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Is a level 51 combat considered "newb"?


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Okay, I know that "newb" is a new player and "noob" is an abusive player.




I dislike both names so I just say "new player."








Strength: 48


Hitpoints: 43


Defence: 35


Attack: 44


Range: 17


Prayer: 20




Runecrafting: 13


Crafting: 35


Mining: 47


Smithing: 42


Fishing: 56


Cooking: 54


Woodcutting: 43


Firemaking: 30










By the way, im F2P.

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Look at how people act and that's how you determine if they're a noob or not. It can be to do with anything in which they don't act like someone who has experience in the game.

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Not true


a noob is someone who acts in an ignorant manner as if they were new to the game. This word is often used in the wild when someone refuses to fight, which is the reason for being there...




No, a newb is someone who is new.

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It also depends, mostly runescape players like to called people newb because they higher levels and think they smarter. Some just like to called people for fun. Well only a small portions have great respects for everyone efforts and skills. I think everyone is unique in different ways but just that they don't know what to do and needed a little teachings. I was once really stupid don't know anything but then by a person that guides me. It wasnt on my giga account it was on my main long time ago but that account i give to a friend and i let him have til now. Anyways no one is perfect well theres a few maybe 10 out of 1 million players. But besides them everyone consider newb also, but don't see it as a bad thing though, It just mean you still have a lot to learn in runescape. :)

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newb is just somone who doesnt know "things" in runescape...




and a noob is a eritating, low lvled player...




my look on it :)


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Arrgh the noob/newb argument makes my head spin. :lol:




I was called a "noob" today whilst I was mining coal near the coal trucks. I couldn't believe it, I was just minding my own business :o . I just said "It takes one to know one" and changed servers :lol:


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well, there are many factors:


do u have a main


whats ur total level


how rich are u


do u play in member or non-member world?




newb mans non-experienced player


are u that, yes or no?


somple, isn't it?




are you obsessed with making typos


what are the rest of your levels


how long have you been playing for


do you consider yourself a newb or a noob


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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I'd consider you a semi-newb. Only for the fact that if you were to become a member, you'd have no idea what to do. At your level, do you know how to do the Barrows minigame? Do you know how to get around on a member's world? Do you know the best ways to level up fletching, slayer, farming, herblore, and thieving?




If you were to stay F2P, you'd be fine. But if you ever decided to play the actually game and buy members, you'd probably be considered a "newb".

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IMO; Newb is a word for new players and Noob is a word for pepole that thing they are best and so, but they actually suck. Then if you are a noob in wildy, you just suck at pking (That's what i am) :lol:

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Newb-n. a person who has just started playing the game and has no other characters in the game; newbie; being a newb has nothing to do with levels; a person who is learning the game for the first time


---A player can be a level 3 without being a newb.




Noob-n. originally meant to mean a person who acts as if they are a newb but in reality are not; commonly used now as an insult; jerk; jack***; [developmentally delayed]; used to insult someone when the insulter thinks the insultie is stupid, has done something wrong, or has done something that the insulter does not like




As a level 51, I am sure you have much experience in the game, so therefore, you cannot be a NEWB. However, if you act as though you are a NEWB, you may be considered a NOOB. If you did something a person did not like and were called a NOOB, do not take it seriously. That person probably thinks that they are higher than you and has the right to down-size you. In my opinion, the real NOOB is the one who goes around calling everyone else a NOOB for no reason other than to make him/her self feel and seem higher than everyone else.



"mmm... i like waffles"... i get that alot. so i say..."I do, too!!!"

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