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Col is leaving da scene! check the last one out.


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I made this for her contest and got tied for victory. I went for something a litle bit different from my brushing stuff. Sharper edges, more vector kind of look. Would like your thoughts on it.




















the woman is from this stock photo









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I know this sounds dumb but what does IMO stand for?








In My Opinion ;).








I love that sig man.. lol wish I could brush up something like that. Maybe the background could use a little change (dont know how) but right now its fine how it is.








9.5/10 :).

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And btw... My studies started today at technical university. I'm moving to a new place during the next couple of days. The new apartment hasn't got an internet connection atm. So this will be my little "fare well" piece for you guys :wink: . After I get things working out there I will come back, but as my vacation is finally over (haven't had school in 6 months now (been working/had "a-level" kind of exams)) I won't have too much time to create my master pieces (a lil humor....i suck :wink:). So, see you later!








Hopefully pixel craze is by then finally over (it's ending already!!) and my style of sigs sell like ...erm...coke in desert? :roll:

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And btw... My studies started today at technical university. I'm moving to a new place during the next couple of days. The new apartment hasn't got an internet connection atm. So this will be my little "fare well" piece for you guys :wink: . After I get things working out there I will come back, but as my vacation is finally over (haven't had school in 6 months now (been working/had "a-level" kind of exams)) I won't have too much time to create my master pieces (a lil humor....i suck :wink:). So, see you later!








Hopefully pixel craze is by then finally over (it's ending already!!) and my style of sigs sell like ...erm...coke in desert? :roll:








we'll miss you and i think everyone will good luck at the technical university :(

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