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Temple Trekking - What Rewards Did You Get?


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If you can remember the route and NPC you took, and what color token they gave you, what rewards did you get?




I took the little girl through the easiest path. Got a blue token. Reward: red fish book.




I took the little girl through the medium level path (met giant snakes, and almost died [and I'm combat 102]). Got a yellow token. Reward: 60 silver bars, noted.




Took a man npc (can't remember which one now) on easy path, got blue token which gave me 9 wildblood hop seeds.




I plan to do more treks when I get back, in the meantime, post what rewards you got here.

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Item Amount recieved




Coal 17 - 102




Bowstring 29 - 169




Silver Bar 18 - 107




Rune Essence 81 - 468




Wildblood Seeds 9 - 55




Herbs 12 - 70






or Tarromin)




Raw Lobster 9 - 56












Tome Experience




Level 1 Tomes Random amount of experience (550-1100) in a defined skill from Agility, Firemaking, Fishing, Mining, Slayer, Thieving or Woodcutting.




Level 2 Tomes Random amount of experience (990-2035) in a defined skill from Agility, Firemaking, Fishing, Mining, Slayer, Thieving or Woodcutting.




Level 3 Tomes Random amount of experience (990-4015) in a defined skill from Agility, Firemaking, Fishing, Mining, Slayer, Thieving or Woodcutting.

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All of these are from the 3rd route with the little girl.






30 bowstrings (weird i know lol)


242 bowstrings


40 raw lobs


80 raw lobs


76 silver bars


153 silver bars


552 rune essence.






Also, I too done the 2nd path with the little girl and got 60 silver bars.




But the semi-decent things I like about this is the lvl 140 shades that when you kill drop fyir remains since that's great for those that love to cremate shades for money, firemaking xp, and pray xp.

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I think that the giant snail shells like vampire dust have no use in the game. Since, if they were like normal snail shells you would be able to use a chisel on them to make snelms, but neither a hammer...or a chisel and hammer do anything to them, as well no new npc around the area will do anything with them and they have no gen store value.

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I think that the giant snail shells like vampire dust have no use in the game. Since, if they were like normal snail shells you would be able to use a chisel on them to make snelms, but neither a hammer...or a chisel and hammer do anything to them, as well no new npc around the area will do anything with them and they have no gen store value.




They might have some use.


You can't withrdraw them as notes. Hmm....

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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I took the little girl on the 3rd path. Encountered tentacle monster and broken bridge. Got over 100 silver bars.




Took the strong lady on the 3rd path, encountered Juvinates, bog, and one other thing I can't remember. Got over 400 Rune essences.

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I took the mid level man on third path - 666 rune essences. Second time I get that. Tentcle monster, (eventually bog, cant remember if it was this trek or last one), vampires and snails...




Next trip: took middle strong woman on third path. One single event, and that was the man who nicely boost your hp and defence. Reward 6 silver bar certs.




Strongest man on path 3, only got bog, reward 82 rune essence.




Strongest man on path 3, shades, snails and statboosting man, reward 604 rune essence




Weakest man on path 3: tentacle monster (here, eat another snail darnit!) and ghasts. Reward - 2116 woodcutting exp from tome.




Little girl on path 3: only repairing bridge - 9 harralander and 4 toadflax.




Strongest man on path 3: only ghasts, reward 2112 fishing exp from tome.




strongest man on path 3: shades, ghasts, snails and vampires, whew! Reward 79 wildblood seeds




strongest man on path 3: only bog - reward 9 tarromin, 4 toadflax




Strongest woman on path 3: tentacle, bridge, snails - 666 rune essences. What am I to do with all this essence, I just hate runecrafting!




Strongest woman on path 3: ghasts, bridge and one more thing. 51 harralander and 17 tarromin.




Strongest one (can for my life not remember if it was man or woman) on path 3: bog and snails - reward 132 bow strings.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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I took the little girl on the level 3 course, got a river crossing (swinging on tree) and ghasts. Got 62 harralander (unidentified) and 28 toadflax (also unidentified.)




It looks as though the more events you run into and complete along the way, they better the reward?




Lol @ Gugge, getting only one and it being a helpful man. :P

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It looks as though the more events you run into and complete along the way, they better the reward?




Yes, thats the impression I got. The reward is very low with only one non-combat event, and higher the more combat evens you have. I think I've had max 4 events on a trip (3 combat and 1 non-combat or 2 of each).




Here are a few more:


strongest woman path 3; ghasts, giant snakes- 62 tarromin, 22 toadflax




Middle strong woman path 3: shades and ghasts - 80 raw lobsters




Middle strong woman on path 3: vampires (and my darn rod turned to dust before I got to use it's last charge. Luckily I had the wolfbane dagger with me to try it out, wolfbane sure does more damage than silver sickle) - 136 bowstrings.




Strongest woman on path 3: shades, repair bridge, ghasts - 76 wildblood seeds




middle strong woman on path 3: repair bridge - 83 rune essence

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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how long did your trips take?




I never check time when playing. I do what I feel like, and let it take the time it takes as the only reason I play is to relax.




Anyways: how long it takes depends very much on what events you encounter, and how many NPC's each event holds. On the third path, shades are level 140, tentacle is 4x99 + head 140, ghasts, snails and snakes are level 139 and the juvenates are level 119. You get between 3-6 (well 3 or 4 most of the time) of shades, ghasts, snakes, snails, juvenates. So they are high level, and you need to kill them all. Especially the juvenates takes a LOT of time to kill as you have to use the silver weapons. The bridge repair, river swing and nice man are quick and straight forward, the bog may take a little longer.




