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Teleother - Dharoks Tomb!!!


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People who visit the barrows will know of these guys, the people that will teleother you whilst fighting dharok.




I know it's simple to turn accept aid off, but what about people who don't know how to turn accept off? Or if it's there first time doing barrows?




This doesn't give a very good impression to the other players, and I think all people that do this tele othering stuff should get a ban, because it's just not fair, and for the other, it could get you killed.




But, can you report these people? What report tab would they go under?




Your views please.




- Denic




Why should that be bannable. I do that all the time. I'm just trying to train my mage :twisted:




Jagex has confirmed that it is bannable already. Dig around and you will find a quote. Not to mention that you are very lame for stealing other people's stuff. But congratz on being lame apparently that is all that is important to you: pixels. :roll:


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its just something pixel huggers do, i can cast all teleother spells ive never done it. i didnt think you can report soemone for item scaming unless they have been in a trade window with yo?.




obvious answer is to turn accept aid off, then of course you can still drink pray pots etc.. and move vie the mini map to other side of tomb. ots of easy solutions (you should always have run on and some energy specialy when fighting dharock.



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What I think should happen, is make teleother somewhat like a trade, where you tele other someone, they get the "____Would like to Teleother-Falador you", and then in order to accept it, you right click on them, and select "Accept Teleother _____". Would eliminate this problem.


NO!!! that ruins it. like if ur intentionally teleothing some1 out of wildy if they pking u or something! that ruins the poit of it!!

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This is definitly NOT item scamming. Attempting to teleother someone is not against the rules. I don't see in anyway how it could be considiered scamming because it breaks no rules. Jagex made and accept aid button for a reason.

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And apparently Jagex said it was scamming. Which would make it scamming.




Apparently? Right. Well, I wouldn't mind seeing some confirmation of this, which of yet I haven't seen. And don't get me wrong, I don't support using teleother at barrows, I just don't think it would be considered item scamming.

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People who visit the barrows will know of these guys, the people that will teleother you whilst fighting dharok.




I know it's simple to turn accept aid off, but what about people who don't know how to turn accept off? Or if it's there first time doing barrows?




This doesn't give a very good impression to the other players, and I think all people that do this tele othering stuff should get a ban, because it's just not fair, and for the other, it could get you killed.




But, can you report these people? What report tab would they go under?




Your views please.




- Denic




Why should that be bannable. I do that all the time. I'm just trying to train my mage :twisted:




So "John Scar" are you admitting to trying to tele-other at Dharok's tomb?

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It's quite sad to see these high lvls high alching there and trying to teleother. Just yesterday there was this 90+ lvl high alching. I asked him something "teleothering? lol" and he replied that he's only alching, altough I noticed him changing his direction towards me while I was fighting Dharok.

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Well when teleother came out people were all set for a default of accept aid being off...so the only people that can be tellied are by logic people that want to be tellied. So if they have accept aid on barrows they're just foolish and wish to die if you ask me lol. Sure I haven't killed people there or even been a victim there, but again it just seems to me that they're people completing for the Darwin Awards. (People that do stupid stuff that causes themself to become neutered or dead.)







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you can report them yes but you must draw a line between the legit players who are alching there 1. for mage xp and 2. in case someone dies, however the people who teleother are classed as scammers by Jagex




Why would you alch in barrows? :oops:

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you can report them yes but you must draw a line between the legit players who are alching there 1. for mage xp and 2. in case someone dies, however the people who teleother are classed as scammers by Jagex




Why would you alch in barrows? :oops:




Why would you alch in cammy? It's just a cool looking place to alch plus you get the occasional person dying and as an added bonus, you can go up the ladder to get away from randoms quickly :)

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LOL, I do barrows all the time. Teleothering is not illegal in any way. You have a darn CHOICE to turn it on or off. Sure the people who do it are a bit low, but it's your own fault if you dont remember to turn aid off.

Lvl 80 construction.


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So if a guy is walking down the street and doesnt have a bullet proof vest on its his own fault for being shot?


Give me a break, the people who do this are intentionally trying to get another player killed and should be banned.


Thats the bottom line.

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So if a guy is walking down the street and doesnt have a bullet proof vest on its his own fault for being shot?


Give me a break, the people who do this are intentionally trying to get another player killed and should be banned.


Thats the bottom line.




so you're saying that using the tele other spell is the same as shooting someone? don't go to dangerous places if you're scared of dieing. Dharoks tomb is a dangerous place.

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So if a guy is walking down the street and doesnt have a bullet proof vest on its his own fault for being shot?


Give me a break, the people who do this are intentionally trying to get another player killed and should be banned.


Thats the bottom line.




so you're saying that using the tele other spell is the same as shooting someone? don't go to dangerous places if you're scared of dieing. Dharoks tomb is a dangerous place.


He isnt dieing from the danger of the place you [bleep]ING [developmentally delayed]


he is dieing from some slimebag being a complete jerk and continually casting a spell on him.


And yes its the same principles apply as shooting some one, if some one dies to your lame bug abusing and loses his gunthans spear full ahrims and fury ammy what happens if they are mentally unbalanced and go and hang themself, do you want that on your concience?


