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New game xp and money??


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hey people, i got the pleasure of playing one of the first games that happened but anyway


The first time i traded in my points i got 768 xp, but when i tried just know i only got 468xp a point. do u no what happened and how mch money do u get per a monster thx

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They halved the XP and Money, I think. So now it's just for little nubles. :lol:

Do you think, Perhaps, that the Black Dragon lives in the Black Dragon Cave!?


I'm a firm believer of typing with proper grammar on the interwebs. Oh yes.

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They already found a calculation.




Your level is the skill that is chosen, squared, divided by 3.




So say you're 50 prayer.








Sounds like they are findind radius from perimeter or something...how random of a formula...why can't it be 50 squared "TIMES" 3

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You only get money equal to your combat level. I have 104 combat so I get 1040gp.




um.... u probably get more then 1040gp, as when i did it at Combat 82, i got 4100gp each time i won...




That was before they changed the reward, you had 82 x 5 = 410 which turned out to be 4100gp. Now it's 82 x 1 = 82 so you only get 820gp.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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quote from knowledge base:




Victory by defending the Void Knight for 20 minutes




For lasting the 20 minutes against the creatures, and keeping the Void Knight from death, you will be awarded 1 point which gives free experience in a Combat skill of your choice from Attack, Defence, Strength, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic or Prayer. The amount of experience you get is your level in that skill squared and then divided by 6. If you chose Prayer, it is divided by 12.




it's actually quite a bad exp for 20 mins of work... i prefer killing green drags :P




[edit] i read a lil about the minigame and realised that if there are lots of people and the game is finished in 2-3 minutes then the exp is actually quite good :)


"Happines only real when shared."





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They already found a calculation.




Your level is the skill that is chosen, squared, divided by 3.




So say you're 50 prayer.








That is only for most of the skills, prayer is /by 6 I think. I know its not 2, and there is no way you got 4100 per game at 82 combat, you just add a 0 to your combat and that what you get.


|Barrows Drops-7|Dragon Drops-5|

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