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what caused the price of rares to rise so quickly?


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although this is off topic, i want to reply to your msg






its basically personal opinion whether or not it is cool :P





If you say it looks cool, get out your rubber chicken, full mime/full lederhosen/full camo/full frog/full dragon etc etc.





not many people play that long to have rubber chicken, but i do agree it is cool : )... , full mime/full lederhosen/full camo/full frog/ too many people has it, even macroers :P




and not all people are members, so full dragon wont work too :P




those color paper... does not only show sign of wealth, but also show sign of how long u work and how hard u work to get it... mostly to show ur effort u work.. beside,blue phat may not be cool, but a white and purple phat looks really cool :P,, at least thats personal opinion

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The way I see it, rares are useless


I invested about an original 16mil into rares. I now have over a one billion net worth. Don't tell me they're useless.

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well its bcuz there are less and less rares probly everyday due to ppl dieing with wearing a rare (kinda dumb but just a guess) or possibly ppl who had rares quit the game and their rare is stuck in their bank forever




that is just a couple of guesses


Seling 45548 Airs PM if u want to buy some!

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well its bcuz there are less and less rares probly everyday due to ppl dieing with wearing a rare (kinda dumb but just a guess) or possibly ppl who had rares quit the game and their rare is stuck in their bank forever




that is just a couple of guesses


Guesses that have already been said plenty of times in this thread. While technically yes, that will lower supply, the reduction of the amount of in-game rares really doesn't effect their prices as much as people think. It's mostly rares that are out of circulation that does supply wise, but moreso than that is due to inflation most significantly.

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I personally have a load of rares not because I worked for them, but simply because I was around when they were dropped.




So even though these days any merchant who's been playing for a month has one, for some of us, it's a small symbol of how long we've been playing and what we have to show for it.




I don't plan on selling my rares either. I actually give them away for various things, i.e. p-hat set for my friend as a wedding present.




P.S. It was a real life wedding, but that wasn't the only thing I gave him. I'm not a cheap s.o.b. friend. :P

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The cause for the recent jump in rares posted prior to me.




Supply and Demand buddy.. the supply doesn't increase and the demand does.

If anything the supply drops.




Yep, people quitting, getting banned, etc. make party hats' numbers to go down.




Awesome for people who do have party hats though :-w




i say from experience, yes it is

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I agree with the person that said rares are useless. In time, they will be unaffordable to anyone who doesn't already have one. Bascially, it would end up as people trading amongst themselves for whatever theyre looking for in other rares. I say the best time to sell rares is now, when prices are still high and demand is still there.

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I agree with the person that said rares are useless. In time, they will be unaffordable to anyone who doesn't already have one. Bascially, it would end up as people trading amongst themselves for whatever theyre looking for in other rares. I say the best time to sell rares is now, when prices are still high and demand is still there.


If nobody could afford a rare the rare wouldn't be at that price. They follow demand and if peopel weren't paying and sellers wanted them sold, they'd lower their prices. Party hats have almost exactly followed the gp inflation rates and there's no reason they'd separate from each other. Even if you were only trading with fellow party hat owners they're still customers, and you'd still sell your hat. Your claim that party hats are useless is ridiculous because they are not. I mean that's like saying investing in a stock that's guaranteed to go up 10x per year wouldn't be recommended. Your whole reason to why rares are supposively useless is based on a nonexistant future, voiding your whole argument. Come back with another reason to why rares are useless *now.*

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as more and more money is put into the game by the day, the more the prices will rise and as long as there are people willing to pay hundreds of millions, then the prices will continue to rise. the sellers aren't to blame for the prices because people will pay what the seller is selling for




what most people don't understand is phats aren't just for show. most people that can't afford them just say "they are trying to show off" or "they waste months saving up for phats"


i don't see that as the case. phats = money maker


you take "TIME" to raise money buy the phat just like you take "TIME" to get to 85 slayer. takes a few months to get to 85 slayer just like it takes a few months to get 85 mining or 91 runecrafting and for what?


to make money of course. would you criticize someone for using up alot of time to get to 91 runecrafting?






i bought 2 phat sets last year for around 300M ea, only have a blue and a red left but thats still more money than i paid :roll:




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Solution: Make them untradeable. That way no one cares about how high they can go.


Solution: There is no solution, since there is no problem.




Agreed. Nothing is wrong with party hats (or any other expensive rare item). Making them untradable would buy Jagex in my opinion. Thousands of enraged players would... well, who knows what they'd do if Jagex up and made rares untradable.




