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Adult Worlds - Suggestion from Official Forum


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I've toyed with this idea for a long time, thinking that it would be cool to have a "mature only" server where the censors were relaxed and you could enjoy your time playing the game in peace, free from all the annoying kids, able to traverse the wilderness safely without having to worry about some stupid kid who wants to kill you for a map, sextant, and shovel.




But I discovered something. Several things actually.




1. Age and maturity don't necessarily go together.


2. The in-game censor is fine as it is. I rarely have words censored out as it is.


3. Runescape really isn't the appropriate place to discuss adult topics anyway - there are plenty of other places (like here) to do that.


4. It's not such a bad thing to have kids around - in fact, most of the time they make the game more fun. Like, for example, I didn't become a youth hockey coach because I hated being around kids. I did it because I like being around kids and I like the opportunity to set a positive example for them.


5. An "adult only" server would be an invitation (or temptation?) for a lot of inappropriate activity - stuff I don't need in my life anyway. Think of it like this: If it isn't appropriate to say when kids are present, then explain to me why it is appropriate when they aren't?




So, of Jagex introduced an adult-only server, I could say with certainty that I would never go there.




- Sligo (an old, bald guy)




P.S. Oh, by the way, I DO have a life. I CHOOSE to spend part of that life playing games, and one of those games is Runescape. I find it a great way to relax after a long and difficult day at work, and I enjoy talking to complete strangers about totally meaningless subjects like Herblore, Smithing, and Farming.


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I saw this off the of Official Forum, and I totally agree. I've met a lot of mothers and fathers over Runescape, who love to talk about mature matters: Jobs, Kids, Politics, Taxes... and I think its fair to say that they shouldn't be mixed in with children ages 8-13.




Post your Opinion, C/C only, NO FLAMING - unless its constructive




**If there is a thread like this, I apologize, I didnt see any - so just lock








The idea of an adult servers has been suggested quite afew times in the past, with mixed views and criticisms. I myself had suggested it once afew years back, and I believe Jagex was concerned about fairness and how to enforce it.




Its inevitable that, seeing as the majority of the player base now is minors, that even mentioning the idea is going to get you flamed by those who would not be eligable to access such worlds. Actually infact, the very fact that people resort to flaming anything that they do not like or agree with, would indeed show a reason of why such suggestions are being made to begin with.




I know, kids will be kids, but it does tend to get obnoxious after awhile. I can already hear the cries as I write this, "Not all kids act that way, some are quite mature for their age" or "Adults behave that way too", which are both truthful. However on the other side of the coin, age does play a role in maturity and intelligence, as we all know. They have usually seen and experienced more, and their brains have nearly finished developing, which is the reason most governments grant them more rights and privledges than minors. Since they usually have a better understanding of the world around them, including the dangers and risks of their actions, they are usually more capable of making informed and rational decisions than minors, however there are always exceptions.




As far as fairness goes, generally there is always more freedoms and liberties granted to adults than minors. However, on the flip side, adults also have more responsibilities to maintain and manage than children. So as in life, its understandable and I do not see the harm in granting extra privledges to those whom are fully grown adults. Such as, being able to exchange contact information, and a way of possibly disabling the chat filter, so long as such benefits do not give added benefits to levelling or succeeding in playing the game itself.




Disabling the chat filter would be benefitial for those accidental filterings that we all experience in Runescape. It still does mean that belittling your fellow player is okay or should be tolerated. However, most adults are less prone to swear than youth anyways, as they have figured out that it does not make them "look cool" as many minors happen to believe. Exchanging contact details is also handy, for those whom would like to talk to our fellow player outside of RuneScape. Both of which are not allowed presently, not just to protect youth, but to protect the company from lawsuits brought on by parents. Afterall, we live in the generation that people can sue McDonalds for a hot coffee being hot and win, which is quite sad.




Your only options presently are an ignore list, which could not possibly be enough to quiet down the millions of people who fail to act in an civilized manner. The second option being to cut the public chat to friends only, but the problem with this is it does stop you from meeting the truly intelligent and mature individuals who actually have something worthwhile to say.




Then you have the matter of how do you enforce it? Social Security numbers perhaps? Well those are only available in the United States. Do you do credit verifications? Thats great for those who pay by credit, but how about those who pay via other means? Ask for a credit number anyways, then charge and refund it? Credit card fraud is also an issue, but its more of an legal issue than a game issue. Outside of credit however, as I mentioned I cannot see any other method that'd be plausible for testing age.




There are some players who would prefer a "mature world" instead of an adult one, but with a player base as large and diverse as the one in RuneScape, how would you enforce it? How exactly do you go about testing each individual to see if they are mature? It cannot be done, unless it would involve meeting and talking to each individual by hand, for extended periods of time, which effectively rules this option out as there is no possible way to do that in largescale.




Also, considering the number of mature players would be moving to the adult/mature worlds, would the lack of proper influence on kids or immature players actually make them act out more? Would it have a negative side effect? Would the volume of players visiting those worlds for various reasons, or volunteerily playing on those worlds be enough to balance it out?




I guess I am unsure on how it would all play out, and there are many questions that would need to be addressed prior to even thinking about implementing it. On one hand i'm for it, and on the other i'm unsure how it could work.

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And plus if parents play this (which i know some do) they have no lives.


Yeah, sure, the mother who wants to see how safe this game her child is playing has no life? The tired dad who works two jobs to pay the bills, two mortgages, payments for three cars, ever increasing gas prices and still set enough aside for his kids' college, who can't afford much more than a free game like RS to relax with, has no life? The harried college student who doesn't have time to wait for his WoW clan to gather for a quest and doesn't have the money or room for a console has no life? Who are you to judge?


Ignorant kids on RS don't have lives, don't have real friends, have no tans and are out of shape because I think all they do is play RS or talk about it on fansites while looking up porn on Google.


And anyway, even if they don't have lives, what business is it of yours? It isn't, so be quiet. Their lack of a life does not in any way impact yours, except to add one more player to the World you want to play in.


Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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Here are a few suggestions:




1. Ban discriminatory and rude names, excessive numbers.


2. Remove the word "noob" and other 'netspeak' from the game. - This is a Role Playing game, not a chat room.


3. Greet people. This is a big one. Behind the pixels are 'people'. Say Hello, or ask how someone is doing.


4. Simply Ban people who do not follow these rules.






*** Yes, it's vague, but it's just an 'idea', not a black and white law.




Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent.

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  • 4 months later...

I support the idea of an unofficial 18+ world




I would be so good to "talk" to someone who actually types out all the words and not use net-speak. And you do notice an adult player (well most of the time) the are friendlier and are more likely to help you out








I know I do: giving away food if I see somebody running low on hp or give a low level player weapons i don't use any more.




Kids logging in would not really be a problem they would get bored and leave, or maybe they would pick up some politeness and learn grammer O:)








I for one would totally use that world (and tell my kid not to :-w )








so what world are we picking?

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Good idea, even though I'm only 13.


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