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~Runemetsa's free graphics!~ (5 new sig makers!)


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Kind: Sig








Style: Abstract








Size: Sig default 400x125x30kb








Render/Stock picture: Will have to make smaller, and flip it horizontal, then exaggerate it with Photoshop, and fill the entire space with it.








Colors: Colors of the flag.








Text color: White and Red, outlined in black to stand out.








Text: America, Still Better Than Canada








Subtext (Much smaller font size): I think...








Border Black, thin.








Brushes you want to be in the sig:








Font wish: Something nice.


Me doing staff.

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@ Hitmanme, use the other order form.








@ Babybyers, sorry cannot remember your order.








@ Biabf, link says: No image display.








@ Sour Tacos:
































@ Warri0r:




















@ Viktor:















[Star Wreck][PM me][My gallery][DeviantArt][Cool T-shirts!]

[iron Sky - Trailer is now out!]

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Kind: Sig (Maximum tip.it size please)








Style: abstract








Size: sig default 400x125x30kb








Render/Stock picture: http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/9663 ... perya6.jpg




http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... at=0&pos=2




(can it be shrunk down?)








Colors: You choose








B/W? Try and get it to match the picture. Sandy/grass background?








Text color: Black/You choose.








Text: Bia Bf








Subtext: Battlefield Soldier








Border Whatever matchs the pic








Brushes you want to be in the sig: What go with the picture.








Other stuff: PM me if you have any problems.








Font wish: Usual pixel type (Visiter I think?)








Other message: As you can see I have left a lot of things up to you, not too fussed as long as it has a sandy effect... If something I have suggested looks bad and does not match, replace it.

There you go, refilled it out. Sorry for the screw up.
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Reposting my order.




Kind: Sig








Style: Your Choice
















Render/Stock picture: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=78








Colors: Silver/blue/white








B/W? nopee








Text color: Wintery








Text: Snow;HeyOh
















Border default








Brushes you want to be in the sig: default








Other stuff: Thanks! And can you make it winter themed? Thanks!








Font wish:
















Which ever you like best








Other message: Thanks :)



The Carter III

"I can get your brains for a bargain, like I bought it from Target.

Hiphop is my supermarket, shoppin' cart full of fake hiphop artists."

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Kind: Signature








Style: Abstract








Size: Signature default 400x125x30kb








Render/Stock picture:None








Colors: Red, Maroon, White, Black








B/W? (means black and white):No








Text color:You choose








Text: Darthdude








Subtext: Your good but im better








Border: Default(2 pixel black)








Brushes you want to be in the sig: You can put some if they work








Other stuff: I hope this works








Font wish: You choose








Other message:THanks

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@ Babybyers, you can't decide colors.








@ Darthman:




















@ Bia Bf:















[Star Wreck][PM me][My gallery][DeviantArt][Cool T-shirts!]

[iron Sky - Trailer is now out!]

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Guest Cosinus

Kind: Sig




Style: No idea, you choose if you want to, otherwise i'll just pick one. ;)




Size: Default Sig Size




Render/Stock picture: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/di ... ?pos=-8180




B/W? Yes, if it's possible.




Text color: Default




Text: Cosinus




Subtext: Count with Cosinus




Border Default




Brushes you want to be in the sig: Default




Font wish: You choose!

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Sorry, no renders for avatars.








Ah sorry, missunderstood the word Avatar, it's a sig I want of course. :wall:















[Star Wreck][PM me][My gallery][DeviantArt][Cool T-shirts!]

[iron Sky - Trailer is now out!]

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Guest Cosinus



Sorry, no renders for avatars.








Ah sorry, missunderstood the word Avatar, it's a sig I want of course. :wall:




















Really nice, Thanks alot!








Your sinercly,





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Characters: 3




Character's apperance: Character 1: Full Wizzy (G) With WCing Cape,glory, d-axe. Character 2: Full Wizzy (T), with fury and 99 str cape, zammy book, d scim. Character 3: Granite plate, d med, d legs, rune defender, whip, fury, 99 defence cape, rune boots




Background: Can you do like a scenic background trees and suck likeness




Event: Character 1 chopping magic log, Character 2 attacking a Abby Demon, Character 3 attacking Green dragon.