Here are a few more:


little girl on path 3: bog - 30 bowstrings




midlevel man on path 3: river swing, snails - 55 raw lobsters




midlevel woman on path 3: vampires - thieving tome which gave 2498 exp




weakest man on path 3 died 3 times in a row :roll: first time to shades, second time to snails, then to tentacle monster. Whew, lousy guide I am, I give up on the weakest for now!




Strongest woman on path 3: shades, snakes - 122 each of coal and iron ore.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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thought i posted this, guess not:$




little girl:


153 silver bars


mining tome(2268 xp)


26 toadflax/75 tarr


65 wildblood seeds


83 eccense


slayer tome(snails/shades/vampyres)


10 raw lobs


79 wildblood seeds(boat/vampyres/snails)<--grrr


242 bowstrings (ghasts/snails)


145 coal/iron(ghasts/snakes)


fishing tome(snake)-2449xp


80 raw lobs(boat/vampyres/snails)


30 bow strings (bog)


18 toadflax/54 tarr (snails)




other explorer:


89 coal/iron


18 coal/iron


200 bowstrings

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Did two trips so far:




Old guy, medium path, only a bog: 18 silver bars


Little girl, hard path, ghasts and giant snakes: 75 harralander, 26 toadflax.




By the way, the knowledge base guide is wrong in the reward quantities, I definitely got more than 70 herbs, and I see others have too.








And you will lose items if you die, where would the danger be otherwise?

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I didn't write down who i took, but i know that i generally take the medium level guy/girl and the kid on route 3 every trip.


I've gotten slayer and mining tome for about 7k exp between the two (combined xp) 600 silver bars, and about 250 iron/coal. The wildblood seeds are iritating to get, while the bowstrings and essence aren't bad. Just wish there was some mith ores or bars involved so that make those evil staff's to combat the vampire juvi's a little easier to get.




Offtopic of the rewards, anyone else a bit miffed by the guthix pot being (3) and the rods being 10 uses? Balance out the uses between them to make them coexist in a more useful manner. The staff could be better imo if it didn't break, especially taking a mith and silver bar plus saphire. The enchant spell looks amazing but thats an annoying potion to make (silver and garlic) :evil:

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The wildblood seeds are iritating to get


Yeah - I currently have 459 wildblood seeds in bank.... I wish it was watermelon (or eventually even ranarr, in smaller amounts of course) instead



Offtopic of the rewards, anyone else a bit miffed by the guthix pot being (3) and the rods being 10 uses? Balance out the uses between them to make them coexist in a more useful manner. The staff could be better imo if it didn't break, especially taking a mith and silver bar plus saphire. The enchant spell looks amazing but thats an annoying potion to make (silver and garlic) :evil:


Regarding making the potion: The silver I dont mind, as you get bars as reward - though it is a little time consuming to crush it. Regarding garlic, I find it easiest to fill inventory with stat restore pots (but leave 1 space free), go to garlic spawn, take 1 garlic, put in potion, take anohter garlic, put in potion and so on.




But yeah... would have been really nice if we ended up with a 4-dose potion, I mean we do add 4 ingredients and the vial is FULL... Would also be really nice if the staff had 12 uses.




Here are a few other trips I did last night. Completly unorganized, as I switched between paths, switched between who I took, and just wrote it down in the order I did it. So yeah, I like this trekking :P I like that it is a challange, and I especially like that you are on your own with the NPC's, very peaceful which is what I need right now.




strongest man on path 3: snakes - 61 of each coal and iron ore




strongest woman on path 3: tentacle monster, juvinates, snakes - 242 bow strings




Strongest man on path 3: stat boosting man - fishing tome which gave 2682 exp




Strongest man on path 3: ghasts, bog - 43 wildblood seeds.




midlevel woman on path 3: only ghasts - 136 bow strings




Midlevel woman on path 3: tentacle monster, juvinates killed her




Strongest man on path 3: shades, tentacle monster, ghasts - 242 bow strings




little girl on path 2: ghasts, bog - fishing tome which gave 1537 exp




midlevel woman on path 3: repair bridge - 83 rune essence




Midlevel woman on path 3: ghasts and snails - 75 harralander, 26 toadflax




Midlevel woman on path 3: tentacle monster, ghasts and snails - 242 bowstrings




Weakest man on path 3: snakes, repair bridge - 65 wildblood seeds




Strongest woman on path 3: bog - 19 silver bars




midlevel woman on path 3: juvinates (and darklight works, used it since my rod only had 3 charges left and there was 4 juvinates) - 81 of each coal and iron ore




little girl on path 3: snails - 55 wildblood




Little girl on path 3: ghasts - wildblood, dont remember how many.




Little girl on path 1 - shades, snails - 62 silver bars




Little girl on path 1: snakes - 16 wildblood




Little girl on 1: no event - 5 coal and 5 iron ores. WOW




Little girl on 1: bog - 16 wildblood




Little girl on 2: repair bridge - 83 rune essense




Little girl on 2: vampires - 60 silver bars




Weakest man on 2: bog, snakes - 75 of each coal and iron ore




little girl on 2: ghasts, bog - 343 rune essence




little girl on 2: snail, ghast, snail - 75 harralander, 26 toadflax

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Midlevel woman on path 2:


No event - 27 rune essence


bog, juvinates and snails - 97 of each coal and iron ore


juvinates - 48 silver bars


juvinates, snakes - 49 wildblood seeds


bog - slayer tome which gave 1509 exp


snakes, ghasts - 49 wildblood seeds


bog - firemaking tome which game 1367 exp


snakes, bog - 67 silver bars


Abidor Crank - 6 silver bars


shades, snakes - 90 of each coal and iron ore

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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