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quick point about the prayer updates....


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i was thinking, with these new prayers coming out (which will probably be fairly high lvl), a lot of magers and rangers will; want to get their prayer up asap so they can use them....




well wont the price of dragon and big bones rise hugely at least for a bit?




wont this be a great time to buy or collect tonnes of bonnes and get ready for this price [bleep]e?




or am i just crazy?

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there is 3 lvls between every prayer... so... all protection prayers+ are getting 6 x 3 = 18 lvls higher...




verry mutch ppl need to train there pra\yer to 61 or els they wont be abvle to pray again...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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i doubt that they would do anything to shift the existing prayers to a new level, if that happens, there will be a lot, i mean a lot of people flaming jagex about the decision and maybe a large slump in anyone pking or even playing the game for that fact




...but if they have 6 dispersed along 52.. the new prayers would interfere at around


lvl 9


lvl 17


lvl 26


lvl 35


lvl 43


and lvl 52




if they spread them evenly from 8 & 1/3 a level




but: they probably will place them on existing levels(i quoted someone else in this quote, he/she was stating the new prayers would be on existing ones, not new, but as the bts said the names people would assume that the prayers will be newly placed ones)




otherwise: they'll space out the boosting prayers every 6.5 levels




lvl 7


lvl 13


lvl 20


lvl 26


lvl 33


lvl 39


(or, if 7 is too low-remove it and)


{lvl 46}







those are my calculations for the prayers

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What will be even funnier is if people like you post this and therefore everyone thinks this will be "awesome merchanting" causing a mass selling of bones shortly after the update therefore perhaps lowering the price due to stock>demand, or it would be even funnier if the levels were low aswell.


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maybe that was my plan all along? to insight mass bone selling, lowering the price so i can swoop in, grab em all and get 99 prayer!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAH!! :twisted: :twisted:


I guess you planned on looking like an idiot aswell.


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It's in the knowledge base now, none of the current levels for prayers have changed.




The highest new prayers:




Eagle Eye level 45


Increases your Ranged by 15%






Mystic Might level 45


Increases your Magic by 15%

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Too late now :P !


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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