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Abyssal Whip Wilderness Scam Backfire - NOT AGAIN!

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So, here I am in Falador doing the Garden of Tranquility Quest. I get a PM from a scammer than I can not name here asking to get a picture of him killing me while I am wielding my Abyssal Whip to post on his clan's website. I read a warning about this scam on another forum.




The scam works like this: a player convinces another player to come into the Wilderness with him (sometimes offering money for it) so that he can get a picture of killing someone with an abyssal whip to post on his clan forum. No harm here, the victim thinks, I just won't get a skull. So he attacks you in the Wilderness and lowers your hit points to about 5 or so, he stops, and says he's getting his screenshot program ready, or video program, or whatever. The scammer then drops 4 noted Mystic Tops. While he is supposedly waiting for his program to load, he is waiting for the noted Mystic Tops to appear as visible to the victim. When they finally are, the victim thinks, wow! Mystic Tops in notes on the ground! He goes to pick it up, he gets killed, and guess what? Mystic Tops sell to shops for more than Abyssal Whips. He keeps the 4 tops and the scammer gets the Whip.




Back to my situation. I agree to do this, and meanwhile, contact Cool Spy0 on how to prepare for a situation like this to make it successfully backfire. He tells me to bring food and teleport runes, I bring an antipoison just in case, and alchemy runes, so I can alch one of the tops if he casts Teleport Block on me.




We head into the Wilderness, meanwhile, he explains what he is supposedly doing. We get to the Wilderness, he starts weakening me, I tell him to stop as my hit points are below 10, because he instructed me to do this earlier:








He says he's preparing his screenshot program, yadda yadda, what a load of BS. The Mystic Tops appear, I take a dose of Antipoison, eat a couple swordfish, grab the mystic tops, he hits me a couple times with his Dragon Dagger's special attack, I teleport away to safety in Falador. I survive, and 400k richer:














EDIT: It happened a second time! Read the story and watch the video:






So I was walking to a POH party this morning, and I think you already know where this is headed. I get a PM from "Sithe Drak" asking me to help him for 200k. I ask what he wants me to do to help him. "I need a pic so i can get in a clan" What kind of picture? "A pic of me pking a guy with a whip" He explains the details, and sure enough, they match what the earlier Abyssal Whip lurer wanted me to do. Do I agree? You bet!




He tells me to meet him in Falador square, but I tell him I have to give a friend something, while meanwhile, I'm heading to Al Kharid to switch to Ancient Magicks so I can kill that lurer and teach him a lesson once and for all. I switch, then gather a batch of Ugthanki Kebabs that I had made earlier.




I also send a message to Faeroph to finish him off and gather my items in case he manages to kill me. So we head out into the Wilderness and I make sure that Faeroph doesn't stay too far behind, but out of the view of the mini map. He tells me to say stuff like "lol" and "owned" as he was damaging me. I switch on my screen recorder and he starts weakening me. Clicky to watch what happened.




So he weakens me, and he lowers my hit points to 12, I tell him to stop. He does his screen recorder thing and I take the opportunity to walk onto his square and eat without him seeing me. That's when I realised that your character says something every time he east an Ugthanki kebab. "Scrummy!" says the message that appears above the lurer's head. I try to hide it by quickly saying "lol" and then the Tops appear. I grab them and start Ice Bursting him while eating. "Delicious!" "Lovely!" Eventually, he ends up teleporting. Victory.




He was actually in a better mood that the other guy that I backfired:








So that's another 350k in the bag.

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Had the exact same situation occur to a friend of mine, I was loitering in bank at the time, we all went a long with the dude, we knew fine rightly it was a scam. Was the same thing, taking a picture for a clan website.




Anyway mate (not skulled) didnt accept the mystics and the scammer attacked him anyway and killed him (didnt lose anything). Then all of a sudden I seen this magic spell whizzing past me, and the scammer was entangled then teleblocked, a lvl96 came flying in specing like crazy and killed him so fast, he must have used prayer protect on one item cause the 96 only got 3 mystics.




Good to see scammers getting what they deserve





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Good to see scammers getting what they deserve








i agree! shows up those scammers! if i were there, i'd alch one or two of the mystic tops them try to get out alive.




nice work!!!


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what you could do is cast entangle on him, then grab the notes from under him and tele lol.




(if he's entangled he can't move to hit you while you're under him)



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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That was awesome! Always fun to read stories about Scammers getting their scam backfired. :lol: Post edited pics soon pl0x.

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Nice job.




You definitely taught that (n00b) scammer a very good lesson. But, perhaps his next victim won't be so lucky... (Wait, what next victim? He just got his Mystic Robes stolen from him...)




One more time: :lol:


^ Blog.


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good read! FIGHT THE POWAH!



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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awesome work, great to see someone else taking it to the scammers. same thing happened to me instead he brought a friend to 'video the fight', and he dds specd me as soon as the other guy gave me 4 drag longs, but i teled away just in time lol




should've taked a pic but it didnt cross my mind :x

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Good job! :)




Odd's suggestion is a good one too, and even more frustrating for the scammer.




Also, you might want to edit his name out of the picture.





it's fun to do this to people who double team you in wild. Use ice barrage on one of them (after you move them around and make them touch each other in order to hit you), then stand under the other. Both'll be frozen and only one MIGHT be able to hit you.




Of course if you get them in catty-corner squares (adjacent by corner, not side), neither one will be able to hit you, since for some stupid reason you can only melee with a normal weapon from the side.




The things you learn taking on double/triple teamers in multi (and winning) :P



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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I fell for that one.Wanna know the funny part? I read about it before, it only kicked in when i saw 4 d longs chillin in my inv. My only good/expensive item was my whip. so 300k gone. But now I have a whip and 2.55m. I still have the guys name who did it. I never reported or anything though.I laughed when I ended up in fally 400k richer but 3m poorer.Eh [cabbage] happens.




Bubba :x

I Frug I (35)


Always looking for friends.

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Lol, sup dalcyte. Anyway, I have a friend from school who just had this happen to them. He's not really a friend. I hate him. But still, nice job there. I wish I coulda saw his expression sitting at the computer once you took the mystic tops and got away. Nice job.

Click here.


If you go there good things will transpire.

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