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They need to add a 'Stealth" skill

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I think Runescape needs a "Stealth" skill. And i don't mean for members only, I mean for everyone. I'm sure they could pull it off, I mean look how they did Construction??




I don't think RuneScape need a "Stealth" skill. And I think Jagex wouldn't make it for everyone. What's the point in pulling it off, it'll never be as good as construction.




Pointless Post. :shame:




Good point, Jagex doesn't give the nonmembers anything anymore. Hey, it's not my fault I can't become a member!!! :x

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The poster is an idiot who doesn't understand anything. Don't you see what I am trying to say, why this Stealth Skill does not constitute as a skill, more as a spell?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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The poster is an idiot who doesn't understand anything. Don't you see what I am trying to say, why this Stealth Skill does not constitute as a skill, more as a spell?




I know, I mean, its would be pointless. The only decent thing this post has stirred up 4 me is that I think there should be a magic spell called illuminate' which counts as a light source 4 awhile.




Also, Justin, you are asking Us what level u need 4 prayer IT'S YOUR POST, so u shud decide. Shows how poorly thought thru this post was.[/b]

P.S. Guthix is my lord


And 200 mogres later, I got some flippers.



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And while we add a Stealth Skill and a Detection Skill, let us make a Flying Skill, and a Sailing Skill, and a Killing NPCs Skill, and a Walking Skill, and a Dying Skill, and a Talking Skill, and a Player Modding Skill...




You seriously think that "Stealth" can consittute as an independedt, leveled skill? What, how do you train it? Disappear lots of times? And how would you train Detection? Keep revealing your friend?















Awww, look at the cute little noob getting upset. Seriously bud, your logic is pretty flawed.




Finaly Fantasy, yes, final fantasy, now would does final fantasy and runescape not have in common. Oh yeah, one is online. Oh wait, you mean here you're not fighting ONLY monsters? Why yes, that's right.




By the way, there are many RPGs (and good ones) that don't have any kind of stealth skill. This kind of skill would just be stupid for something like runescape. Very stupid. Why not just call it roguescape.




I love how little you thought it out too, all you said is "there should be a stealth skill" then didn't give any real detail.

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And while we add a Stealth Skill and a Detection Skill, let us make a Flying Skill, and a Sailing Skill, and a Killing NPCs Skill, and a Walking Skill, and a Dying Skill, and a Talking Skill, and a Player Modding Skill...




You seriously think that "Stealth" can consittute as an independedt, leveled skill? What, how do you train it? Disappear lots of times? And how would you train Detection? Keep revealing your friend?















Awww, look at the cute little noob getting upset. Seriously bud, your logic is pretty flawed.




Finaly Fantasy, yes, final fantasy, now would does final fantasy and runescape not have in common. Oh yeah, one is online. Oh wait, you mean here you're not fighting ONLY monsters? Why yes, that's right.




By the way, there are many RPGs (and good ones) that don't have any kind of stealth skill. This kind of skill would just be stupid for something like runescape. Very stupid. Why not just call it roguescape.




I love how little you thought it out too, all you said is "there should be a stealth skill" then didn't give any real detail.






Ever heard of Baldur's Gate??? How about Neverwinter Nights??? Dungeons and Dragons Online??? All are MMORPG's and they have stealth skills. And as for the "not enough details" part, go back in the thread and it is clearly explained how it would work.




Final Fnatasy kinda broke away from the first RPG games...seriously. Do you even know what the first RPG game ever was??? Chainmail. And Chainmail had a stealth skill. Then they went to Dungeons and Dragons, it also has stealth skills. Then Final Fantasy kinda had a stealth thing going on with theivery, but I consider that mugging, not stealth. Last time I checked, Runescape is one of the few RPG games that *doesn't* have a stealth skill. I don't know why all of you think it's so stupid. Does Zezima complain when Construction come around?? No, he leveled up to 87 in 1 day. I mean really, it isn't just "Warior, Ranger, and Mage" in RPG games. There is such a variety of paths you can take in real RPG games.

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The poster is an idiot who doesn't understand anything. Don't you see what I am trying to say, why this Stealth Skill does not constitute as a skill, more as a spell?




Ok first, stop calling me an idiot, I probably know more about game programming than you do. Second, if stealth qualifies more as a spell, how do people hide in real life?? In real life, people don't cast spells!!!

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Oh really now? And therefore, in real life you can eat a shark in three seconds? Or cast a fireball and burn you to ashes? The more you speak, the more you reveal your idiocy.




The problem is that this "Stealth" skill has too little information in it other than "Hiding" to qualify as a skill. By your logic, we will have millions of skills like a "Teleporting" skill, an "Elemental Combat" skill, an "Enchanting Skill", etc.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Oh really now? And therefore, in real life you can eat a shark in three seconds? Or cast a fireball and burn you to ashes? The more you speak, the more you reveal your idiocy.




The problem is that this "Stealth" skill has too little information in it other than "Hiding" to qualify as a skill. By your logic, we will have millions of skills like a "Teleporting" skill, an "Elemental Combat" skill, an "Enchanting Skill", etc.




Because, in the original RPG games, there were literally 50+ skills. I remember there on the D&D character sheet that one whole page was devoted to skills. If you want me to I can read them all off, because they make more sense than the current group of skills in RS.




Sure you cant eat a shark that fast or cast fireball, but there are lots of skills that should be added.




And you better shut your mouth, calling me an idiot. Lol you spelled idiocity wrong too...... and I'm an idiot????

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But Runescape is a different RPG altogether. Runescape is done this way, with various ideas grouped into one big skill. This is Runescape, OK?




Your second scentence does not make sense at all.




Yes, you are an idiot.




