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The Sig Rating Game


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At least his is more than a 5 minute paint job.




I may not like it, but his is better than yours.




(Also he has a meaningful link in it somewhere, other than shamelessly advertising a blog, I realise mine links to my forum, however it is in a small font so it doesn't scream at people "CLICK ME!")


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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0/10 to you.




I dont like it.


It's dark


It's a lame background with a copy + paste of an image, then blended into the background. Also a 5 minute job.





I dont need a siggy no moar.

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0/10 to you.




I dont like it.


It's dark


It's a lame background with a copy + paste of an image, then blended into the background. Also a 5 minute job.








I lol'd at that, I want to see you blend a render... Then we'll see how long it takes. I can't blend a render that quick...




7/10 for Sworddude, one with a decent signature on the forum games...


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Ray, Firstly, mine is dark because it fits.


Mine has more merit than yours because:




1. The render was quite hard to find.


2. The game it came from, most people wouldn't be able to say.


3. Its not a generic RuneScape sig.




0/10. It's still a 5 minute job if you know what you're doing.


It's a generic Whatever it is sig.


Wtf is "merit"?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'll rate TIA's sig.








Pretty cool Assassian's Creed one.




Ray, invest in a dictionary, and I'm sure mine took more than 5 minutes.




Go ahead and ask limpbizkit, hes the one who made it.




The Render is from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and its not exactly a generic signature, there is many ways to use a render.




And as I've said before cowman, 7/10


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Cowman gets a 7/10 for a quicker job than mine?




I highly doubt it took more than 5 mins if you knew what you were doing.




Admitting you didnt make it = fail. Make your own before you criticise people of their crappy sigs.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Cowman's looks better.




I've made sigs like yours before, granted it was awhile back.




And I had to use multiple images to get it right. I think that allows me to criticise it, and it was before you joined.




So not knowing = Fail.








EDIT: If you acknowledge it is crappy, why do you use it?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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You're criticising mine on a lame, quick job.


Cow's was easier than mine and looks like nothing.




Not knowing? How the HELL was I meant to know?


You're just an idiot who is criticising me; and everything I do simply because you hate me. -.-




EDIT: because nothing else I make is any better, and I'd rather use my own than someone else's

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Cow's may have been easier, however for me it has more artistic merit.




Thing is, you didn't know if I had ever made one before, therefore you can't state something without fact.




Harddrive fried so I can't show you the one I made, and I lost the link ages ago.




I do hate you, however I am not doing this based on hate.




Rate this one:






Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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9/10. I think it's Bowser. If it is; It's good, I'm a Mario Fan :P




2 things:




1. Why exactly do you hate me?




2. Did you even make it..?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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