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Level 102 F2P Hazardmaster Hacked


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I'm so ticked. No emoticon to express my feelings.




All my savings were in my inventory. At the market. I will not say how much. I just lost my cash and some quite useless stuff. I am left with like nothing.




No cheapskate hacker will stop me though, I'll keep playing. I got my skills and brains, and 2 1/2 years of RuneScape experience. F2P pride. Pin and pass both changed. No idea how anything would be able to get me. Virus walls are up.



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Yer, if I'm within 5mins of a bank, I always bank all my valuable stuff, especially after being on world 1 or 2 trying to buy/sell stuff, because that's when the hackers all go looking for people buying/selling rares, been hacked once, luckily nothing was taken as the idiot on my account obviously didn't know what to do(that or he lagged and let me log back in).


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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welll, good luck on getting ur stuff back, all the best.



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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sorry to hear that man, but keep going, i wouldnt quit ove rsomething like that again, it happened to me in 2003 though, i left, but im back. I hope you can earn it back quickly.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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it your fault man you do it something wrong no1 got hacked in runescape only 10 and 11 years old because they put a password like that 1111 or 1234


to dont get hacked i suggest you must use very hard password with capital letters and numbers and yur password must be 12 letters at least 16KAl1f26rrZ no 1 will guess it .....and never play in friend house or a computer used by a lot of people because they use keyloggers and always run your antitvirus because some websites and most of them fan sites of runescape when yu enter to them u donwload spywares without you know and this spywares steal your password and never tell or type your password only in http://www.runescape.com and dont forget recovery questions something hard no1 will guess like the nickname of your mom boyfriend ..jk lol thats all sorry for my poor english bye


*im sorry for you*just work on minning and smithing and yull be fine


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Even if you have the hardest password to guess and the most complicated PIN, that's only going to slow hackers down, you have no idea what they are capable of. ON-topic: Sorry to hear that man, hope you get back on your feet.

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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Good luck with recovering!




And hackers have a ton of programs to help get passwords, so like Cocacolabottle said, it only slows them down.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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since when do u need to be a HACKER to make a keylogger? 10year old kids can make them.




You werent hacked , you just got some keylogger from a porn site/msn or anyother place. Dont acept every FREERSMILS[Caution: Executable File] file :roll:

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make a thread in general, this has nothing to do with p2p.


(( don't avoid the point, it really has nothing to do with the point, if you have 2 years experience... well ya))




And what are you doing in P2P?




Sorry about being hacked man, i recently became worried because i'm getting a higher lvl now.

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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that sucks for you man




but with makin a real complicated password so you dont get hacked, my mom she does database for the university in my town and she has to change her password every month and it cant form a word or resemble anything that would make it more guessable like something irl and she has been hacked before and im sure her security was better than his but the thing is sometimes it happens and sometimes you cant get enough security to stop it either way good luck on getting on your feet again



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i just been hacked also


luckily i had a bank pin and they only took my full rune and 2m cash


but i feel more gutted for my cousin who was staying over the nightt and he used my computer , he never had a bank pin and they took hes 500k and full rune , i feel more for him cause the 500k is the most amount of cash hes ever had so i told him when he gets a bank pin activated ill give him another 500k as long has he deposits b4 logging out

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make a thread in general, this has nothing to do with p2p.


(( don't avoid the point, it really has nothing to do with the point, if you have 2 years experience... well ya))




And what are you doing in P2P?




Sorry about being hacked man, i recently became worried because i'm getting a higher lvl now.


I am a member, the point is this thread isn't members related.....


btw, i like the way you try to insult me, it sucked.


*Puts hands on my head and pushes body out...*



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well your better than me. i was scammed like a year ago and i lost everything (but as i was a noob it was barely worth anything anyway) but i was so pissed i just quit. 1 year later i joined but the hacker still got to me. if i were ever to meet him agiaint though i would so love to kill him :evil:





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u sed pin and pass was changed so how did u get online to ur account?!


He changed it himself when he got back on.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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