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im back :)

Guest Armagedon46disabled

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

we'll there seems to be alot of new faces on these forums, i was banned 1 or 2 years ago from them, which was really a drag, i alwayed enjoyed these forums, my bann appeal got approved today :), im happy just thought id say hey :P, if anyone here remembers me pm me :P

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

oh yea and mods is there anyway i can get my old join date and post count back i had 2k+ post i think or maybe 1.9k or somthing

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Well welcome back then. I am glad your ban got appealed. I personally dont know you so I am not sure if the mods will give back joined date and # of posts. Remember it doesnt matter on those, it matters on how good of a person you are.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Well well well... I have no idea if you remember me, but I certainly remember you.




Nice to see you back on the forums, although I don't even recall seeing you post here (wasn't all that active here then I guess).





In almost complete retirement.



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Guest Armagedon46disabled
Was this your avatar? If so I remember you.



yes lmao, a little outdated :P
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Was this your avatar? If so I remember you.



yes lmao, a little outdated :P


Use it again! I miss not seeing any people with my work as their sigs/avatars. :)


(Or have someone from the media board update it more. I don't have the time for that now, sorry).

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Guest Armagedon46disabled
Was this your avatar? If so I remember you.



yes lmao, a little outdated :P


Use it again! I miss not seeing any people with my work as their sigs/avatars. :)


(Or have someone from the media board update it more. I don't have the time for that now, sorry).

ok :D wanna update?? with 99?
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Guest Armagedon46disabled




How about that? :P








havnt been on to check the post, thanks alot bubsa :D

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Hey welcome back. I wasn't around when you were but it is always nice to hear about people coming back.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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Welcome back 8-) :D


I'm surprised that I remember you. Its great to see "tip.it oldschoolers" coming back.


Oh and give him atleast his joining date back :wink: :lol:

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Wow, I'm surprised that the mention of a 1-2 year ban appeal hasnt attracted more comments!




People seem to get so worked up over getting banned for just a few days... How could an appeal possibly take that long?!

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
Join the petition for a new bank page layout!


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Name rings a bell

gah!!! he is bumping after 1 minute, IT HAS TO BE A RHQER!!! KILL THE RHQER!!!


my 10 year old nephew plays grand theft auto and ive never seen him runover a prostitute in a stolen police car so i doubt little kids playing rs will go pickpocketing
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