But that isn't the topic. There are a lot of factors that play into the prices of rares:




- More people are playing Runescape every day.


- More people are wanting a rare item. For various reasons of course (to look rich, to invest in them, ect.). The more people want them, the more people are willing to pay.


- General influxtion. The longer these rare items are on the market the more they are going to gradually rise.




Even more reasons come into play. I highly suggest reading Duke Freedoms article about it.

RS Name: Zibl || Click Signature for my RS Life Story!


[ 87 Combat ] [ 1240 Total ] [ Ex-RSC Professional Merchant ]

12.20.01 - 10.5.05 || Status: Retired

Total losses in 5 years = just over 630 million gp (BILLIONS in today's prices)

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It's nothing to worry about really. People shouldn't get all heated up and stuff over these rares.




I know where the original poster is coming from though, I had the exact same reaction, having quit when phats were 10-15 mil then when I came back they were over 50m. Shocking, but really worrisome.

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Rares are not useless. This is a fact, not an oppinion.






^^ I think you meant to say "Saying rares are useless is an OPINION, not a fact."




Rares are useless.




useÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷less ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ysls)




Being or having no beneficial use; futile or ineffective.


Incapable of functioning or assisting; ineffectual: He panics easily and is useless in an emergency. See Synonyms at futile.




What is the gameplay benefit of owning a blue phat? It sends up a wall of blue flame for 5 squares in all directions, making you impossible to be hit by a melee attack? Can your yellow phat pass as a Crown in which you can impress King Roald and get the shield of arrav from him instead of doing the quest?








Can you take your santa hat off and fling it at a player boomerang style and inflict poison plus half their HP in damage?








Does a Hallowe'en Mask actually DO anything? Does it do tricks? Does it make you ACTUALLY scarier to the point where an NPC won't attack you? Can you get 85 slayer solely through the use of a Hallowe'en Mask?








When you are out in the wildy getting PK'ed, does your Christmas Cracker come to life and explode dealing Holiday damage to all players not carrying a rare? Can you cut a tree with a Christmas Cracker?








Are Easter Eggs and Pumpkins usable to be weaponized? Can you pick them up and hurl them at people? Are they that easy to confuse with mud pies?










Rares can make a man money, but you zubedoo, will not be saved by a rare if I sart swinging my R2H at you and hitting 21's.




I think it is safe to assume that I have proven rares to be useless at skilling, at PKing, fighting NPC's, and finishing quests. For these reasons, rares are useless. Sure they make you money, but how is 2.4 bill in rares useful to a man that no wants to buy and can't be used to help him finish that quest or vanquish that clan of PK'ers in the wild?




Point made. Thank you.


Wow...I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.
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notice it only people with party hats that are saying there isn't a problem... rares suck i would know.. my accounts had enough of emm

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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I got santa, and am working on getting pumpkin.




I need money to afford a few thousand b bones. 8-)




No other comments?


Wow...I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.
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It's been days since Zubedoo said anything to refute my claim that rares are useless. Am I to assume there is nothing to be said, and that I WAS right?


Wow...I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.
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It's been days since Zubedoo said anything to refute my claim that rares are useless. Am I to assume there is nothing to be said, and that I WAS right?
Mymymy, aren't we arrogant? Honestly I'd forgotten about this thread. For future reference, if I don't post anything whil arguing in a thread outside the rants forum, I've forgotten about it, so just pm me and we can continue our disscussion.






Anyway, I've said this before (though not in this thread) and I'll say it again:


Runescape revolves around 2 main themes:Combat and money. You can trace almost any skill (exept maybe firemaking) to both of these things.




Rares get you rich. I bought a green mask a few months ago for 9million, they're now worth 20million. Long term investors can USE rares to earn them million and millions of gp.




*gasp* but that means...that they have a use!


There ya go. Argument rebutted

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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Guest TaDaraCampbell
Constrion is sort of the reason too. People where selling rares cheap to do the skill. When merchanters relized rares where cheap they started buying them all up, more demand than supply=huge increase


not quite, yes the demand did increase, but the supply did aswell, so in the end they basically equalize each other, but the fact that the prices still went up leads me to only assume either no one quite payed attention, they were bought up fast enough and are being released slow enough that it still rises, or people were selling , such as, a blue phat for a yellow + X-mil so the rares were still being tooken out while also being introduced.

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