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Tip.It Times Presents: Preaching to the Choir


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These are people who have little or no responsibility and don't take responsibility seriously. They lack integrity and have the mistaken belief that they are the centre of the world.




So, so true. You can even tell by the way they sometimes demand things. Still, they annoy me so much when they come by saying things like 'need food' or 'need money'... as if we should all rush to their aid.


I'd love to make a tip of the day of my own, saying 'WE DON'T CARE' for those people. :lol:

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Ok this is the first time i have ever posted on a fan site fourm! How lucky are you!?








alot of the problem lies with jagex, years ago (befor i had started to play) jagex made news posts about "whats going on in the office" and how the team are, and with this much smaller comunity scamming (i am lead to belive) was a much rarer occurance, today unless you happen to be a fourm mod, and have access to the Mod center, there is no communication from jagex, apart from Ash, Greg, Mark, and occasionally paul who will somtimes talk to player on the official fourms,




this lack of comunication has lead the game to being driven blind, players feel able to scam, 'hack', and cheat, as the game does not feel like some1's project of property anymore, It has lost its 'human' face.






there are in my opinion a few thing jagex can to to supress the issue.




#1~ talk to us, its not hard, and sure it wont seem prefessional, but like in real life, its much harder to hurt someone you know




#2~ give the Player Mods more power, they are trusted players and can realy help, sure they can mute players, but why cant they stop them for trading, sort of a temporary "trade ban", of course players reported by mods with a trade ban put on the player, would have to take priority in the running order of reports to be looked at by the snap shot team, so any mistake can be lifted quickly. but being stoped from trading for 1, 2 day or even forever would masivly reduce the amount of people who scam.




but its even better that that!! when a player is permantly muted, they will sometimes make a new account, but with all there work sitting there they are less enclined to make a new thro away account.

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I think that you are sad, sad in the fact that you say these things, having a shot at these particular people and specifically ask for no retaliation, you call them childish while hiding behind your stolen words and internet avatar.




You again say that you do not agree with the stereotype of these people having no life and living in darkness, yet you attack them for having no role model or an example to follow.




Then you try to categorize them with your emotional speech about there lifestyle based only on the way they act on runescape; on the internet I attack people for being idiots, that does not mean I would do that in real life. You of all people should understand that everyone has alter egos or personalityÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s when they are on the internet.




I can see why you arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t the assigned writer, I think we all, and tip it have learned from this experience and I would recommend not allowing your writer to be replace by net bugs like this poor fellow






This post of your makes me laugh, but it also makes me very concerned. Let me see if I can explain why...




1. Asking for no retaliation: How do you mean? By the mere fact that I submitted this article and placed myself on the public forum, and the fact that you have posted in this thread says that I wasn't worried about retaliation. In fact, I encourage it in terms of positive, construction discussion. You are free to write your own counterpoint article and submit it to the editor and have it published, just like I did.




2. Attacking for no role model: Here you misread me. I don't attack. Rather, I try (and try very hard) to understand. I don't criticize a person for having no oversight or limits in their lives, rather, I criticize their actions and behavior.




3. Alter egos: This comment of your almost creeps me out. Are you saying that it is ok to behave inappropriately in an online community/game because it's a role-playing game? Yet, just a moment ago you accused me of hiding behind my internet avatar. Your logic escapes me.




4. Assigned writer: I'm not sure what that means. Nearly a year ago, one of the Tip.It editors invited me to write an article for Tip.It times. I wrote an article - a whimsical piece about the word "noob" and my experiences with it. It received positive feedback and the editors asked if I was willing to write more articles. I was like, "sure!" then I had some real-life issues to deal with (I lost my job, went thru a period of unemployment, got a job, lost it, more unemployment, now back to work in a steady job that is a good fit for my personality and skills). Anyway, I was silent for a long time but I kept seeing people posting threads here in the forum about their experience with scammers and hackers and such. I got so fed up with it I felt it was time to write a hard-hitting article that would debunk some of the myths about internet users and reveal some of the truths I've learned in my life about people. I don't claim that my article is gospel truth. I make it clear on the outset that these are my opinions and observations. Am I an "assigned" writer? No. I'm a contributor. Just like you and just like the hundred thousand other people who visit and post here in the Tip.It forum every day.




Now, a little more on the overall jist of your comments. Jagex makes it very clear in their rules that certain types of behavior within Runescape isn't acceptable, and they will use whatever means they have available to them to prevent, police, and eliminate such behaviors. Unfortunately, there exists a small percentage of individuals who, for whatever reason, seek to circumvent these measures. It is my sincere hope that you are not one of these individuals. However, your post (which I notice is the first post you've ever made here in this forum) suggests that you might be.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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"I think that their behaviour in-game is a microcosm of their real life. These are people who have little or no responsibility and don't take responsibility seriously. They lack integrity and have the mistaken belief that they are the centre of the world."




