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ok, so i just bought a d hally with ALL the money i have and then saw i need to do the quest....ok whatever no biggy




so i need to do regicide....ok 56 agility.....wt* oh well time to try the agility areana.....ok so i go there....ok seems ok the ticket concept is cool....uh....oh no im dien....ok what now?....ok wtf im dien...and....dead....oo well i should show up right out side and keep my stuff and tickets right? like the tzar pits right?......NO.....ooo so i loose about 100k worth of crap...yay






can some one explain how i get out of the areana when im half dead?


how does it work the guide on tip.it doesnt say how to get out.....bah help me..

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Well first off here are some tips:




* Also this should be in the help and advice board but since I am not a mod :cry: then this is just a suggestion to you in the future.






Tip1: Bring dispensible food like cakes with you. This is good food because you can get it at ardy (stealing) and then quickly take the boat back to the arena




Tip2: Only have the cost of getting in and 2 boat rides = cakes in inventory, and only wear boots of lightness. If you wear rune you will still get hit a ton, but you wont loose anything if you die. Plus with less wieght you will be able to run longer.




Tip3: Keep your health at about 30 to 20 hp. At this hp level you get hit less damage than you would at full hp.




Tip4: Keep your tickets untill you have 100 or 500 (you get a better sence of accomplishement when you go up like 5 levels in a second :wink:) and once you get 53 agility (or whatever it is for wildy) go to the wilderness course. Even with the danger of pkers and such, it IS the best place to train. I went ther from 51 to 73 agility and only died once.




Tip5: Once you get to 2 cakes left. Start heading for the exit. Head towards whichever corner it is at (se, sw, ne, nw). Once you are out, go to ardy, steal 27 cakes (heal with bread and such), get coins out again and start over.


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Tip3: Keep your health at about 30 to 20 hp. At this hp level you get hit less damage than you would at full hp.




its actually better to keep your hp between 10 and 20, i also agree that cakes are the best food to take in there, also if you take an ammy of glory, dueling ring or anyother equipible tele item you can always take the quick and easy way out if you need to got out quick


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People forgot to mention bringing restoration, energy and agility potions if you can make them as the arena gets very annoying when the darts lower your agility...

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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People forgot to mention bringing restoration, energy and agility potions if you can make them as the arena gets very annoying when the darts lower your agility...




i just didnt try the darts untill i was 45 agil, the way around will only take abuor 10 more seconds, and you should still get the ticket, even with the detore


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ok, so i just bought a d hally with ALL the money i have and then saw i need to do the quest....ok whatever no biggy




so i need to do regicide....ok 56 agility.....wt* oh well time to try the agility areana.....ok so i go there....ok seems ok the ticket concept is cool....uh....oh no im dien....ok what now?....ok * im dien...and....dead....oo well i should show up right out side and keep my stuff and tickets right? like the tzar pits right?......NO.....ooo so i loose about 100k worth of crap...yay






can some one explain how i get out of the areana when im half dead?


how does it work the guide on tip.it doesnt say how to get out.....bah help me..






you do realize you infact heal slowly while playing the game dont you?






what you SHOULD have done was, browse tip.it runehq, and maybe runeweb for diagrams of the whole place and figured out how to get out, by this time i think you could maybe had 10 more hps left

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wear a duel, and tele out if you get in trouble

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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I tele to ardy, steal an inventory of cakes. Ride the ship back, when im 4 health, no food i repeat. Why would you think if you died you wouldn't lose your items?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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