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Adult Worlds - Suggestion from Official Forum


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I saw this off the of Official Forum, and I totally agree. I've met a lot of mothers and fathers over Runescape, who love to talk about mature matters: Jobs, Kids, Politics, Taxes... and I think its fair to say that they shouldn't be mixed in with children ages 8-13.




Post your Opinion, C/C only, NO FLAMING - unless its constructive




**If there is a thread like this, I apologize, I didnt see any - so just lock







In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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What's stopping the kids from logging in?




Personally I'd probably just log on to escape the "age 8-13" group, though I hope you guys realize that you have to be at least 13 to sign up for a Runescape account (go try making one account with age "12 and under").

I am a tree.

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No. If they want to talk about those matter, go to Varrock, southern house, upstairs, no one there.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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It wouldn't really work, the kids would just go on there to ruin it for them, we should just decide on a world and meeting place to talk about these subjects.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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how do you proof that you arnt a kid?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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This is a good idea. Im not over 18 myself, but I still fell your pain.


What's stopping the kids from logging in?




Personally I'd probably just log on to escape the "age 8-13" group, though I hope you guys realize that you have to be at least 13 to sign up for a Runescape account (go try making one account with age "12 and under").


Yeah. Heres what it said...



Sorry, you need to be aged 13 or over to create an account.


Anyway, just find deserted spot, or use your POH+lock.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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What's stopping the kids from logging in?




Personally I'd probably just log on to escape the "age 8-13" group, though I hope you guys realize that you have to be at least 13 to sign up for a Runescape account (go try making one account with age "12 and under").


they just click 13+



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You can't stop from kids logging in, but.. if you choose a world to be "adult-only" then you will get more adults in that world. The ratio kids/adults will be better. You can never ban out every single kid, but there would be a slight improvement over other worlds.

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I brought this subject up once on runescape forums and got slammed by the kids... sorry kids but adults need adult time too.




The only way to do this would be if Jagex was willing to "rent" a private server. As for how to administrate who is able to log on..that I dont know.... maybe send a list to jagex as to who is let on and who isnt... like I said that part i dont know... Dont know if they even allow private servers anymore.

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I brought this subject up once on runescape forums and got slammed by the kids... sorry kids but adults need adult time too.




The only way to do this would be if Jagex was willing to "rent" a private server. As for how to administrate who is able to log on..that I dont know.... maybe send a list to jagex as to who is let on and who isnt... like I said that part i dont know... Dont know if they even allow private servers anymore.


Private servers are illegal :)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I, for one, am tired with a certain level of immaturity that I find in game. The constant low level bickering and insult matches are distracting from the game. I would support a haven from such pettiness.




The concern is, how could Jagex keep youngsters out, or would it even be possible to creature such a thing. To be honest, nothing is stopping the creation of an unofficial Mature Players world. After all, nothing except an unofficial consensus created the Trades worlds of 1 and 2, or the essence running and Pest Control worlds. Sure, nothing would stop the youngsters from coming, but I suspect the "weight of age" would soon drive them off.




I say that if we want an Elders World, all we have to do is set one aside. We let news of Sanctuary World (world 70/76 Members; 74/75 f2p) out and just see what happens.

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if it really bothers you to listen to it click the public chat button 3 times. (i think its 3) that will solve all your problems by turning public chat off so you don't have to listen to the horrible tax problems.

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I've said this several times before in other threads.




If it weren't for the adults who started the whole computer/video gaming industry about 30+ years ago, you kids would have nothing to play.




The gaming industry began when computer geeks started writing games to (a) test out their programming skills and (B) because they were bored. Some games were written primarily to test out various computer features, some were written because the authors thought they'd be fun to play.




I've been a gamer for 28 years. I have no intention of giving it up. I've written games, tested games, played games. Hey -- I can still beat my son and his friends at Magic The Gathering and I haven't bought any new cards in about 5 years.




I have a very full and interesting life. I work, I raise my son, I'm active in the SCA, I do fiber arts (knitting handspinning, weaving, etc.) and still find time to read, keep the house clean (sort of) and play RS.




About the only things I don't do are watch TV and spend my evenings in the pub.




When you've done as much as I've done in my life so far, then you can tell me I have no life. Until then, keep your unwanted opinion about older players to yourself.

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I'm surpised no one knows how to stop kids from logging in to the adult servers... You'd have to give jagex your Social Security #, then they could verify it and then when you load an 18+ world if you didn't have a social security number set on your account that proved you were over 18 it would say, Sorry, but you must be atleast 18 years of age to log into this server. I think this is a really good idea about having adult servers. I do get tired of a lot of annoying younger people, I know not all of them are bad, but there are quite a few. And to whoever said 13+ can't play anyway. Yes they can, they just have to lie about their age which I'm sure they do... For my idea I know some people would just use their parents social security #s but not that many parents would let their kids to that to go to something that's 18+. Jagex should really do this.

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I'm surpised no one knows how to stop kids from logging in to the adult servers... You'd have to give jagex your Social Security #, then they could verify it and then when you load an 18+ world if you didn't have a social security number set on your account that proved you were over 18 it would say, Sorry, but you must be atleast 18 years of age to log into this server.




Nice idea.




Only one problem: Social Security numbers are a US-only thing. It wouldn't work for the rest of the world. Also Jagex being a UK company, I'm not sure they'd be able to verify that the holder was 18+.




I've wondered about the logistics of having an "adult" membership which would cost more -- $10/month -- and be only available by credit card payment (you have to be 18 to have a credit card). On the signup for membership, there'd be a disclaimer that you'd have to complete, stating that you understand that you're going to be playing on an adult world with no censor.




Of course that would cut out people who don't want to (or can't) pay by credit card. Also I know more than a few 20+ people who are less mature and sensible than some of the teens I know, so that's no guarantee either.

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