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Check Out My New Funny Siggie!


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[Mod Edit: Offensive Image removed ~Alduron]




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Where's the funny?




Are you allergic to humor? "Where's the funny?" Stop being a smarty pants...Geez, I just post a siggie and everybody flames... :(




No, honestly, which part in the sig is funny? Is it the horribly overused joke, or perhaps something a bit more covered up?

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ur this is why we flame


the subject isnt funny


bad font and color shade


only text :wall:




My first ever. You can't blame me. I think it's cool, and thats all that matters. Forget you guys. Tip.It needs to find nicer, more contstructive criticizing members...




"If you have nothing nice to say, then keep your freakin mouth closed!!!"

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maybee tip it just needs more members that read the rules!


in the rules it clearly says do not post your first anythings as they are hardly ever good!




At the moment i can't really see the full form of the muffin.
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maybee tip it just needs more members that read the rules!


in the rules it clearly says do not post your first anythings as they are hardly ever good!






oh some members have good "firsts", maxiemumu for example, me too :XD:




oh just keep working at sig-making, before you know it you'll be good, i'd say from 3-5 is when people start obtaining a style and start getting very good

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what do you expect us to say? and if u dont want ppl to crit crap work, like that sure as hell is, your in the wrong place.




i really dislike u. ur cocky, and ur throwing peoples comments back in their face. im gonna go back to what nadril said... WHERE THE HELL IS THE FUNNY!?




and EVERYBODY FLAMES? i might have to quote that from ur 2nd post. only nadril had posted. raincheck, nadril isnt the only person on the board? kkthxbai




My first ever. You can't blame me. I think it's cool, and thats all that matters. Forget you guys. Tip.It needs to find nicer, more contstructive criticizing members...




dude, it sucks. we cant construct anything, it just plain sucks. get over it, and CRIT isnt meant to be nice fool. it tells u whats wrong with it.

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what do you expect us to say? and if u dont want ppl to crit crap work, like that sure as hell is, your in the wrong place.




i really dislike u. ur cocky, and ur throwing peoples comments back in their face. im gonna go back to what nadril said... WHERE THE HELL IS THE FUNNY!?




and EVERYBODY FLAMES? i might have to quote that from ur 2nd post. only nadril had posted. raincheck, nadril isnt the only person on the board? kkthxbai




My first ever. You can't blame me. I think it's cool, and thats all that matters. Forget you guys. Tip.It needs to find nicer, more contstructive criticizing members...




dude, it sucks. we cant construct anything, it just plain sucks. get over it, and CRIT isnt meant to be nice fool. it tells u whats wrong with it.


















(I don't care.)

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haha noones ever used micheal jackson in a joke before nope never your the first its simply genius its gonna be a thing now y'know everyones gonna start copying you but we'll know hey this was the guy this guy right here the guy.




honestly not funny no quality whatsoever not worthy of anyones eyes. may god have mercy on your soul.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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what do you expect us to say? and if u dont want ppl to crit crap work, like that sure as hell is, your in the wrong place.




i really dislike u. ur cocky, and ur throwing peoples comments back in their face. im gonna go back to what nadril said... WHERE THE HELL IS THE FUNNY!?




and EVERYBODY FLAMES? i might have to quote that from ur 2nd post. only nadril had posted. raincheck, nadril isnt the only person on the board? kkthxbai




My first ever. You can't blame me. I think it's cool, and thats all that matters. Forget you guys. Tip.It needs to find nicer, more contstructive criticizing members...




dude, it sucks. we cant construct anything, it just plain sucks. get over it, and CRIT isnt meant to be nice fool. it tells u whats wrong with it.


















(I don't care.)






im sorry but i just had to say that.

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we cant construct anything




And by the looks of it, neither can he.... <.<


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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what do you expect us to say? and if u dont want ppl to crit crap work, like that sure as hell is, your in the wrong place.




i really dislike u. ur cocky, and ur throwing peoples comments back in their face. im gonna go back to what nadril said... WHERE THE HELL IS THE FUNNY!?




and EVERYBODY FLAMES? i might have to quote that from ur 2nd post. only nadril had posted. raincheck, nadril isnt the only person on the board? kkthxbai




My first ever. You can't blame me. I think it's cool, and thats all that matters. Forget you guys. Tip.It needs to find nicer, more contstructive criticizing members...




dude, it sucks. we cant construct anything, it just plain sucks. get over it, and CRIT isnt meant to be nice fool. it tells u whats wrong with it.


















(I don't care.)






im sorry but i just had to say that.


If you don't care then why would you make a topic asking for people's opinions?! There's really no point in having this topic, is there?




Here's what I have to say: You told on old, tired joke that got no laughs. You wrote it in blue on a kind of RS-like background but rather than using a transparent background behind the text, you used an off colored one that made it look worse. The text and environment only very vaguely reminds us of RS, try checking out what it's supposed to look like and aim for that, eh? That's the idea most people try out when they post their first.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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Guest IdiotElzar





Not funny.


Micheal jackson is OLD. P hats are a true sign of nerdery.


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