This mendacious piece of melodramatic tripe, spoils what was an otherwise informative and inciteful little article, spare us your pre-psych classes... :boohoo:




However, the section of guidelines was terriffic, I hope some of RS's younger (and older!) players have been casting a keen eye over this!

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i m beggining to think that tip.it is running out of topics and i used to think this was better than any fan site lol but u tip it gotta improve in everything like the high alchemy calculator and be more descrpsitve in maps, and most of all dun say other requirements in a quest just put them all up [[/url]

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Please define scamming.




IMO, scamming = account stealing and other forms of rs property theft.


Which, in turn is quite easy to avoid, with proper vigilance.


The usual, don't share accounts, passwords, items. Be sure in trades. Don't download malicious softwares should keep your account safe. In other words DON'T BE STUPID. Practice proper security! Play by the rules, and you'll be safe. Jagex has tried so extreamly hard to help people understand and practice good security. Read the guides and rules, play be them. I don't see why you'll get scammed.




Why is this a big issue? Often I've seen people advertising their misfortune and stupidity by the usual screaming of "I've Been HACKED, or KEYLOGGED". Most people play the at home and seldom do they share the account/computer(since the rules say no account sharing), but why people still end up having thier account stolen and worst of all by friends or family. I JUST DON'T GET IT! I don't find it difficult to keep my account safe, but why these victims of scams, find it hard? :-s


Are the common folks illiterate of computers and computer security?? #-o #-o




Furthermore, please try not to tell everyone publically that you got scammed/hacked or stuff like that. Why burden others with your own problems, are you so weak as to beg for pity from others. Often in life, you dig your own grave. Youself and only youself are to blame for the little misfortunes that befall you. If yourself has been more careful, I believe that you can avoid being scammed. Telling everyone you got scammed is like "telling the world that you are stupid, hence someone stole your stuff, hence the world owes you a living, hence they should fix your problem by donating stuff to you."


Well it is ok to tell friends that you got hacked so that they understand your situation and hopefully compassionate enough to help if they can so just to establish an understanding that you are broke for the moment.




The world don't owe anyone a living. Everyone must fight for their rights and must work to survive. To live is to fight. Many people are lazy, they want nice things but they don't want to work for it, hence people will try to con you, steal from you, you just have to be on your toes to be safe.




So I beg you all. Please have some sense. Many of you are nice people. I've met some of them myself, but that doesn't mean you should borrow your whip to some guy you never met or remember and expect him to return it.For goodness sake, THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! For every action will have a reaction.




Ragnar321: Alter ego? So you think it is ok, for people be behave maliciously just coz they are online? You think it is ok to steal and hurt others just as long as you do it online? Online or not, we must strive to be a loving community. Scammers are not role s because they hurt others, wherether they do it online or not it doesn't matter.

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Are you running for office? If so, can I vote for you?




Thank you for your comments. You said some of the things I really didn't want to say in the public article.




It's one thing to be stupid, it's another to open your mouth and shout it to the world... lol




One more thing - it isn't so much that I want a "loving" community. I don't have the right kind of boots for that. Be a respectful community would be awesome.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Well, I have to say that this is one of the best guides to anti-scam meathods I've seen out there. Very good marks from me. :)




Don't #4 is a very important one. In fact, it lessens your chance of becoming a p-mod, because a few seconds of the conversation after the report between you and the reported person is also recorded and sent in. So, be careful what you say. Now, you're definatly not going to be banned for shouting "Reported!", but you may recieve a warning. And if you do it to the point where you're encouraging others to report him, that's a breach of the rules. So, try not to brag. You may have done a very good deed, and you should be proud of that, but the scammer need not see it.




Also, Don't #2 is a large one as well. Baiting scammers is a bad idea; when setting someone else on fire, there's a good chance that you'll both be burnt. Even us p-mods are not supposerd to 'investigate' much at all, simply report what we see. There's a fine line between learning enough information to have a good, solid report, and in creating an elaborate frame that is easily walked into by an innocent person. Erring on the side of caution is best when it comes to most things, especially things like this.

Obtained quest cape and base 92 before obtaining any 99s! Currently finishing out my 99s with the (long-distant) goal of comp cape.


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Please define scamming.




IMO, scamming = account stealing and other forms of rs property theft.




There's a big difference between 'scamming' and 'hacking' and their definitions though.




In online games, scamming usually means "cheating someone out of their possesions" within the world.




Hacking is using things like keyloggers, trojans, whatever, to steal passwords / accounts. Point is that the whole thing of keylogging someone is already a crime.




The article you referred to writes only about 'hacking', which, like I said, is already against law anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'scamming' itself became against real law in the (far) future as well though. Would be a good thing.

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I Do see 1 flaw in this article, the 7th Do, how cna you inform new players about sites like this on rs it is illegal.




Not true... Go back and read one of my posts on the first page of this thread where I quote from Jagex their position on fan sites. It's illegal to "say" a web address, and it is illegal to openly(publicly) advertise and promote a web site. Other than that, you can talk about fan sites in RS to your friends all you want.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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