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Stupid blocked words


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how about the dutch word weer (it means again, or it means weather). it comes out as **er. but if you try to say we, it isnt cencored. i dont know why :D :D :D

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


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just found another one :o ihm(i dunno why, but i always use it. (it says:***). and what about *kun je*? its *** **. anybody know why?man, what is jagex trying to be? our english teacher? for the rest i think they need a good controll on names. i was woodcutting, and i saw a person by the name of : fah koff. i think these things are far more offensive then saying thats instead of that's :lol:

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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I was once mining and said somehting to the tune of "Pretty funny, eh?"




It turns out you can't say ", eh?"




I have no clue why comma, space, E, H, question mark would be blocked.




I have realized that some word components are not blocked in certain situations. You can say 'barbarians,' but if you say 'blarblarians,' the latter half of the word is blocked despite being the same as it was in 'barbarians,' which is not blocked in any way.




that is about arians wiht nothing of use before it is the same as nazis almost




and wiht only blarbl infont of it the chatfilter think you jsu[bleep] to say arians and not barbarians whhere it is speccialy unfiltered for that word

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EDIT: i had something posted here. but it was very stupid, so i removed it. :oops: :oops: :oops:

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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it damn lucky to be a chinese =p


or unhappy. they dont have chinese signs in rs. =] lolz

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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another weird one:


i saw a guy with bunny ears, so i said:


bunny ears... =]


it came out as : bunny ears... =*

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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I get the whole friendly environment thing, but some of the censoring is stretched. No matter how I try I can't stretch them to mean anything bad. Lately, I found out I can't say phone or telephone, though that one I guess is for personal privacy.




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As to the word Aryan, it's spelled with a 'Y,' not an 'I.' Although 'Aryan' has somehow come to mean the race of people favored by Nazism, the term 'Aryan' actually refers to the peoples from the region of India and Pakistan. True 'nough.




It does make sense that they would block Aryan and Arian due to its unfortunate modern meaning. But if you were an ACTUAL Aryan, wouldn't you be rather put off at that?




And as for the person who says that Jagex makes RuneScape for us, you apparently don't fully understand how a business works.




edit by the author: As it turns out, the forum also blocks this entirely innocent title of an entire Middle-Eastern nationality. But apparently 'Nazism' is okay.

Duumvir in game


"...One day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero."

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  • 2 weeks later...

tread is running dead i guess.....

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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you can say thats again!!!! :D :D

-=[ Once, a researcher of the weird and wonderfull items in runescape ]=-


You cannot do all you want. You have to make choises. I made the right one, hopefully, so will you!
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For some messed up reason, jagex has now decided that the letter "c" in my name is offensive.




When you say Krazyck ingame, it comes out as...
















What the crap.


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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omg u guys are sad...learn to type properly? it's a game for crying out loud i don't think anybody who plays the game can't spell that's properly people just type thats for short because it's easier scheese


Sig by me....

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Wow, I don't think my name is cencored... That's pathetic.




I recently discovered I can't say 'poof' EDIT-these forums change my word! I still don't see why you can't say it...




Yet you can still say 'dam.' Jagex isn't very good at this chat box thing are they? #-o :notalk:

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you cant say the letter "s" by itself :roll: they have gone way to far with this chat block you can hardly say anything without having "stars" in it and it really makes me mad! :evil:



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86/85 Mining

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butt, dam... WHAT? butt? oh and you cant say Ring ring ring ring ring BANANAPHONE... dam is maybe kinda a swear-word, but not offensive and the should also try to block things like **X written like **}{ you know... and i'd also like to get the ability to use shift...




(OFFTOPIC)why do people think player mods can help people with stuff like, armor or weapon just leave them alone(OFFTOPIC)

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They censored "fav"!! I can't even abbreviate "favorite" -.-


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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