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Way to get into Canifis without doing Preist in Peril!


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There is a way to get into Canifis without doing Preist of Peril! If you have 65+ agility, go to the east of the temple that has the the Zamorak monks in it. It is the temple in the quest. To the south-east of that, there is a broken railing of fence. It reads: 'Squeeze through ornate railing'. I don't know if this has been known, but I just wanted to share :D






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There's a fairy code that tele's you to just near the mushroom patch. You need to have done FT-II tho. And I don't know where it will take you if you haven't done PiP.




The code is CKS




edit- made a mistake sorry

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There's a fairy code that tele's you to just near the mushroom patch. You need to have done FT-II tho. And I don't know where it will take you if you haven't done PiP.




The code is CKS




House Canafis teleport? (H) Does that even work?


I didn't even know there was a house canifis teleport...I'm pretty sure there's not.




There is a canifis house teleport, i have it <.<



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