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GWnder Enequiality? My experiment: ON DAY 3


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Well I have heard so many girl complainign about inequality in runescape so Im here to do this! I have started an experiment 1 month ago And recored the results. Over the next 2 weeks Ill be posting the what ghappened while This experiment was going on. Also this is kinda a disscusion about gender ineqaulity so dcont take this as a story!

l5v2s.gif<-- this one better work.... >__<


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The only thing that really would be unequal set-up by Jagex is the Recruitment Drive quest, where "No MAN" can beat that one warrior.




Didn't jagex steal that from Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King where the woman warrior killed the head RingWraithe?

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tOday Is tarted out on my new person. Imedeatly I was asked to be a maid. That got me steamed because :


1 it was by a noob


2 He was a VERY BAD PERSON** with no rescpet torwards me.


After that I trainded my combat to lv 4 and got to fally. I Bought a new pickaxe and started miing. Other than that inceddent the day went li ke it should have: Normally.




**: THsi word was screended and then replaced

l5v2s.gif<-- this one better work.... >__<


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DAy 2: THE threat




I started today as training my fishing. I enchanced it to lv 10 and then upped my cooking level by 7, over some range in Alabasta (Al krarid). After that I decided to do some more mining as now my mining level was 17. I then ran to varrock and got to buisness Forging WHEN:




ME: yes?


Guy: hi


ME: okay...


Guy be my gf or else




At this point I report the guy and then He "logs out" Yet more discrimination.

l5v2s.gif<-- this one better work.... >__<


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Just a quick idea on gender equality, I think that the percentage of Guys that go around looking for girlfriends is about the same as the percentage of Girls going around looking for boyfriends. The differance is that there are many many more guys than girls, so the chances of a girl being asked out is greater than the chances of a guy being asked out.

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Its mainly idiots who think they're "playas", most of them end up being scammed by the girl whos really a guy.




MMORPG: Many Men Online Role Playing Girls :wink: .




The only thing that really would be unequal set-up by Jagex is the Recruitment Drive quest, where "No MAN" can beat that one warrior.




Didn't jagex steal that from Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King where the woman warrior killed the head RingWraithe?




Jagex didn't steal it, they parodied it. Besides it couldn't be called stealing because that concept probably came from a Legend/Folklore so it would be Public Domain and thus usable by anyone. Basically just about everyone thinks up the same idea but with a slight twist at one point or another and generally the twist is enough to make it original and cannot be considered stolen by the first person who was to think of it.

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If I remember right, about three years back a guy did an experiment like this. Except he did it from the beggining of his character. He actually joined runescape as a social project (or however you would word it) to see how women are treated compared to men in the MMORPG realm. He found many people were far nicer to him and of course many were also very mean. He made many online friends through the course of it. At the end of it he was fairly high level and pretty prominent in the community (can't remember name :( ). When he came out with a post for everyone to explain taht he was a guy and his reason for playing a girl (he also changed his character to a guy) some of his friends were hurt by him, turned on him. In my opinion, that is not a very good friend, but I'm in no position to judge. However, what I'm getting at is this. It's about equal. I have plenty of friends who have played as girls on runescape, they said there are many advantages (monetary mostly) to being a girl. Many had cases of people jsut coming up to them and giving them items (including full rune back when it was actually worth something). However the annoyance of immature little boys is of course there.




My girlfriend started playing Final Fantasy 11 on her summer break. She's had alot of girls harass her (usually sexually). However, there is one case that is pretty interesting. She met this one guy and became friends with him. He basically followed her around everywhere healing her. Didn't take her too long to figure out he had a bit of a crush on her (he didn't know she has a boyfriend). He tryed to make a move on her once or twice and she struck him down every time. She did however come to be good friends with him over a short period of time. However recently he has totally ignored her. She believes he's pretty much abandoned her. I think this was probably in large part due to the fact that he probably wanted some online girlfriend and when he finally figured out that she wouldn't be his, he turned his back on her. This hurt my girl, she has a problem with attachment. She gets attached to people pretty easily so to have a good friend betray her really hurt. I hate that about immature guys that they tend to only think about themselves and don't think about other's feelings (remember, I said IMMATURE guys).




I'm interested in your experiment though. It'll be interesting to see how it goes. However, if I might make a few suggestions which I think would help it out immensly.




1) Spelling and grammar. I'm not going to go all nazi on you over it, however, trying to spell your owrds out correctly and using correct grammar really makes it much more enjoyable to read.




2) Edit the first post to add in the daily updates instead of making a new post on the thread. It's much easier that way and anyone can easily just check the first post for a new update.

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1) Spelling and grammar. I'm not going to go all nazi on you over it, however, trying to spell your owrds out correctly and using correct grammar really makes it much more enjoyable to read.


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well going around with the immature guys thing most of these kids who play only play for maybe 3 months get to lvl 45 get bored leave and dont come back but this is a male dominated game i see alteast 6 guys to every female player so they r going to be those immature boys but the guys that mind their own buisness or kind to everyone regardless of sex or lvl(such as The Old Nite (rip)) even in my clan we have some female players in pretty high roles so dont be offended if some guy decides to be a jerk because MOST GUYS these days arent like that if anything they probably get that from their parents(a male and a female in a mutual realtionship or w/e)

join the saradomine's slayers today

-not allowed-


Buy uncuts. Cut them. Store in bank. Craft into amulets. Enchant amulets. Sell amulets. Rinse, and repeat.
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Immature 11 year old and stupid sex-crazed teenagers that get turned on by pixels (sad, very very sad)


In short, people who don't use common sence and think only of them selves and not how this may affect the girl.

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Runescape isn't gender discimitive it's just the imature 11year old boys that play.


Lol, true :D

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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if anything the only discrimination is from the guy players that so big of loosers they try to find a gf on the web.. in an game....... honestly what kind of person does that??? A LOSER. they should try some blog websites


Seling 45548 Airs PM if u want to buy some!

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