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I thought they took this out of the game??


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I was cooking some pies for a quest im working on and I decided to take a walk. But, then i noticed thoes puppet things are still there from christmas.




I thought they took thoes out after the christmas event??






First place Winner of Nick 6464 F2P custom contest.

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They are the thing that was given out during the week or two around Christmas. It was a rather elaborate system of making/delivery for a holiday item. You can also drop yours and go there to get a different color if you have a preference as to what color yours is.

In almost complete retirement.



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what is marionettes? havent played in a while...




They are "dolls" in which you can pull strings on to make them dance or walk, etc. They were given to us (well we did have to work for them) during the last Christmas season holiday event along with various hats and scarfs.




To Shadow Fox:




Next time can you crop your photo a notch or two? It stretches out messages and it makes it slightly more difficult to read the thread. Not a demand, simply a personal request.

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