 'Saftey and Security Guidlines' page, and I came across the 'Responsible Gaming Policy' page. If you read it, I'm sure many of you can relate to it, and knowing friends (or yourself) who don't do any of these. It's basically a check on real life and how many people are wasting it (me included :? ).




I found this especially pathetic:


2. Exercise at least once a week.




I am basically posting this because it does give some good insite on real life, and I think it would help lots of people.




Post what you think, and feel free to argue/correct me, just keep it clean.

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I agree with what Jagex has to say (how often do I get to say that?). Sadly too many people take this game far too seriously. Everyone should always remember that this is just a game, and it is created for the sole purpose of having fun. When the game isn't fun, it shouldn't be played.




On another note, I like how Jagex subtley slipped in pyschological counselling :lol:

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Wow, I am addicted to the game as well, but i wouldn't get that worked up about it. I'd just quit... people need to play some other games then rs so if in one you get screwed you still got the other one =D


I have no idea what's going to happen next =\

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Everytime Jagex goes 'Ahh we are soo worried about you, our dearest players' for this or that reason, I just find it sounds fake.


It's true, but it's just sad that they feel the need to specify that. Possibly that something particular happened and they're trying to keep the face by making that little 'notice'. Or possibly they were getting too many messages for 'privacy reasons', and they decided to invent that news message.




I've read the responsible gaming policy and it just doesn't sound right. They talk as if we had no life and that we needed 'help' to get one. "Meet with your friends"..."Excercise"..."Take breaks off the computer"


It's pathetic. Just who do they think we are? A pack of life-less nerds for which our lives are ruled by Runescape? Heh.. They're giving themselves way too much importance.

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I think everyone should read this article and think about it. There are MANY people out there who are too attached to the materials of RS. I admit it, i was one of those people until two Fridays ago when, ugh..., I did something so nooby i dont even want to talk about it and lost everything i had, about 8mil including all the items, luckily one person was really nice and managed to find some of my stuff and returned about 1 mil to get me back on my feet :) . anyways, I found there is more to Rs such as


Cabbage Picking


Random Emoting


Walking through F2P on a high lvl


Switching your gender to confuse frends


But most of all, Doing other stuff! Go outside! Fall down! Urinate in odd places! Steal hood ornamants (if anyone asks, i didnt do this one)!

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I think people should exercise at least one a day....once a week is far too little. Your body is your sanctuary, keep it in shape. I also agree that too many people take this game too seriously. Try doig other things. I personally play for the fun of an online community. Have fun, make mistakes, learn.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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2. Exercise at least once a week.




Only once? :?




they didn't say ONLY once, they said At LEAST once a week...




some people never exercise when they should. And Once a week is better than not at all, so exercise at least once a week!

Call me Kat, or Kathy Corkat

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30 mins of physical activity each day is the norm. Anyone trying to keep in shape should do that, atleast. It's not very hard, you can just walk by example.

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Yeah I don't really see how the suggestion to exercise once a week was related to the Dutch boy who committed suicide. I don't think that kid needed exercise as much as a counselor/psychiatrist.




Anyway, I do think that people that play this game do need to realize that there is more to life than just leveling your character on RuneScape. Everything in moderation, people... :roll:

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Yeah I don't really see how the suggestion to exercise once a week was related to the Dutch boy who committed suicide. I don't think that kid needed exercise as much as a counselor/psychiatrist.




Anyway, I do think that people that play this game do need to realize that there is more to life than just leveling your character on RuneScape. Everything in moderation, people... :roll:




I put them together because it basically is the same thing...There are other things to life than RuneScape, but I read that and had to post something about it.

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I think everyone should read this article and think about it. There are MANY people out there who are too attached to the materials of RS. I admit it, i was one of those people until two Fridays ago when, ugh..., I did something so nooby i dont even want to talk about it and lost everything i had, about 8mil including all the items, luckily one person was really nice and managed to find some of my stuff and returned about 1 mil to get me back on my feet :) . anyways, I found there is more to Rs such as


Cabbage Picking


Random Emoting


Walking through F2P on a high lvl


Switching your gender to confuse frends


But most of all, Doing other stuff! Go outside! Fall down! Urinate in odd places! Steal hood ornamants (if anyone asks, i didnt do this one)!




Lol, I like the Urinate in odd places.




Sorry for the double post... :?

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