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lol @ most xbox online people


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I know i'm not the only one who can't understand half the things people say on xbox live when playing..




i cant understand most [cabbage] they say.




i totally gave up on trying to understand people on xbox live a long time ago you have people who are like deep-tonguing the microphone or talking with a mouthful of cheetos. the rest are illiterate or [bleep]ing [developmentally delayed]ed.

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I am geussing an angry typical MMORPG player are suppiror?








about the stupid thing, ermm, a lot of people who I think are stupid finds me dumb because they couldn't understand my point. Therefore they find what I said are a load of baloney.

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I am geussing an angry typical MMORPG player are suppiror?


Nahhh :D






Heh, but yeah on how they never understand my point whenever I even bother to argue with them. 90% of the ones that go non-stop and don't shut up during games are under 13 anyway..




I don't even play halo 2 anymore. halo players are the absolute WORST.

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awww yes the classic sweaky voice insults those are the best.




I have a story, ok so me and my buddy were loadin the game right and we are reading the players names and here is how it went




*reads name "wang0"*




me: WTF kind of name if wang0


him: wat kind of name is "teh cow" (<-me)


me:oh i understand your name now its cuz you have zero wang.




He didnt talk there after, I was pretty proud of that come back, then i started eating my cheetos and yellin into the mic lol jking about that lol



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awww yes the classic sweaky voice insults those are the best.




I have a story, ok so me and my buddy were loadin the game right and we are reading the players names and here is how it went




*reads name "wang0"*




me: * kind of name if wang0


him: wat kind of name is "teh cow" (<-me)


me:oh i understand your name now its cuz you have zero wang.




He didnt talk there after, I was pretty proud of that come back, then i started eating my cheetos and yellin into the mic lol jking about that lol


...I hate people who say "What kind of name is *Insert name here*?". It's so stupid. They're allowed to make any damn name up they want. Could be from something that happened in real life that his friends would understand, or he might've asked people to vote for 4 names he made up and that one was voted for the most. Does his name change the way the game is played? No it doesn't. So just let them play and don't worry about their name.

How many runescape players does it take to change a lightbulb?


1 to change the bulb and the other 49 to complain about how it was better before.


So why are you here?

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i had 2 little kids argue about who had the best pokemon and who could beat who in a "pokeduel" during a team slayer match. they ended up killing each other. we were on the same team. one booted one. i told the other kid he was [developmentally delayed]ed and he killed me. i booted him. we won 50 to 29. cuz im so good with double shot and BXR ^_^

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lmao Kayla.


And yeah Nadril I know :D , but still it's just hilarious..




If they get really annoying I'll sometimes play something like Barry Manilow on the microphone really loud.



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I was playing with my friend once and there were 2 kids talking about how much money they had (they had something like $10 total) and they were braggin about it.. So I'm like "Yeah.. You guys have more money than me.. I just spent $1500 on a new computer.. You guys are soooo rich..". That shut them up :D




Also I can't believe all these kids that curse.. And don't their parents hear/care?! I mean these kids are like 10 and dropping the f-bomb.. Hell, I'm 15 and try not to say that one...

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:lol: I'm a girl. When I play Xbox live, I like to take the mic and speak in a sexy voice to all the little guys while the rest of my male teammates kill them. ^_^


LMAO!! :lol: Thats a good one :D




I dont have xbox live, but I played it once at my friends house. I remember these two kids (prob 9-10) saying stupid "your momma" jokes :roll: They were so in insulting each other, they weren't even paying attention to the game. I killed both of them with plasma garnades and even ran one over :D

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I try to speak clearly when i play xbox live and I dont typically have a very hard time understanding people. I occationally talk with food in my mouth over live just because it can be funny :lol:




This thread = the reason why I quit halo 2.
I quit halo 2 as soon as I managed to get 3 kills in a game :) .
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One thing I find funny about people who talk about these things is that they're usually just as bad. I'm positive that all the people you are mocking say the same things.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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You're stupid if you can't handle little kids on XBOX live, they shouldn't even be close to irritating you, I cannot belive you let some kid ruin your gameplaying and stop you from playing Halo2. I can handle these little kiddies, I make them [bleep]ing cry if they dare to say anything to me, seriously you need to hold your own alot more.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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I can handle these little kiddies, I make them * cry if they dare to say anything to me




Ooh you're hardcore. =D>




I am though, i'm not even joking, if somebody thinks they are smart and funny I will show them how stupid they are making themselves look, whilst beating the [cabbage] out of them depending on what game i'm playing \' .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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That's just great, I envy you as I'm sure everyone else reading this does.




Yes, I hope they do envy me and that they aspire to my ownage and my eliteness on the XBOX360 live scene :!:

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(




The only game I usually play where people use the mic a lot is 'The Specialists', a mod for Half-Life 1. The thing is, basically everyone that uses it is actually rather smart, and not the average too-cocky FPS player. Or they play funny music in the microphone, or say stupid crap right before they kill you. I laugh my head off, then get said head blown off by a .454.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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If any of you want to see some funny stuff... im sure you may have already,


but google: "Chocolate Milk Kid" watch that video. the "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" video too, and http://www.pwned.nl

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