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Funniest Way You Have Broken A Bone??


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Alright.. This is going to sound really stupid but this just happened to me so this is why I am posting this Topic.




I got up from watching T.V and decided that I was hungry. I walk out to the Kitchen and open up the cupboards and look for something to snack on. It seems there was nothing really good in there but then my eye catches the last can of vegtable soup.




It looked lonely so I decided to end it misery by eating that poor last can of soup.. Well little did I know that im not very good at holding on to something and well as I was getting the can opener out.. I dropped the can of soup on my pinky toe.




I just got back from the docters and it's broken :wall:




Post some of the ways you've broken a bone and thought it was funny how it happened.




By the way this wasen't A normal sized can of soup. It was a fairly big can and dam did it ever hurt. :cry:


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I broke my ankle once jumping into a pile of leaves on uneven ground...the funny part is that I was 13 at the time :shock:




I've also had my toe broken by an errant kick during soccer, and cracked a couple ribs against my steering wheel hydroplaning into the back of an Expedition. *sniff* Poor little Tercel...never stood a chance. The Expedition drove away missing a few paint chips, while I was left with a totalled heap of metal, a very sore chest (I'm rather on the busty side), a couple cracked ribs, a towing bill and a ticket :XD: ...and then the insurance rate hiked. Not one of my better days.

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite.

~Sam Levenson

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Ouch.. That would hurt :o






I've also broken my wrist racing my best friend across a gym. I was running so fast that when I stopped up against the wall I broke my wrist.




Having a broken wrist is not fun to anyone who has never had one.. Believe me it isn't that best way to start off a school year :oops:


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Well, I broke my right leg playing soccer, when I was 12.




We were playing a normal game of soccer, when the goal tender throws the ball in the air. Naturally, you'd think somebody would headbutt it, yet he tries to kick it.. He kicked me right in the shin. I fell to the ground on my leg.. OW! #-o .




Well, I was in a cast for 2 months. God, crutches(SP) hurt. :cry:

The optimal.

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I had a friend who dropped a can on her pinky toe and broke it as well.




I also think that I cracked a few ribs today. A friend of mine and I were driving in another city (where my boyfriend now goes to college. We were going to visit him). We were on our way home when an 18-wheeled truck carrying a load of huge metal pipes passed in front of us. I had just unbuckled my seatbelt to reach into the back seat to grab something (my friend drives an SUV). When the load of pipes on the truck in front of us came undone. My friend screamed and threw on the brakes, sending me flying past two rows of seats and hitting the back window. I'm so thankful that I didn't hit my head. #-o Just my left shoulder and ribs.

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Well this hasn't happend to me but my friend. I think i was 9 or 10 and ... The newest pokemon game came out ( Silver if i remember correctly) and me and my friend tried catching this one pokemon. Well she pushed down on the buttons alittle too fast and sprained her thumb. It wasn't funny before but know that I think about it, it kinda is, lol. :lol:

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I had a friend who dropped a can on her pinky toe and broke it as well.




I also think that I cracked a few ribs today. A friend of mine and I were driving in another city (where my boyfriend now goes to college. We were going to visit him). We were on our way home when an 18-wheeled truck carrying a load of huge metal pipes passed in front of us. I had just unbuckled my seatbelt to reach into the back seat to grab something (my friend drives an SUV). When the load of pipes on the truck in front of us came undone. My friend screamed and threw on the brakes, sending me flying past two rows of seats and hitting the back window. I'm so thankful that I didn't hit my head. #-o Just my left shoulder and ribs.






That sound horibble, Im glad your ok :)




Geez.. Im bad on a bike.. I wonder what im going to be like in a car :ohnoes:


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That sound horibble, Im glad your ok :)




Geez.. Im bad on a bike.. I wonder what im going to be like in a car :ohnoes:




Yeah. I've had quite the eventful day. But, I'm fine now.




When it comes to a car, practice makes perfect. :P I'm a bad driver myself. :(

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My sisters Boyfriend drives a Kawasaki Ninja ZZ 600R and totaled it.




He was going through an intersectiona nd a car pulled out in front of him. He hit the car going about 70 Mph. He took the whole back right tire off the car and his helmet broke back window of the car he hit.




