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depressing Pet death in the family


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Yes, this may be a waste of pixels but it's a memorial to me.




Yesterday, at aproxamently 9:15AM EST, my seven year old fire belly toad, Neo passed on(in human years. In frog years its 428 :shock: ). The reason I made this post was because the average frog lives to be one, while mine lived six years over.






A little history:




As I said, Neo was a fire belly toad. We got him when my brother and his friend were doing a 5th grade science project(please note that my brother is now in 9th grade). At first, Neo didn't have a name, but after the science fair was over, My brother, then gave him to me. Due to the fact the he can stick to walls, I named him Neo from The Matrix. He lived in a shallow, infibic fishtank. He lived off of live crickets and mealworms. When i woke up at 9:10 that day, I watched him swim around next to my gecko in a seperate tank as I usualy do, until i saw him float lifelessly down onto the soil. A single tear rolled down my face. :cry: and well... you know the rest...



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Such a childish remark.. I'll be sleeping when you pass away.




Sorry to hear about your loss; if it's any consolation, that must have been a pretty special toad you got there - living to such an old age and all.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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Aren't you funny. Go get banned please? Loser...






RIP Neo, sounds sooo cool, I would like to stick to walls, that toad must have had an awesome life. Be very happy it lived so long... 428!




My hamster died once, I had given it to a friend while I moved country for him to look after forever. He did a great job and my hamster lived a year longer than he was meant to. But he died of some strange disease. RIP Gizmo. Ty Tom.




RIP Neo!

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I'll carry the same reaction when you die then.




That's a shame about Neo mate :( But look on the brightside, that's nearly a record breaker! You should be mega proud that you had such a groovy frog for so long. :D

Maybe it IS actually a record breaker. You should look into that Noobish111.
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Wow I just woke up... What happened???





Wow imagine having to wake up from nightmares and find you're still a childish obnoxious [puncture]


No wonder you sleep so much it seems, it must be great to dream about not being yourself.






Sorry about the frog mate but hey you had 7x as long with him as most owners do so count yourself lucky, pet deaths are always hardest, maybe even more than non immediate family.

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whew! 428! thats amazing! i am sorry for your loss but hey....i guess hes in toad heaven..which would be...a huge wall to stick too..and..a pond?..anywho RIP neo..i remember when my hamster died..it was horrible for a while...but then I got over it and mmoved on..best to do that with pets..but dang! 428..golly

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yah my friends dog almost died fom a disease thats fatal to dogs. it survived though and happy as ever but too bad your frog died




you say 1 year is th avaerage life span of a frog? you must be glad to have him for 7 years. unless you dont want to replace neo you can just get a new one




gatorboy: stop podtong such mean thibgs people have feelings y'know how would you like it if your dog died and when you posted about it some just said that. :evil:




go away if your going to be stupid

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Thanks for the comfort, guys. My mom won't let us get a hamster. Although we took care of our teachers which died over the last summer. It was sad that our best friend we took care of for years died with us.




Off-topic: I'll look into it! :P


Edit: After my research. I did NOT find a frog that lived for 6 years. The oldest was 3 years old. Hello World Record!



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