Special details: Can you do like a soft yellow glow around them? if not it's ok




Other: do character 1 in the middle and 2 and 3 either side




Font: Just do Arial Narrow




Text Runescape Buddies For Life




Subtext: W 3 V A L under character 1, wilmott101 under character 2, dolby1520 under character 3

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@ Babybyers, you can't decide colors.








@ Darthman:




















@ Bia Bf:
















Sweet! THANKS Kal!




Characters: 3




Character's apperance: Character 1: Full Wizzy (G) With WCing Cape,glory, d-axe. Character 2: Full Wizzy (T), with fury and 99 str cape, zammy book, d scim. Character 3: Granite plate, d med, d legs, rune defender, whip, fury, 99 defence cape, rune boots




Background: Can you do like a scenic background trees and suck likeness




Event: Character 1 chopping magic log, Character 2 attacking a Abby Demon, Character 3 attacking Green dragon.




Special details: Can you do like a soft yellow glow around them? if not it's ok




Other: do character 1 in the middle and 2 and 3 either side




Font: Just do Arial Narrow




Text Runescape Buddies For Life




Subtext: W 3 V A L under character 1, wilmott101 under character 2, dolby1520 under character 3




Im pretty sure they dont make Pixel sigs anymore.. atleast not Kal anyways

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@ Bia Bf:













WOW, that is so cool, thanks. Just how I wanted it :D
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Okay...So Can I have a sig with the colours you choose, with the rest of that info?




Thanks =D>



The Carter III

"I can get your brains for a bargain, like I bought it from Target.

Hiphop is my supermarket, shoppin' cart full of fake hiphop artists."

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Kind: Avatar




Style: Grunge




Size: Avatar Default




Render/Stock picture: None




Colors: White, Grey,Red




B/W? No




Text color: Default




Text: Darthdude




Subtext: None




Border 2 pix line




Brushes you want to be in the sig: None




Other stuff: <...> Nothing




Font wish: None




Other message: Sorry too bug you again...

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Kind: underbanner








Style: abstract








Size: underbanner default 300x19x10kb








Render/Stock picture: http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2item_id=2547








Colors: Blue








B/W? no








Text color: Whatever looks good








Text: Burnt Shark collecter








Subtext: hitmanme








Border black








Brushes you want to be in the sig: no thanks








Other stuff: nope








Font wish: doesnt matter








Other message: thats it








Kind: signature








Style: abstract








Size: SIgnature size








Render/Stock picture:








Colors: any








B/W? no








Text color: Whatever looks good








Text: Rcer for life








Subtext: hitmanme








Border black








Brushes you want to be in the sig: no thanks








Other stuff: nope








Font wish: doesnt matter








Other message: Can it be a guy with brown hair and a small beard (me) sitting up against a rune crafting alter(prefably nature one) With a dark cav on my had with a pile of runes and pouches next to me an its night

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@ Babybyers, wintery theme with this render?












@ Hitmanme, for underbanner, please find a picture with transparent or one colored background. As the sig, we are not making pixels anymore.








@ Darthman:















[Star Wreck][PM me][My gallery][DeviantArt][Cool T-shirts!]

[iron Sky - Trailer is now out!]

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Render/Stock picture:








Colors:Black and White
















Text color:Default








Text:Pencil Knights








Subtext:Drawing Competition/Drawing Comp.(which 1 fits you best)




Click Here
















Brushes you want to be in the sig:No








Other stuff:when you click on the sig can it go to this link please-http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=4221841#4221841








Font wish:Default








Other message:









Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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Pixeler app, I don't mind if you don't accept








Are you good? I'm decent, I know the techniques.




How much time it takes you to do one sig? 1 hour for smallest - 2 weeks




You like making them? I love to make the sigs




Examples: http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/7676 ... vvyzd6.png




Thats the best that I can find atm




Other message: I Don't Really like rs related, I also agree with the 200 posts + and the idea needing to be good not the typical Own4g3 pk3r! sigs

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@ Lowrider, change the render.








@ DarkKnightRider, sorry cannot make animation.








@TheThingintheCorner, do you have any samples that would be bigger? Something like sigs or collabration pieces?



[Star Wreck][PM me][My gallery][DeviantArt][Cool T-shirts!]

[iron Sky - Trailer is now out!]

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