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Night Racing....?


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Extremely detailed, walking on the road from Camelot to Catherby and found a red mask on the ground thinking I would kill myself if this was a dream. ~woke up.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I went out last night and as usual didn't feel like going to bed when I got home so I decided to finish off the Fremenik Isles quest which I had started earlier. I did it but by the time it was finished I couldn't be bothered to check out the mines so I went to bed. I then had a dream I was in the mine, it was only about 5 seconds long though.




I then had a much longer dream that I owned the Royal Albert Hall and for some reason it was filled with water, and someone was trying to push me in from 500 feet up.




Read into that what you will. :uhh:




In my opinion what you dream about is meaningless, as it's just a projection of your mental state. What type of dream you have (e.g. an anxiety dream) is important though. But whether you dream about work, the missus, friends, runescape, or whatever isn't important and certainly doesn't show "addiction". :roll:

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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A few of my dreams:




Also when i don't get to finish a quest because i have to sleep but i know how it ends i dream about me finishing it. Once i got "Congratulations, you're the number [Numbers] to finish the quest" and the reward was 200m exp on all :anxious:




Also once i dreamed i finally had bougth that green mask i had the money for and went pking with a mini clan with it, they bsed me and i lost it. The day after that a guy in the clan stole my acount :wall:




Everyone who isn't member knows that there's not a single outfit that looks good without cape, so back when i wasn't i once dreamed I was getting dressed up irl but didn't had a cape, was like "Dam, i won't look good"

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Well, a few days ago, I was 4 tickets from a golden kite, when I was made to get off the computer. I then watched a national geographic special about the Aryan Brotherhood, and went to bed.






The dreams I had were seriously messed up. I was like in a Castle Wars game, and I got shanked in the kidney by a gang member... And alot of other crap happened I can't even remember.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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I haven't actually seen any dreams about Runescape, but once I woke up and said "Stupid Karil why didn't he drop his top instead of coif". It felt bit odd. :-k


Retired from RuneScape for as long as possible.

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Well, there was one where I gave some 120 an anti pot, and they gave me all their items... And one where I became a J-mod and spawned black p-hats all over the ground in w2 fally park, lol. And there was one where I was hunting giant yellow/black spiders in an opera house with a shotgun, and I killed one that dropped a spinach roll... W00T!11!!11shift1!!! spinach roll!!!!!1.. Then I woke up... #-o :-s :shock: Random dreams, eh?

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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OK, so lastnight I was having a dream right. I was dreaming that I was racing this guy in my car, We were boths revving our engines!! Both of our Eyes glaring at each other, then glancing at each others girls (thinking I bet I can take his girl). So we get you RPM up I let him say "GO" both cars burn out and we take off...I then blank out cause we apparently we both had a reck...when we wake up I'm freaking out because I just lost my obby cape, obby shield, whip....and I bust out and say in the dream "ok there has to be a way to get those back it was just a mini game!!!!" then I wake up thinking...WTHeck....weird...so does anyone else have dream about runescape....go ahead and post them here I'm sure we should all get some good laughs...lol






I think I understood sometething about it, did you race someone then it blanked out then you "wake up from that dream in your dream" and see in dream that you've lost stuff?

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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lol yeah ur to addicted to this game u need to get on a sport or something :D




Dreams can happen when well...whenever you do something, even if it's very small. If it occupied at least 20 minutes of your day and somethin big happened, it's natural you'll dream about it.




I know you were probalby joking, but i felt a need to say that.




Anyway, i had a dream that edgeville bank was very close to the wilderness..like when you walked out you would be in the wildy (before the ditch), and this guy in full drag was poisoned and died, i got his chain or something like that lol.

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I had a dream where I saw a guy buying runes from the zammy mage in a white phat so I pked him and he dropped 3 white phats and 50m cash and so I gave one to my friend sold the other and kept one.




I woke up thinking omfg time to buy that full 3rd age when I realised I had a dream so I got so mad :|

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I had only three dreams that I barely remember.




The first one had to do with goblins. They were ugly as heck and kept on breaking into peoples homes. Well, I believe I was a cop so I was looking for them and trying to shoot them all.




Another dream myself and my team and some others was shooting zombies and skeletons. It was set up like a mansion. Although not all of the undead creatures were bad. I met a few that actually helped us defeat the rest. Apparently there was some maniac that turned the civilians into the undead.


I have yet to find and kill him.




Another one was where a random person traded me 100m. It may not sound like much but for me I could die for. However, when I logged in (in real life, not dream) I did not have 100m. Not even 1m. I wish dreams came true sometimes.

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I had a weird one the other night. I'm at the silage pit, and I'm walking home(why would I walk :S)..and out of no-where someone starts attacking me...yep, somehow rs got into my mind, and I woke up thinking I was pked outside of wild. I went back to sleep and after I got up again an hour later I still had the thought in my mind that someone pked me for a lot of expensive gear outside of wild. Very weird.

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I once had a dream that some of my buddies and I were fighting some guys that were trying to kill us. Then randomly I found an MSB and some rune arrows. But it wouldn't fire. (I guess i didn't have a high enough range level to use them lol)


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