And I know you hate me, but you would never win in any debate against me; so please do not try. I say that because you always start off debates on the wrong foot.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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First, I don't hate anyone, I just don't like it when PPL CALL ME AN IDIOT!! Sure I haven't graduated high school or don't know the dictionary by memory, but that doesn't warrant the tag of "Idiot" does it?




I know RS is a different RGP all together, but shouldn't it be more like others?? I started out playing other RPG games, when I went to playing RS, it didn't seem like an RPG.




How do you start a debate on the right foot? I didn't even intend for this to become a debate.... I made a statement, and you responded. You called me an idiot, I get really mad. It's that simple.




That second sentatnce was just explaining that there are more skills in all the classic RPG's than in RS. Classic RPG's rock too. You should play them.

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You guys are fighting like a married couple!!!








Can't ya stay together for the kids??? lmao




Ok that's a weird analogy.......




This thread is pretty much over. The only ppl on it now is me and toxicologist..


Sad thing is, no conclusion has been reached (besides the fact that I'm an idiot).....

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The poster is an idiot who doesn't understand anything. Don't you see what I am trying to say, why this Stealth Skill does not constitute as a skill, more as a spell?




I know, I mean, its would be pointless. The only decent thing this post has stirred up 4 me is that I think there should be a magic spell called illuminate' which counts as a light source 4 awhile.




Also, Justin, you are asking Us what level u need 4 prayer IT'S YOUR POST, so u shud decide. Shows how poorly thought thru this post was.[/b]




Actually I didn't think any of this stuff up before I made this post....


I just had an idea and went from there. No planning or thinking. Just doing.

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Please stop insulting each other! I'm surprised no mod has closed down this topic by now!






I do not think stealth should be an added skill, perhaps it should be added on to either agility or thieveing (or possibly both), but not it's own skill. Making a stelth skill seperate from one of these and you might as well split thieveing into "Pickpocketing" and "Lockpicking".




I DO NOT think it should be a spell, a prayer would be much better (since spells are cast on other objects/people and prayers are used on yourself).

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Please stop insulting each other! I'm surprised no mod has closed down this topic by now!






I do not think stealth should be an added skill, perhaps it should be added on to either agility or thieveing (or possibly both), but not it's own skill. Making a stelth skill seperate from one of these and you might as well split thieveing into "Pickpocketing" and "Lockpicking".




I DO NOT think it should be a spell, a prayer would be much better (since spells are cast on other objects/people and prayers are used on yourself).




Wow, mods are really that strict here??




Anyway, as a nonmember, I don't have acess to thieving or agility, and I'd like to see some sort of update for f2p. I mean really, I would become a member in a second if i was allowed.




On another thread, a stealth prayer was mentioned, and the idea there was better than any of the ideas I have seen on this thread. It was something like-




When you activate the Stealth Prayer, your image and map dot dissapear to other players. But if their prayer is higher than yours, they see you. And if you talk out loud, the prayer is automaticly deactivated.




That idea was Sligo's. He also said that the prayer wouldn't work on NPC's, so you couldn't beat quests so easily. It seems like a fair system.




-Doesn't work on NPC's


-Players with higher prayer can see you


-If you talk they can see you


-Uses 1 prayer point per two seconds.

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Well, it should work alright like that, except I don't see any of the gods sneaking around Runescape. Somehow, an "Invisible" thing seems more like something a thief or a mage would do, or both. Since thieves have no true way to become invisible, I think it would be more like a Mage Spell rather than a Prayer.




In general, Holy/Unholy powers are "strong" in Mind and Body, not sneaking around trying to avoid detection. It is hard to explain, but I hope you get my meaning.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i say stealth would be like a slayer skill. go to a trainer he gives you an NPC u must assinate by using stealth with comabt to deafeat, a leader npc to u must kill his/her guards to get to. then after ur task is completed u will gain exp. And there should be a quest and weapons to start and use this skill. but members only, wouldnt work in free world, its to small


Alright Confusces CJ has spoken.... Till next time.

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If you explain a bit I might support. Stealth won't be a skill on it's own because it goes under theiving and agility. Most likely agility. Agility pretty much sucks right now since you can only go past obstacles...




If this skill was done for quests like Death to the Dorgshuun (SP?) I haven't done it but apparantly you need to hide in some places (I may be thinking of another quest.) I might see this being used in the wilderness...such as level 1 is just learning to hide behind stuff...later on maybe 99 you can camouflage yourself without any objects except some clothing.




I admit training this by itself will be tedious so putting it into agility will make it better.




I'm not to sure how long it'll hide you for...maybe (like prayer) it temporarly takes your agility down till 0 and that's when you appear again. Of course you don't have to recharge it'll come back on it's own.




Sounds fun to me :P





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I dont support :wall: :wall:




Please think before posting :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:


Ash if u didn't notice i did think of what to say before i said it cause if i didn't think i would of said hbrk;bjeri'ofeigfvkjfvkhfekjafjk;rfgslef funny letters hahaaa


Alright Confusces CJ has spoken.... Till next time.

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abyssal i disagree with you for some reasons,1 being able to sneak around doesn't have to so anything with how fast or how long you could run or ur energy go up since thats what agility is.2 after re-reading the posts i see that there are a few good sugestions such as hiding ur dot on the mini-map really good for wildy but you would have to be a distance intill they see you but putting it into pray wouldn't work really well because there would be no distinguishing on if u could or couldn't see them and it would be wierd also. For instance u go to a world like 78, a lot of high lvls there and theres no white dots on your map but all u can see are buildings guards dyin 1 hit and big fyling cloaks, the pray symbol for stealth. all in all stealth would have to be a sperate skill simply beacause ever1 could stealth the same which means every1 can be detected just as easy which would get some veteran players mad, i know i would.


Alright Confusces CJ has spoken.... Till next time.

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