He broke his wrist and was really sore from where his lower body hit the bottom of the tank. The women who owned the car also had no insurence on her car so that wasn't good. I have picture of the Bike I think.. Let me see if I can find them.




Edit: I guess I dont :( I'll have to get him to send the pictures of his bike after the wreck to me and I'll try to post them


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I've only broken my little toe (and someone elses collar bone but yeah :P) I stubbed it on the door when I was going to get cake or something and it bent right out sideways :lol: But then couple days later I was outside with no shoes on and I went through a wire fence and my toe got caught on the bottom wire which hurt like hell #-o

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Franky I've done that before only my it was on my bed. My bed is up on wheels for easy movment and I caught my toe on one of the wheels.. Thats not the broken bone to this story either. :P




The broken bone follows after I stub my toe and fall flat on my face to end up breaking my cheek bone #-o




Wow talking about all this really makes me look back and think.. "What the hell was I thinking?" Lol


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Surprisingly I actually have a story in response to this thread :lol: :




Okay, back when I lived in Albany Georgia my neighbors, the Baswells, had a trampoline in thei backyard that me, my sister liked to play on with them (we were maybe 6 or so at the time). We had this one game where one person would have a water gun, and everyone on the trampoline would try and dodge the water gun shots while in the tramoline.




I had a shot coming right towards me, so I turned my body horizontal to the ground to land on my back to dodge it. As I hit the trampoline, one of the Baswell kids who was next to me was coming down from a jump.




Right over me.




Directly over my right collarbone.




Ya, it hurt :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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In gym we were jumping over a horse and I forgot to let go of the handles of the horse as I landed on the mat, long story short the horse flipped over and followed me down and I cracked two ribs and got concussion, Kinda embarassing :oops:

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I actually had a near death experience trying to Rollerblade :P Was totally going for it on the halfpipe and got caught on the Coping, and fell all the way down on my chest, broken :shock: Out for 3 months, I guess I'll stick with skateboarding :lol:

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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I've never broken a bone, but I almost broke my nose once...




I was lying in a bed which conne... hang on, a picture is required.








... I'm sure we can bend the no-real-life-pictures rule just a little bit here...




Anyway, I was lying in this bed, set into the wall of the room, as shown. When I woke up, I shook myself in such a way as to -- unintentionally, I must add -- hit the bridge of my nose sharply against the corner of the wall with the door on it. I have no idea why I did that.

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I had a friend who dropped a can on her pinky toe and broke it as well.




I also think that I cracked a few ribs today. A friend of mine and I were driving in another city (where my boyfriend now goes to college. We were going to visit him). We were on our way home when an 18-wheeled truck carrying a load of huge metal pipes passed in front of us. I had just unbuckled my seatbelt to reach into the back seat to grab something (my friend drives an SUV). When the load of pipes on the truck in front of us came undone. My friend screamed and threw on the brakes, sending me flying past two rows of seats and hitting the back window. I'm so thankful that I didn't hit my head. #-o Just my left shoulder and ribs.




Your story defies the laws of physics...




If your friend slammed on the breaks while going forwards, you would've flown forward and hit the windshield... you wouldn't have flown backwards.





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I've never broken a bone, but I did break an entire tooth last year while playing football (soccer, FYI). It was broken right to the root, and it hurt incredibly much. Imagine the pain you have when you have a hole in your tooth and multiply that by a lot.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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it is funny how i never break bones :D




i just get deep deep cuts once i cut mine thumb half off at school accidentaly :lol:




or that time i got mine smallest finger stuck in some gym tool 1 bone jsut fell out of the wound in it so big was the wound :D




but the alst 1 year i havent had any big accidents

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I have broken a toe, a tooth, and somebody eles collarbone :-w




Toe:The fridge was extremly packed, with things stuffed in there for the party later that night. I opened it up and a jar of applesauce (it was a family size glass jar, unopened, about the size of a football helmet) came falling out and landed on my toe -.- Ouch.




Tooth:I was skiing, and was on the ski lift. I leaned over the bar in front of you, and for no reason my friend opened it very fast and it hit me on the tooth and it broke #-o




Collarbone:I was sledding with a friend, I was 11 or 12 at the time, when we made a jump. We went off the jump, I went way up into the air... and landed on him. :ohnoes: Ooops.

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