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Open abstract signature challenge!!


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I'm making an abstract signature request. I need a signature for another board I'm a very active member on that isn't related to RuneScape in any way. Here is the request, I'd like everyone to compete so I can A) choose the best one, and B) give some C&C so you can improve :wink:




Text(must): Matt Steel


Sub(must): The king






If you have a better render of randy orton or know a place to get one, please use it.


Colours: Blue and/or Red, I'm not really caring on the colours.




And that's basically it!! So get making :P


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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Umm well you know randy orton from WWE? Well that's the render. If you keep reloading the page until you see it, or find your own render that would be good. I'd really like you to try it :)


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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was a nice fun request :) i hope you like th resault :P








p.s if somthing needs changing like text, size (its 35kb assuming the forums u use that is ok on), etc.. tell me and i can change it :)

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I should wake up in about 4 hours then pop something out for this now signatures are back up I will become more active again :lol:


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Im gonna enter... Im just making it now... I dont see any point... Im a rookie at sig making and this will be my first rendered sig ever but i enjoy making sigs so i might aswell give it a go :)






Edit: Well... here is my enty... I am already wishing i hadnt said i would compete lol. This has been hard for me as its my first ever rendered sig. Here it is:












Btw: I couldnt see the render you wanted so i found my own :)

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Aww... Wow all these sigs are really good!! My favourite so far is gandorf's because it looks cool and because of the scan lines. Keep them sigs coming, heck I might make a random script :P


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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*komodo enters the comp*




I've made 2 versions, what changes is the render color, also I can make the scanlines harder :D














If you want stronger scanlines say :P





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heres mine, tryed some new things with the dots, and the striped border :P


i can change what u like, is it too big?




"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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