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about me,yay=)( heaps of pics,cool pix=) )


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well hi yall,i felt bored,and made some picturestory about my rs career :) hope you like it ,updated daily


Well hiyall,welcome to my topic about the life of a lil guy who rly fell in love with slayer.




Well first,i trained up to 55,so i could do barrowtrips with my brand new slayerstaff,i was around level 80 cb back then.everything went great,i even trained it on,because i enjoyed the training very much




well untill 60 i did mostly with melee,so i became around 85 combat,but then,i discovered the rangin skill,man i did love that one skill.i kept trainin it till my membership ran out,and this was the final result




.i kinda raced my mate to 65 slayer,because i heard they were awesome exp,and they would drop D chains!yes,iâââ‰â¢m talkin about the vacume-cleaner looking dustdevil ppl.


Well i slayed,and slayed,and finally...




i came in second,behind my friend at our lil race,but meh,i was rly proud of myself on that moment.




Dustdevils were heaps of fun,atleast they were in the beginning.well letâââ‰â¢s say i spent there 16 days,playin one or two hours a day maximum,it was school back then,so yeh,this is what i got,starting from the 80 ranging.




Got to,84 ranging there.




Then i realised i had to move on,i wouldnâââ‰â¢t get a chain,and so i did,and off went my slayerthingything again.back to chaeldar.








well then i decided,hey,iâââ‰â¢m kinda bored,letâââ‰â¢s go do some quests,well guess who got addicted to quests.




then some turoth




back to slayer now,i started do do kurask,as tasks.




and after another while.




gargoyle time babeh




well in my first task:




black mystic robe bottom,hooray!


Well,i kinda got low on money,i did 45 bad barrowtrips before,letâââ‰â¢s see what those p pots left on my bank will give me aye.


barrows117cm.jpg (in different chests)








another teehee


also got dharoks pl8,not screenied,and 2 half keys,all in 6 chests:pcall me mr lucky?




Oh and a week after,3 praypots on my bank,feelin bored,why not=)guthan spear,forgot to screenieL sold for 6.4mil,and i bought myself a lil something like this






well i realise the clock is ticking,so back to slayer,i donâââ‰â¢t feel like it,but if i donâââ‰â¢t get it fast,whips wonâââ‰â¢t even be 2mil anymore if i reach it!




oh and my last awsum lvl:




well iâââ‰â¢m 95 ranged now,few 100kâââ‰â¢s away from 96,90 cb,way better skills,i will continue my journy to 85 slayer,and to a happy rs career daily on this topic,here are some other fun pics






stake63yj.jpg stake73ih.jpg










here you see me dieing on tztok jad,i made it to the healers before,but now i was waaaay to distracted




these come mostly from firegiants and dusties,never made a single one:p








thatâââ‰â¢s it for now,updating daily,slowly tho,exam period comin up,hope you like my life as an rser:p








well,a new day in my lil' life,i got pretty (bad word) off yesterday and went to bed,because i did this ad duel arena:


loss:white mystic bottom,50k,glory,2 rune scimmys,2 rune full helms,2 rune longs,i was savin em for 99 range dropparty,but bad me staked em :( don't worry,there will be coming new ones :)


most fights were sara strike vs zammy flames,me 88 mage he 93..bleh!


then i went into wildy,i see an rc pker gettin ready,so bleh why not,i goggle a rangepot,see he's unskulled,but meh,why not,i hit:19,hey not that bad start,then i spec him,17-18,,one more hit,20,woah,he falls to the floor,he couldn't even hit me :)




after that i went to world 18,i shouldn't have,first i was at no sharks left,fighting a rune pure,he was 92 cb 45 def 75 att 88 str,i got myself 90 cb 95 ranged,we both had no sharks left,then that (ladadee) teles away!


i bank,refill sharks,and i head out again,this dude is back,he hit's me for a 30,then a 3,then he specsbefore i could eat,22-23,death kneel...man i'm mad now,better go to bed,then i decided to never head in wildy again or to go stake untill i'm up some cash again,and rly have awesome stats,better def n stuff,oh well,now i wake up,did some skeletons because i had elves,which gave me 67 att,one step close to whip,i will be gettin 70 att,70 str,and as high def as possible,oh and offcourse the 99 range 94 magethingy :) (makin my own nats,so might take a while)


oh well,there goes another task,140 iron drags,what about no?so i quickly get my stuff ready for 47 cavecrawlers,I head off to lumby caves,tiping this topic at the same time,i go in,without a spiny helm,and yeh,you know while typing this topic i was 41/85 hp suddenly,stupid hand thingys,can't remember their names lol :) then i realise cavecrawlers are at cammy dungeon,dumb me,oh well some tears of guthix ftw?well breakfast time now,bye,updatin later this day




update for today:well,back,slayin trolls,5 more to go :) i posted an application in a pretty good clan,hope they accept me.gonna do a bit of cw after this,since i only got 2 tix,and i wanna fill up my cw stand in my''crib''


after tryin to tele away from there,suddenly...




bleh this is my 5th sergeatn damien :) i once had 2 in one day,after completing the full outfit,i just got 500 geepees,i also once got 2 freaky forresters in a day,next day the completing forrester,from this sergeant i got 500 geepees again,bleh :) rly time to study now:(and it's hot,and i'm bored,and bleh,i have to!gotta pass m exams

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Well it is quite interesting. Nice little read and everything. You could change the pics a little with out the thumbnails. Pretty fun to read.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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I think this goes in the "Rate this" Section, but oh well..I think I might go for 85 Slayer too :)

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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I think this goes in the "Rate this" Section, but oh well..



very nice but wrong forum




goals and achievments.




Ah, maybe read through the posts before you open your mouths? :roll: You shouldn't anyways. That's what mods are for.




Being a bit more on topic... Good luck to 85 slayer. I would like to see a blog type thing, those are fun to read. :wink:

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How long did that slayer training take? with a cannon?


well the slayer didn't take too long,but i'm doin one or two tasks a day only,and i only use my cannon at dagannothtasks or at kalphites :)


maybe i will do more dusties later,idk,and thanx all for postin and keepin this alive :)


and i'm sry again for the wrong forumthingy

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any reason for rubbing out your name in the pk pic :?




anyway its good where you show what you were and what you are :P


yeh,i don't like puttin my name on the internet,i did it before,suddenly pms,is your acc still for sale?same with my email adress,ppl addin me n stuff,if you don't believe me,it's fine,bleh,all thanx for positive comments :)

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