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Whats the noobiest thing YOU ever done?


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when me and my friends were all noobs we decided to call high level people who pissed us off "oldbs" this is one convo:




*while im killing guards, when they are like 5 levels higher than me*


him: your such a noob, you'll die if you kill them at your lvl


me: shut it oldb


him: wuts an oldb?


me: its what you are


him: its not even a word


me: neither is noob


him: noob


me: oldb!


him: saying oldb proves your a noob


me: calling people noob makes you an oldb


him: go away


*pretty funny when i look back at it*

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When i went to my house and drank soo much beer i got 0 out of 71 attk..










98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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mr.guy above ^ i did that too it was so fun it was back when u could refill from barb vill barrels it was so funny trying to fight barbs i was like "oh noes! im back to 1 attack MUST GET MORE BEER!"


my nooby moment happened last week i was wandering around the wildy and regular towns (varrock) wearing nothin but bronze legs and following people saying "bronze pwns u!" some other guy lvl 100+ actually said this too me "yea i know" it was so funnilishious <-funny and tasty lol i like my made up words. O yea and my incredible dance party in the lvl 1 varrcok wildy where i got the bronze legs off some noobs pked body.




my most nooby thing;




POSTING HERE! lol j/k rolflmao rogghfbsnaosmitwamscighhhhhhhhlolnat




~noobs are tasty.


R.I.P. The Old Nite 1961 - 2006

~May His Legacy N'ar Be Forgotten~

~Life Is A Highway Let Us Drive The Old Nite On~

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trying to figure out why I could attack some Man and some other Man not.After a long time i realised some Man were other players -.-


Yup , thats noob




But meh, i was err 12? and I'm dutch so didn't kno english quite well

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trying to figure out why I could attack some Man and some other Man not.After a long time i realised some Man were other players -.-


Yup , thats noob




But meh, i was err 12? and I'm dutch so didn't kno english quite well




When I just started, I thought fights between a player and a man, were player vs player fights.




And I was 19 back then.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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joined the "cool sword clan"




went into the wild with my 2k (lifes saving) and my full steel (with longsword)




me and my friend got slaughtered and we almost quit rofl




times have changed since then






i didnt have time to eat my cabbages...

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Probably joining RuneScape. What a waste of time that game was.




...Oh, sorry. :anxious:


i didn't think i'd like it but i just tried it and i was wrong... KoL rocks!!!


still gonna play RS tho....


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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Let me thing...




When i was lvl 4 (woot! i'm strong because i was a lvl 3 but now a lvl 4 woot!) i went to the wizard tower (uh, nice place, i better dont attack wizards...) and then a "nice extranger" said: "hey take this staff for free, but you must kill a wizard to say thanks." I think ok, then...PREPARE TO SUFFER WIZARD WITH MY NEW STAFF! and 3 secs later i was in wildy without my noob items. =(.


Then i think, i'm too powerfull because im lvl 10 now, then a "nice guy" in full mith said: Follow me, i iwll take you to a place where you can get nice stuff for free, just like my armor!. Oh yeah, i did, i followed trough a extarnge forest, not many ppl and a scary song (jagex must hide the nice stuff here because it is scary...) and then i saw it, a nice skull near a little icon of 2 swrods (you know, the wildy symbol and the multicombat together) this must be nice and then...10 secs later i'm dead (again).




Well but the most noobiest thing i did was when i didnt know what is 1k, so a guy was selling full black for 3k (what a bargain) and i offered 3gp (almost all my money) he said: 3k please. So i offered 10gp (all my money). He said: You must be newbor noob lol. 1k is 1000gp.




Well, i feel great, i was palying runescape only for 3 days and i discovered than im a whole new class! I'm not a warrior, i'm not a mage, I'm not a ranger, i'm not a rogue, i'm not a necromancer, i'm not a paladin... No, i'm better, i was proud of say this...I'M A NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!




Amen =D>




well the noobiest thingi did was think an ogre shaman would be easy to kill (he hit constant 30's) and then run to a blue dragon to protect me!

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The noobiest thing I ever did ?


That would have been trying to help people who don't deserve it.


Scammers... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I didn't know how to train half the skills...such as defense, strength, crafting, magic...


I also didn't know what the combat level was. I tried selling bronze 2h swords for 1k each...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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And chaos, your site is pretty good. Nice work.




Why thank you! I'm working on new stories right now, busy hooking up with scammers.




yea, its awesome, i just finished reading the story about the guy selling his account lol :wall: looking forward to more storys :3>

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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