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Teleother - Dharoks Tomb!!!


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People who visit the barrows will know of these guys, the people that will teleother you whilst fighting dharok.




I know it's simple to turn accept aid off, but what about people who don't know how to turn accept off? Or if it's there first time doing barrows?




This doesn't give a very good impression to the other players, and I think all people that do this tele othering stuff should get a ban, because it's just not fair, and for the other, it could get you killed.




But, can you report these people? What report tab would they go under?




Your views please.




- Denic

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how does teleothering while your killing dharock hurt you?




Because you can't accept/decline the tele other whilst your fighting dharok because the box comes up and basicly fills your screen.




And, if your prayer runs out whilst this box is on the screen, dharok will probably 2 hit you!




- Denic

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I was doing a trip a few weeks ago and there was a high alcher in there and when he turned to me with out anything happening, i knew he was a teleother'r. Anyway, some unknowing player came in and he continually cast teleother on him. Luckily he made it out alive but god did it make me angry. I was tempted to fling some verbal abuse at him, but i knew it wasnt my place to do so.




But it does make me furious that people will stoop that low just for some free stuff, especially when its usually from some player who doesnt realise they can do that.

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I beleive you can report them and it does fall under item scamming.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Yeah I HATE teleothers. I almost died my first trip at barrows, and I have seen lots of new barrowers around level 80 die :(




Now I always ask people if they have Accept Aid off when I see them at barrows :wink:




Edit: And I always report them for item scamming.



RIP The Old Nite ='(

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you can report them yes but you must draw a line between the legit players who are alching there 1. for mage xp and 2. in case someone dies, however the people who teleother are classed as scammers by Jagex


Sig by me....

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Dam, I thought there was no problem doing it, haven't done it yet, only ever used teleother once, I was going to start doing some time, I think I'd rather not get banned though.


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guess what, u can accept the tele if it happens to u. It's only the stupid people who die there keep trying to decline or run around trying to get dharok off of them when they do it. No i dont do the teleother at dharok but i dont think its wrong at all, just click accept or put aid off. It works, i have been teleothered many times there and clicking accept when i thaught prayer was almost out worked every time

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I thought it might be bug abuse. After all, that's not the intended purpose of teleother spells.




Thats no bug.




What I think should happen, is make teleother somewhat like a trade, where you tele other someone, they get the "____Would like to Teleother-Falador you", and then in order to accept it, you right click on them, and select "Accept Teleother _____". Would eliminate this problem.

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i had one noob trying to tele other me :) too bad i alwasy have aid off.




as for sad place ... 74 mage is the lowest that can tele other you, so it won't be filled with lvl 50ish trying to get your stuff :) and since jagex clasify that as scamng i'll be reporting those guys :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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I think that you shouldn't be able to use teleothers in the crypts...Also don't forget about people that trade you,and if you trade back with em,your prayer gets turned off I think

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99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

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Basically, the people who try to teleother you at the barrows are no good scammers, they try to confuse people that are new to the barrows and make people sad because so they can get a small amount of money.


Got Xbox Live? Gimme a call - Gamertag = Razoid

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world 2....i went into dharoks tomb and saw this:10 alchers, 5 of which teleother, and then 2 others that were just teleothering.....it was really sad, took a few piccys but lost them, real sad what they do

I'm 106 and I'd do it if it wasn't for what Reb posted...


If Reb jumped off a cliff, would you follow him?

:lol: Who wouldn't? :wink:

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Best solution to that is just to accept the teleother :lol: .


I did that on my first barrow trip and they did not see it coming. :P :twisted:




"I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute."

-Paris Hilton

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A lvl 122 was trying to teleother me once. After reporting them for item scamming and telling them so they said "Hey, its good cash and I know I won't get banned." Why? "Because I know people." Even if that was a bluff I personally think that people should be banned for scamming regardless of their level or affilitations.




P.S. "whilst" is a form of the word "while" to however asked. :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

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People who visit the barrows will know of these guys, the people that will teleother you whilst fighting dharok.




I know it's simple to turn accept aid off, but what about people who don't know how to turn accept off? Or if it's there first time doing barrows?




This doesn't give a very good impression to the other players, and I think all people that do this tele othering stuff should get a ban, because it's just not fair, and for the other, it could get you killed.




But, can you report these people? What report tab would they go under?




Your views please.




- Denic




Why should that be bannable. I do that all the time. I'm just trying to train my mage :twisted:

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