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dragon style!!


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this is the pixel art im curently workin on its not ready for long but i hope u guys like it already... ( i know it has no legs dunno how to make :oops: )








( i am working realy fast on the moment as u guys can see on this forum... :roll: )

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lol i made a little background fast so its better to look at...




also tryd to make legs... :oops: don't be to rubbish about that :oops:




here it is:



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it needs 2 more legs :wink: when you make the other 2, make sure they aren't in the same position as the 2 that are already there (imo) make them a bit stretched forward. It'll give it an effect to make it look like it's flying forward, which it is.




just a suggestion, I think it's pretty good so far. I like your colouring

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is this anny better kingvash? hope its better i added 2 legs and an xtra wing... thisannybetter.jpg




that looks good if the dragon was mounted, but I would never have guessed it was flying looking like that.




still looks good however

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Skulll's looks better, but didnt really keep any of the old one:P




Its better rik, but it still doesnt look like its flying, looks mounted, the back lag still needs more shape and muscle, and the head needs a better shade...




Try looking at dragons in other sigs




Take a look at these:


http://images.google.ca/images?svnum=10 ... tnG=Search


("flying dragon" Google search)

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it doenst have to fly it also can stand on the ground i dont know wath about the background yet... thanks for the idea's think i can make it better now :P

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altered it a bit


more like this, yours doesnt really look like a flying dragon, this quick thingy of mine could give you a basis.


Wow Quer! :shock:




Any base dragon stood there? or you just made a new one?





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lol i made a little background fast so its better to look at...




also tryd to make legs... :oops: don't be to rubbish about that :oops:




here it is:




looks like a rat with wings. and oddly it dosnt look like a bat.

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