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Why RuneScape is the matrix..


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You're right in some regards. But we know that the pixels aren't real. But a lot of things in our life aren't real and they're valued even higher. Real life moeny can be compared to runescape pixels. They're both valued over an electronic medium, and don't have much of a backup. Some paypal money you have isn't worth anything itself - it's the time behind it that has value, just like runescape items. They're both intangible but both have value.


The way I see it, playing runescape is like watching a movie in a theatre. You don't own the movie you're watching, but in your current reality things are enjoyable. Sure you're not making an efficient use of your time in both cases, but you're enjoying yourself and in some way stimulating your mind (well, only to a degree in some cases).


While yes, runescape is a waste of time if you analyze it like that, but that doesn't stop it from being fun. Even if your character isn't owned by you and if it can be taken away at any moment, you're still enjoying the moments you have with it. That's like saying that since you'll die some day (analagous to your life being taken away from you) there's no use living it. While that's somewhat of an exxageration, hopefully my other points make sense to you.

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Similar to what Adam007 said, though I wouldnt say anything is a waste of time if you enjoy doing it. No matter what you do, there is always something else that you could be doing. Furthermore, who is to say what one considers ' productive'. If someone can relax by just moving around in your so called 'fake' world and forgetting about their ' real world' troubles, why should anyone stop them?




Adam007's comparisons to watching movies and the part about living even though you know you will die in the end are very powerful. It examines the facts that life is about choices, and you just have to make them. Anyone can choose to leave runescape and do something else, its just that runescape is there, and I suppose as part of one's life. This also isn't a runescape specific point. Any game is just a game. Be it pixels or real life. Its purpose it to supply enjoyment to thoes who play it, and if it succeds in that why should a stop be put to it.

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ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅDo not try to pick 1.5 million cabbages. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.




What truth?




There is no cabbage.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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