Its not just pixels and its not just a [bleep]ing game, that applies to single player games, but these are real people your hurting not npcs.




A cliff is a dangerous place to stand, so your an advocate of pushing people off them?




The side of the road is a dangerous place so you advocate shoving people out into oncoming traffic?




People like you need to be steralised or euphanised at birth.

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So if a guy is walking down the street and doesnt have a bullet proof vest on its his own fault for being shot?


Give me a break, the people who do this are intentionally trying to get another player killed and should be banned.


Thats the bottom line.




so you're saying that using the tele other spell is the same as shooting someone? don't go to dangerous places if you're scared of dieing. Dharoks tomb is a dangerous place.


He isnt dieing from the danger of the place you * mentally challenged


he is dieing from some slimebag being a complete jerk and continually casting a spell on him.


And yes its the same principles apply as shooting some one, if some one dies to your lame bug abusing and loses his gunthans spear full ahrims and fury ammy what happens if they are mentally unbalanced and go and hang themself, do you want that on your concience?


Its not just pixels and its not just a * game, that applies to single player games, but these are real people your hurting not npcs.




A cliff is a dangerous place to stand, so your an advocate of pushing people off them?




The side of the road is a dangerous place so you advocate shoving people out into oncoming traffic?




People like you need to be steralised or euphanised at birth.






Mate you missed what i was trying to say. I dont like people doing this... But if u intend to go to dangerous places be smart about it and come prepared... eg. TURN AID OFF :roll:




Its not bug abuse, because it isnt a bug.




calm down... take your pills... and stop flaming.

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Teleother in a place like the barrows is just people making Runescape a worse place than it already is. All the scamming, all the people acting like tough kids who are infact just insecure, immature, people who are afraid to go outside. Just today, some tool tried to steal my spot at dusties... wth? If I am there first, and it took me 30 minutes to find the spot, he should have to haul his [wagon] away and waste his own precious time to find a spot for himself. It's these people, including those trying to kill people just to gain some pixels and to hurt someone else that are making a lot of the good people switch to WOW. It's sad that people actually find reasons that this is justified. You are not in the wildy.. why try and turn a nice place where people only seek profit the proper way and turn it into a noob battlefield.




Also Barrows IS a dangerous place but not because of some pixel loving noob that sits there and trys to scam off your well earned armour. It is dangerous because of the brothers, why make it more dangerous in a way which was never intended..


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So if a guy is walking down the street and doesnt have a bullet proof vest on its his own fault for being shot?


Give me a break, the people who do this are intentionally trying to get another player killed and should be banned.


Thats the bottom line.




so you're saying that using the tele other spell is the same as shooting someone? don't go to dangerous places if you're scared of dieing. Dharoks tomb is a dangerous place.


He isnt dieing from the danger of the place you * mentally challenged


he is dieing from some slimebag being a complete jerk and continually casting a spell on him.


And yes its the same principles apply as shooting some one, if some one dies to your lame bug abusing and loses his gunthans spear full ahrims and fury ammy what happens if they are mentally unbalanced and go and hang themself, do you want that on your concience?


Its not just pixels and its not just a * game, that applies to single player games, but these are real people your hurting not npcs.




A cliff is a dangerous place to stand, so your an advocate of pushing people off them?




The side of the road is a dangerous place so you advocate shoving people out into oncoming traffic?




People like you need to be steralised or euphanised at birth.






Mate you missed what i was trying to say. I dont like people doing this... But if u intend to go to dangerous places be smart about it and come prepared... eg. TURN AID OFF :roll:




Its not bug abuse, because it isnt a bug.




calm down... take your pills... and stop flaming.


It IS a bug becouse jagex made the spell to help people, not kill them.


What im saying is you shouldnt HAVE to turn aid off, becouse last i checked its not in the manual anywhere that tele other can couse you to be killed.


The fact that it can happen doesnt mean its not a bug, and people who abuse it are bottom feeding scum..


Its not the victims fault there are people out there being jerks out of greed, some people completly forget about accept aid.




Some people go to barrows for the first time and know nothing about it, not every one reads fansites you know, not every one uses guides.


So these people deserve to die becouse they didnt know?




People who think its ok to tele other in barrows are the ones who need to die.

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Teleother in a place like the barrows is just people making Runescape a worse place than it already is. All the scamming, all the people acting like tough kids who are infact just insecure, immature, people who are afraid to go outside. Just today, some tool tried to steal my spot at dusties... wth? If I am there first, and it took me 30 minutes to find the spot, he should have to haul his wagon away and waste his own precious time to find a spot for himself. It's these people, including those trying to kill people just to gain some pixels and to hurt someone else that are making a lot of the good people switch to WOW. It's sad that people actually find reasons that this is justified. You are not in the wildy.. why try and turn a nice place where people only seek profit the proper way and turn it into a noob battlefield.




Also Barrows IS a dangerous place but not because of some pixel loving noob that sits there and trys to scam off your well earned armour. It is dangerous because of the brothers, why make it more dangerous in a way which was never intended..






But instead of whining shouldnt we just help prevent it from happening in the future? Like educating people about turning aid off? It is so easy to prevent this from happening... You just need to click one button

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