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Post Office


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I don't really know much about making a game but I do have a suggestion for runescape. It's very boring to wait hours so a friend of you can give you something. Wouldn't it be easy to have a post office that you can send stuff to an other account without him or her have to be online? I hope it is easy to make or something but it's just a suggestion...

As the light faded and the night came, chaos ruled the world...

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I don't really know much about making a game but I do have a suggestion for runescape. It's very boring to wait hours so a friend of you can give you something. Wouldn't it be easy to have a post office that you can send stuff to an other account without him or her have to be online? I hope it is easy to make or something but it's just a suggestion...




In the way you would use it...I would like it. Also, make special ones with special boxes for Valentines, Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, etc. where people like Cupid, Santa, a Pilgrim, or Uncle Sam deliver it to you. It could be OK and funny.


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This would make it very easy to transfer items between acounts. Sorry, no.


Then implement a fee system so that anyone tempted to abuse the post office would lose money to transfer items, and friends can still send each other stuff.


Obviously a flat fee would be useless and unfair, so the shipping fee would be relative to the items store worth; maybe 10 or 15% of the item's worth (the percentage would count against the entire worth of a stack of items. e.g. the shipping fee for 2 Law Runes would be less than the fee for 100 Laws.) That way, if a you want to give a friend a R2H for their birthday, you still could, but someone wanting to send some treasure trails armor to their f2p character would lose money to do so.


The only real drawback I can see would be for "famous" characters like Zezima; they'd have to spend hours either accepting or rejecting useless gifts from literally thousands of morons trying to ingratiate themselves with their "heroes".


It is a good idea, but the potential for abuse makes in infeasible to implement into the game.


Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I don't think that you should be able to send items via this "Post Office" but you should be able to send messages. This has been long suggested by players on the official forums. I don't know why Jagex hasn't implemented it yet.

If you love someone, set them free. But if they come back, set them on fire.

-George Carlin

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Hmm.. this actually would be relatively useful and probably not that hard to do. You could even perhaps be able to send to multiple people (selectable from a list of your friends). There would have to be a flat fee of 1k or so. It could be used to send birthday wishes, party invitations, thank you messages, or things of the sort.




I'd have to agree that items shouldn't be able to be sent, though. A proportional fee, as suggested, wouldn't deter rich peeps from transferring to their noobs.

Slayer500 / 23M+ Prayer XP / 126 Combat in Spring '06

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I don't believe that you should be able to transmit items from account to account when one is offline. Lots of reasons, not just trading between your own accounts, but issues like bank-space, inventory space, inactivity, etc, makes it unreasonable.




I don't know why Jagex hasn't implemented it yet.




Mainly, I'd say the reason is two-fold:




1. Storage space. Email databases are huge, and I think with such an in-game email system, the storage requirements would be exponential.




2. Security. It's enough to have to censor inappropriate language in the chat filter, the problem would be compounded in an email process. Along with this, there would be no moderator "oversight" ensuring that people behave. You think spam is bad in real life? I can only imagine what it would be like in RS!




As for actually doing it, there would have to be real strict rules and processes to keep it from being abused and to minimize storage requirements. Here's how I'd suggest it be done:






1. Each player is only allowed to have 5 messages "in transit" at one time, and no more than one to a specific player.


2. Each message is limited to 255 characters.


3. Each message text is subject to the in-game chat filter.


4. You may delete an undelivered message to make room to send a different message or to free up room to send another mesasge.






1. Once you've read a message, it is automatically deleted (unless)


2. If you have received an offensive message, you have the option to hit a report button which will submit the message to Jagex for review.


3. You have the ability to block senders. (Basically, anyone on your ignore list cannot send you a message, and if you have your inbox set to friends only, then only friends can send you message)


4. If you report a message, that sender is automatically put on your blocked senders list, and cannot be removed until after Jagex has dealt with the report (up to 7 days).






1. In order to send and receive messages, you must use a "post box". Post boxes are located at various locations throughout Runescape, and you have the option of adding one to your house.


2. To send a message, the cost is 100 coins per letter, plus 1k for transmittal fee. Receiving messages don't cost anything.


3. There is no refund for a yanked or undelivered letter.




A final note: if you have sent an email that has been reported, you will be unable to send or receive email until the report has been adjudicated. If you report an email and have done so only to "lock up" the other player (i.e. the email does not break any rules), your email priviledge may be disabled or restricted.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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They could do coded masege. Like drop down menu with some options, hour date and rsn.


Like you get.


I will be in game at 12h 12.4.2004 to XXX




I would only get that option to frend list, so there would not be spaming




and for code you only need show mesege 1, 2... date.




So we can know when we are in game. I realy have problems with frends that rerly play. So that he or me could inform when he will be on.


And mesege could disapere after the inform date.


Taht is simple and useful for frendship.




There could be some more lins so that it keep simple. And you could look at info at start list. And there should be some limit like 10 or 5 meseges and also max 5 displayed on that screen and like more on forum. And like time limit to 1 month in forward. So that there won't be spam.

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