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Non-chafing Manacles? (after wish-list)


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Manacles are some sort of contraint, so I don't know, it seems like a joke to me, but maybe it will be a continuing quest or sometning?

"If ignorance is bliss...then knock the smile off my face!"


Rage Against The Machine


Zack De La Rocha

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Manacles are some sort of contraint, so I don't know, it seems like a joke to me, but maybe it will be a continuing quest or sometning?




joke? maybe.. but during both quests there was no use of that "mumbling from mans bag"




so maybe hes creating a creature and need it to be tied up well..




i dunno :?:

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That's kind of basically saying he wants handcuffs that don't irritate the skin, so handcuffs that aren't too tight.. etc




Sounds kinky, for him and his little bone creation. Disappointing ending to the quest though.

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My post from RS forums:




It's says in the journal: Quest Completely completed. So, I'm going to believe that there's nothing more to gain at the moment from the quest. I think that's a hint towards necromancy, though. He needs manacles to keep the monsters he has summoned in his order, without hurting them?




I don't know, but I have the feeling that this might be a clue towards summoning.


40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads.





Are there any hidden bonuses here?


No bonuses


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summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning summoning




wish that skill come to runescape world very soon like next month.




since there is already 3 ppl maxed all stats not just one..



My vengeance is everything..

..everything must come to an end

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It's a joke...can't remember the movie, but anyway there's this guy and girl and yeah...so they're all dressed in full dungeon and the guy starts to say when she puts the manacles on, "stop it you're chaffing me!"






chaff me baby! oh oh chaff me ! :P



New sigzor^^

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Just cause it was in some obscure movie, doesn't mean its a joke or a reference to it... chafing + handcuffs is by no means a rare combination...





Guess you don't know Jagex that well. :?




Either way, any idea is a possibility, it could be a reference to a movie, hint on a new quest, or even (and heres a shocker) nothing.




Speculation, while fun, is really becomming old though. Too many people expect too much out of something so little.


R.I.P Shiva

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well following the fact, that jagex wrote about this quest: "More experienced players will then be able to help him further and get extra rewards"




... with the word REWARDS (that means more than one reward...)




i really dunno what to think. By my opinion, the odd man never showed to be upset that much to require manacle...




well who knows..

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well following the fact, that jagex wrote about this quest: "More experienced players will then be able to help him further and get extra rewards"




... with the word REWARDS (that means more than one reward...)




i really dunno what to think. By my opinion, the odd man never showed to be upset that much to require manacle...




well who knows..




And they gave what they promised.




1. 5000 Prayer Experience


2. Bone Sack or _______


3. 1 QP




I count 3 rewards.

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