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Jagex; a two sided story


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Jagex is a very intersting company, I have to give them that. Their growth rate is amazing, and I find it great that they came up with a game that appeals to all ages.


Often there are many, many complaints about how Jagex is doing (more like how bad they are doing), myself included, but I have to give them a congrads. They found a very smart way to make money.


To think, they started with checkers and chess etc (if you've ever played their old games), then come up with such an addicting game. It's amazing I personally think.


Considering the fact they only charge 5 US dollars a month, and have tons of people who pay nothing, I'm sure most of them never have to worry about "paying their bills" again. I could be wrong, the leaders might not be that rich, but I think they would be.


But, as with every company, they have problems they run into. Some of these aren't open to the public I'm sure, but the one's I can see are the fact that the game is so addicting people are wasting their lives on Runescape. They have so many people emailing them, I'm sure sometimes it feels hopeless. They also have people constantly flaming their work.


I must personally say again that Jagex is amazing, even in their faults. If you or I were in charge, it would most likely be even worse. Think about it.

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Once, I made a post on official forums saying that Jagex was doing an outstanding job considering their means and the little the company had started of, and guess how I was thanked?




A forum blackmark.




They said I had 'insulted them'.




Jagex is not worth any respect, of any sort.

2480+ total

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Once, I made a post on official forums saying that Jagex was doing an outstanding job considering their means and the little the company had started of, and guess how I was thanked?




A forum blackmark.




They said I had 'insulted them'.




Jagex is not worth any respect, of any sort.


Mods can be dumb sometimes. :?

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my extreame short attention span cannot read all that!




someone translate that into one word!




My god man have you not heard of the thing they call........a "book"?




What he said=from their lowley origins they are doing very well, and probably have quite a hard job, wth many people relying on them.



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also u know with the new? go talk to somone if u been hacked?




thats cus somone sued them because a guy comited sucide cus his really good acount got hackked...




i remember this one time i died... poiesened all the way to the bank




opened bank...




took out shark








you are dead




there goes 2 mill :P




then the same day i found 3


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Jagex are moneygrabbing power hungry thugs, ask any of the people unfairly banned about the way they get treated.


Andrew threatened to sue tip it couse he found an article posted here offensive, is that something we should respect?


I remember in rsc when jagex actually cared about the players, mods would actually come in game to talk if there was a serious problem, now the chances of that happening are like getting struck by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by a car in your own backyard whilst still on fire.

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Jagex are moneygrabbing power hungry thugs, ask any of the people unfairly banned about the way they get treated.


Andrew threatened to sue tip it couse he found an article posted here offensive, is that something we should respect?


I remember in rsc when jagex actually cared about the players, mods would actually come in game to talk if there was a serious problem, now the chances of that happening are like getting struck by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by a car in your own backyard whilst still on fire.




First off, anyone who has been banned has violated one of the 15 rules and conditions of playing their game one way or another, be it intentional or by no fault of their own. They are simply protecting the greater interests of the players. Second, Andrew has already apologized for said threats to the articles writer and tip.it. If i saw a potentially voliatile piece of propaganda that could cost their company money from potential players and ad revenue, i'd sue as well. Third, how many people play this game now compared to rsc?! Your arguement about how things were back in "those days" is like comparing the stone age to modern times. I'd say it's a little harder to help a community of 197,000 people is a tad bit harder than protecting the thousands that used to play rsc.




I've said it before and i'll say it once more. Tip.it doesn't need any more forum users to use this site as a medium to bash Jagex and their policies. Either grow the stones to do it on the runescape forum or take it elsewhere.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Jagex are moneygrabbing power hungry thugs, ask any of the people unfairly banned about the way they get treated.


Andrew threatened to sue tip it couse he found an article posted here offensive, is that something we should respect?


I remember in rsc when jagex actually cared about the players, mods would actually come in game to talk if there was a serious problem, now the chances of that happening are like getting struck by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by a car in your own backyard whilst still on fire.




First off, anyone who has been banned has violated one of the 15 rules and conditions of playing their game one way or another.


Your a fool if you actually believe that, and show me andrews apology, becouse i have trouble believing that.


As to your "use the official forums comment" The forum mods there lock/delete anything posted that even slightly berates jagex.


also your thread is on the third page by the time you have hit submit.

