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what causes people to scam?


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lets ask rhl on rs. it was rs2 for rsc trade (breaking the rules) with my friend. sad right?..




basically I saw him on world 2 while I was funning people and I walk'd up and I asked him if he was riley he said yes and I added him and we talked and I asked him if he had rsc for rs2 he said yes but he couldn't find many people to trade it over when someone "scammed" his red p hat off TI... some ti MM..




Well I didn't want to get banned by [bleep]ex so I told him to register here.. and talk to me on chat ( that would be the last picture ) and we talked about it.. and well it let to me being scammed..




People are telling it me was AJ ( dsm's brother ) not riley.. I don't give a [bleep] who it was.. it was on riley's character so basically its riley's fault.




oh and we were suppose to meet in world 2 fally.. and he never showed up.






are trade..






Accepting trade..








And us talking on shizzled chat...



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lets ask rhl on rs. it was rs2 for rsc trade (breaking the rules) with my friend. sad right?..




What's rhl?




So you traded from rs2 to rsc with a friend? Why do you post this here?




basically I saw him on world 2 while I was funning people and I walk'd up and I asked him if he was riley he said yes and I added him and we talked and I asked him if he had rsc for rs2 he said yes but he couldn't find many people to trade it over when someone "scammed" his red p hat off TI... some ti MM..




Your quote tags were broken. Fixed.




Sorry, I tried reading over the text a few times, but it still makes no sense to me.




Well I didn't want to get banned by BAN ME! so I told him to register here.. and talk to me on chat ( that would be the last picture ) and we talked about it.. and well it let to me being scammed..




You wanted to get banned on purpose? For some sort of experiment? I don't really understand...




People are telling it me was AJ ( dsm's brother ) not riley.. I don't give a * who it was.. it was on riley's character so basically its riley's fault.




Oh or someone else scammed or something? I still can't really follow what this is all about.




oh and we were suppose to meet in world 2 fally.. and he never showed up.




Well he never showed up but at least there are screenshots of some trades after this paragraph so I guess something happened anyway :P






are trade..


*image snipped*




Took me a long while before I figured out that you mean "our trade" instead of the form "are" of the verb "be".




Accepting trade..


*image snipped*




Heh, you accepted a scam trade on purpose? What's that good for!




And us talking on shizzled chat...


*image snipped*




Too long and bad English to read, sorry. I don't expect this chat log to make this thread much clearer to me anyway.




Conclusion: I still can't follow what this thread is about :?

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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Well clearly you just are rs2 nerds ;) and know nothing of the rsc game..




People ussually trade there rsc for rs2 ALOT right in front of people..It's not really breaking the rules for us at all because its a bs rules and we don't give a flying [bleep] ;)




Also I was the one scammed but w\e he was just posting this places to warn people not to trade with him..




No1 cares about this site but rs2 nerds anyway and theres a few rsc players still on here but there so far up jagex's [wagon] no one cares except people who either love jagex to much :) k.




Rhl is an old old character who's rl name is riley and he WAS trusted to alot of people.. this is to show that he should no longer be trusted for anything because he loves pixels to much.

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Well clearly you just are rs2 nerds ;) and know nothing of the rsc game..




People ussually trade there rsc for rs2 ALOT right in front of people..It's not really breaking the rules for us at all because its a bs rules and we don't give a flying * ;)




Also I was the one scammed but w\e he was just posting this places to warn people not to trade with him..




No1 cares about this site but rs2 nerds anyway and theres a few rsc players still on here but there so far up jagex's wagon no one cares except people who either love jagex to much :) k.




Rhl is an old old character who's rl name is riley and he WAS trusted to alot of people.. this is to show that he should no longer be trusted for anything because he loves pixels to much.




We don't care. Now where have those buttons to report posts gone?

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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If you don't care don't post ;) good as that.




Ok. I admit it. I do care.




Because I thought the topic was promising and would be about an intresting discussion about what causes people to scam.




Instead I found a confusing thread in semi-English, and further in the thread some guy (you) started to insult people and this forum. You also claim that "we know nothing about rsc" if we comment on how confusing the thread is, while you have nothing to back this up as you don't seem to know how some of the people who posted here were playing Runescape before RS2 was out. Furthermore, posting about breaking the rules is pretty borderline on this forum.




If you want to say that this forum is full of nerds, then feel free to do so but be prepared to be flamed, since the fact that you post this doesn't really make you a cool person to be honest, and certainly doesn't help to improve your social life and image that you're trying to get.




Trying to type correct English could also help improving your real life by the way, moreso than posting what you think about the people on some forum.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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If you don't care don't post ;) good as that.


Better yet, how 'bout you don't post on a forum which doesn't support cheating? Smart move there, what with Jagex and all using this site. Good thing that you won't care getting banned either.




You trying to pose as SeaN is the biggest joke here.

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If you don't care don't post ;) good as that.


Better yet, how 'bout you don't post on a forum which doesn't support cheating? Smart move there, what with Jagex and all using this site. Good thing that you won't care getting banned either.




You trying to pose as SeaN is the biggest joke here.




Your smart ;) It would help that my name is infact Sean.. And I am SeAn on many sites but this one was taken so I took SeAnN. Good job buddy ;)




And who is SeaN anyway?..




It was a warning for people who do this kinda stuff which there are alot..And alot of the most trusted RsC players do this also ( legit ones also ) ( not gunna say any names but they do ) ;) wasn't for you really at all.

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to make it easy... my friend and RHL were gonna trade rsc for rs2.. my friend gave rhl money friend but rhl nevre logged in rsc..




so after posting everywhere ive learned this.




Rhl shares wit many people. One wit a known scammer name Aj, who Was C h e w b. also he had some char that was pmod(not sure). but ye

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