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full dragon or full guthans?


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full dragon or full guthans?


i want something that i can train with that has good defence, which 1 should i get?


i will use an abbyssal whip with the dragon


and i will use a guthan spear with the guthans


i heard from a friend that guthans healed u the amount u hit ur enemy ie: if i hit 10 i get 10 health back


can sum1 show me guthans stast and dragon and abbysal whip stats




how do i get guthans?


how much does it cost to repair guthans


how long until i have to repair guthans?



i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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Guthan for sure, looks better and more effective.




You can get guthans by other players on the mini game barrows. It cost around 11m if you buy the whole set. It heals you ect.


You can use full guthan for only 15 hours in combat then you gotta reapir it for 300k.


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Guthan for sure, looks better and more effective.




You can get guthans by other players on the mini game barrows. It cost around 11m if you buy the whole set. It heals you ect.


You can use full guthan for only 15 hours in combat then you gotta reapir it for 300k.


15 hours in combat ... so if i log out while i have it on does that still take up time?




can sum1 provide me with stats for both of them

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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no, the time stops once you log.




Get guthans. It has a random chance to heal you when you deal damage.


It has much better stats than full dragon.






a good setup is;




Full guthan with whip and obby shield and use spear when you need to heal. half the price of dragon and much more usefull.

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no, the time stops once you log.




Get guthans. It has a random chance to heal you when you deal damage.


It has much better stats than full dragon.






a good setup is;




Full guthan with whip and obby shield and use spear when you need to heal. half the price of dragon and much more usefull.


price for spear?


stats for both because im pretty sure dragon had better stats

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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dragon doesnt have better stats than gunthans if you just compare the body, legs and helm, the full gunthan armor nets you about + 250 to all defences, and adding an obby shield will knock them over 300's, dragon's stuff only gets up to about 260's to 270's with an obby shield.




spears are +75 in stab, slash and crush, +7 in those stat defences and +75 str

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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The spear costs 1/2 of the set at about 6m + or -, and guthans is best if you want to train because as they all said it heals you randomly when you attack, but costs 300k to repair every 15 hours of you playing with it equipped.


|Barrows Drops-7|Dragon Drops-5|

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Dragon is for Status not stats anymore...




Guthan is the best armor to train for Attack and Def or to heal..




Cost is roughly 12.4m for full Guthan


Cost about 300k for 15 hours of actual use.




I normally bring full Guthan - And Also D legs Dragon Chain Farser helm obby shield and whip.


Train with above then switch to Guthan when half HP left. This saves you the time to repair alot for guthan..




But again I use both but If I had to sell 1... I would sell Dragon Chain.. It's cexy but I would never give up my Guthan

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I just noticed he has 64 defense, so he can't even use Guthans :lol: .




As said before Guthans is mainly for training, Dragon is for status. Though when used together one can use Dragon armor for regular melee, then heal with Guthans when necessary, so Guthans training will go much farther with the extra time.

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full dragon or full guthans?


i want something that i can train with that has good defence, which 1 should i get?


i will use an abbyssal whip with the dragon


and i will use a guthan spear with the guthans


i heard from a friend that guthans healed u the amount u hit ur enemy ie: if i hit 10 i get 10 health back


can sum1 show me guthans stast and dragon and abbysal whip stats




how do i get guthans?


how much does it cost to repair guthans


how long until i have to repair guthans?






if you just want defence i would recommend torags.. it has like 300+ average defence




but if you want healing i would go with guthans

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but the 300k per 15hours ... is that really annoying?


so buy full guthans only when u need to heal ...


i actually think thats stupid, i need to buy some dragon armour anyway to wear when i don't need healing.


I think i will get full dragon and abyssal whip


because: once i buy full I won't ever pay more for it, i look hell rich and I can easily bring food and a whip is the best weapon and when i have it on I don't need to worry about if i'm on half health and should switch to guthans also, i don't have 70 defence.


no one has provided me with pics of the stats on both full guthans, full dragon, abyssal whip, guthan spear

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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dragon's stats are not impressive, nowhere near gunthans armor, its like 30-40 inferior. To compare the prices of full Drag and gunthans, you need to repair gunthans at least 50 times before it becomes more expensive, and thats 750 hours, or 31 days of training. Gunthan's superior stats means that you can train on harder monsters, thereby netting you more drops to compensate for the gunthan's repair costs.




Gunthans also have the advantage that it gains you life, so you need less, if any food when you are training so you only have to bank when you have full inv, not out of food.




Once you buy Dragon chain, you need to take into account of the fact that you will get hit more often than gunthan, requiring more food because you have no source of healing, and it is harder to replace in the chance of you losing it.




I would choose gunthan's set over dragon chain anyday, due to its flexibility over dragon




If you want the gunthan's stats:


Stats are in Stab, Slash, Crush, Magic and Range:




Helm : +55, +58, +54, -1, +62


Armor : +122, +120, +107, -6, +135


Chainskirt : +75, +72, +73, -4, +82


Spear : +75, +75, +75, 0, 0 Str : +75


Total Armor bonus : +252, +240, + 234, -11, +276


Of course he armor bonus is only when you are wielding a spear, but if you wield a Dragon Square instead, all of those + will go above 300, if not close.




Dragon stats:


Dragon med : +33, +35, +32, -1, +34


Dragon Chain : +81, +93, +98, -3, +82


Dragon Legs : +68, +66, +63, -4, +65


Dragon Sqaure : +50, +52, +48, 0, +50


Total for Dragons: +232, +245, +241, -8, +231




Boots and gloves are not counted because they would have the same stats for both sets.




as we can clearly see, the dragon's set, including the square, have inferior stats to gunthans armor (without having to take shield into account). Most people use Gunthans armor, with obby/drag square shield and whip, along with Spear in the inventory for maximum effectiveness.




conclusion, Dragon is no longer the best armor, in fact its far from it.

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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wht not tryin having guthans with whip and sq? if u can afford full d then u can afford that...the 300k that u spend on reparing = less than the cost of food by using full d, seen as 1k lobs like 250k anyways, and in 15 hours i bet ud get through more than that...just look up stats on site...there all there.

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so anyhow


full guthans


abyssal whip


guthans spear


obby cape (thats the best apart from fire right?)


boots of some sort


gloves ...


ring of something in a rather


ammy of glory




how much is this going to cost me minus the ammy of glory and boots and gloves and ring?

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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Full guthan with spear- 12.6M~


Obby shield- 600k~


Whip- 3M~


Obby cape- 300k




*The prices are on the higher side, it might cost you a bit less*




total: 16.5M~

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