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hes right the person hai viloeted the rules one way or another


How is using the same modem as your girlfriend on 2 seperate computers violating the rules? it isnt, dozens of people get banned for this, becouse jagex assumes its just one person who trained 2 lvl 120+ accounts :roll:

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hes right the person hai viloeted the rules one way or another


How is using the same modem as your girlfriend on 2 seperate computers violating the rules? it isnt, dozens of people get banned for this, becouse jagex assumes its just one person who trained 2 lvl 120+ accounts :roll:




Why would someone get banned for training 2 level "120" accounts in the first place. It isn't against the rules unless one of those account's is used as a "mule" which Jagex can and has determined hence why they were both banned. And i hope you mean't level 120 total because Jagex would never ban 120 combat level's for playing on the same modem. It's called ban appeals my friend.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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hes right the person hai viloeted the rules one way or another


How is using the same modem as your girlfriend on 2 seperate computers violating the rules? it isnt, dozens of people get banned for this, becouse jagex assumes its just one person who trained 2 lvl 120+ accounts :roll:




Why would someone get banned for training 2 level "120" accounts in the first place. It isn't against the rules unless one of those account's is used as a "mule" which Jagex can and has determined hence why they were both banned. And i hope you mean't level 120 total because Jagex would never ban 120 combat level's for playing on the same modem. It's called ban appeals my friend.


Ask evilminer13, evilminer14, and platinumkitt who were all banned for multiple loggins..


2 lvl 124's and a 122, and using the same router all different people.


And yes thats combat not total, 2 of the accounts were made in 2001.


And as for ban appeals, jagex auto responds to them.


My 108 was locked once becouse i got hacked and jagex wanted proof that i was the owner..


took me 2 months to get my account back becouse jagex was auto replying.

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I praise Jagex for the way they handle runescape, and I completely understand why they ban so many people. They have rules, it is YOUR responcibility to read those rules, seeing as you agree to terms before you even activate your character. Even if you are not breaking a rule, you must be aware that you could potentially break one, and you are responcible for avoiding that. I don't think they ban anyone out of spite. It sucks to lose your account, ya, but the rules are there, it's not like you're incapable of reading them.


I also understand why they would ban for false reports, they simply have too many things to deal with and making their life harder is a nusience. So really it's just a threat to make sure people don't waste their time, and they back it up to make a point. As for auto responces, again, they don't have time for every single person. Try replying to 1000 messages a day. Simpler, actually, try going through all your junk mail every day and going through all the surveys and crap they dish out to you. No one has the time to handle that much.


Now, don't take it as an attack, cause I like Jagex, I'd just like to say that their idea for runescape wasn't some miraculous thing... almost every RP game is like this. You level up... you build skills to make money. FFXI, WoW, EQ2... if you think about it, it's based on life, only with out the work (which is why it's a game).


People think it's "work" to fish and run to bank, go get yourself a rod and see how hard it is to catch a real fish ;)

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, I'd just like to say that their idea for runescape wasn't some miraculous thing... almost every RP game is like this. You level up... you build skills to make money. FFXI, WoW, EQ2...


You do know runescape was arround 3-4 years before any of those were thought up right?

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Jagex, as in Andrew and Paul, are good fellows, who have my respect for many of the reasons the topic author listed. It's just that they choose people to moderate their creation with glorified, undignified and dead-inside power hungry mongrels, which is the image that is then reflected back onto Jagex.




I don't blame them for it, nor do I defend them. It's their game, if they want to send it down this path they're on further, it's their choice. But it'll hurt them...no, how should I put that? It'll cost them...they might understand that better.

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Jagex are moneygrabbing power hungry thugs, ask any of the people unfairly banned about the way they get treated.


Andrew threatened to sue tip it couse he found an article posted here offensive, is that something we should respect?


I remember in rsc when jagex actually cared about the players, mods would actually come in game to talk if there was a serious problem, now the chances of that happening are like getting struck by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by a car in your own backyard whilst still on fire.




what I don't get is that if you hate Jagex so much, why do you continue to play their game :?:




I hate it when I see this




noob:Jagex is ***




Me:if you hate Jagex so much, why do you play their game?




noob:I never said I hated runescape, I said I hated Jagex


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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